Category:Cambridge Natural History, Molluscs, Brachiopods
Molluscs, Brachiopods (Recent), Brachiopods (Fossil), Volume III of The Cambridge Natural History
Media in category "Cambridge Natural History, Molluscs, Brachiopods"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 351 total.
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The Cambridge natural history (IA cambridgenatural03harm).pdf 902 × 1,535, 574 pages; 46.25 MB
Cirrothauma magna.jpeg 771 × 771; 381 KB
Didacna trigonoides.jpeg 841 × 631; 246 KB
FMIB 48507 Example of the Polyplacophora- Chiton spinosus Brug.jpeg 395 × 526; 62 KB
FMIB 48512 ACommon cockle (cardium edule L).jpeg 517 × 544; 63 KB
FMIB 48512 ACommon cockle (cardium edule L)2-transformed.jpeg 1,727 × 1,727; 1.25 MB
FMIB 48515 Trigonia pectinata Lam, Sydney, NSW.jpeg 299 × 438; 38 KB
FMIB 48517 A, Cerithium columna Sowb (marine).jpeg 824 × 465; 63 KB
FMIB 48521 Two rows of the radula of Littorina littorea L.jpeg 675 × 289; 37 KB
FMIB 48522 Two rows of the radula of Cyclophorus sp, India.jpeg 693 × 324; 38 KB
FMIB 48524 Limax maximus L, PO, pulmonary orifice.jpeg 491 × 333; 25 KB
FMIB 48526 Glandina sowerbyana Pfr (Strebel).jpeg 675 × 246; 15 KB
FMIB 48537 Ephippodonta macdougalii Tate, SAustralia.jpeg 964 × 447; 100 KB
FMIB 48561 Glochidium -.jpeg 815 × 333; 44 KB
FMIB 48563 Aeolis despecta Johnst, British coasts.jpeg 456 × 684; 64 KB
FMIB 48568 Patella vulgata L, seen from the ventral side.jpeg 447 × 517; 66 KB
FMIB 48570 Ampullaria insularum Org.jpeg 359 × 473; 37 KB
FMIB 48571 Valvata ouscubakus Nykk.jpeg 369 × 307; 21 KB
FMIB 48572 Doris (Archidoris) tuberculata L, Britain.jpeg 333 × 456; 42 KB
FMIB 48573 Pleurophyllidia lineata Otto, Mediterranean.jpeg 377 × 525; 50 KB
FMIB 48575 Janella hirudo Fisch.jpeg 245 × 578; 28 KB
FMIB 48576 Limax maximus L; PO, pulmonary orifice.jpeg 465 × 447; 25 KB
FMIB 48577 Cardium edule L.jpeg 684 × 315; 39 KB
FMIB 48579 Solecurtus strigillatus L, Naples.jpeg 299 × 631; 24 KB
FMIB 48582 Four gill filaments of Mytilus, highly magnified.jpeg 290 × 324; 22 KB
FMIB 48589 Idalia leachii A, and H, British seas; br, branchiae.jpeg 719 × 438; 51 KB
FMIB 48591 Limnaea peregra Mull; e,e, eyes; t,t, tentacles (A).jpeg 789 × 263; 29 KB
FMIB 48594 Three stages in the development of the eye of Loligo.jpeg 421 × 509; 45 KB
FMIB 48595 Eye in A, Loligo; B, Helix or Limax; C, Nautilus.jpeg 623 × 359; 43 KB
FMIB 48601 Illustrating the otocyst in A, Anodonia; B, Cyclas.jpeg 815 × 395; 76 KB
FMIB 48606 Nervous system of the Amphimeura -.jpeg 719 × 360; 33 KB
FMIB 48610 Nervous system of pelecypoda.jpeg 386 × 517; 25 KB
FMIB 48611 Nervous system of Cardium edule L.jpeg 842 × 491; 91 KB
FMIB 48612 Jaws of various Polmonata -.jpeg 614 × 623; 78 KB
FMIB 48618 Radula of Bela turricula Mont.jpeg 439 × 641; 37 KB
FMIB 48623 Portion of the radula of Eburna japonica Sowb, China.jpeg 596 × 386; 40 KB
FMIB 48624 Portion of the radula of Murez regius Lam, Panama.jpeg 605 × 254; 27 KB
FMIB 48625 Portion of the radula of Imbricaria marmorata Swains.jpeg 509 × 237; 28 KB
FMIB 48628 Examples of degraded forms of radula -.jpeg 421 × 683; 41 KB
FMIB 48630 Portion of the radula of Cassis sulcosa Born.jpeg 851 × 227; 26 KB
FMIB 48632 Two rows of the radula of Cypraea tigris L.jpeg 561 × 307; 24 KB
FMIB 48633 Portion of the radula of Ianthina communis Lam.jpeg 517 × 307; 30 KB
FMIB 48639 Two teeth from the radula of Aeolis papillosa L.jpeg 780 × 412; 47 KB
FMIB 48640 Radula of Elysia viridis Mont Type (a).jpeg 377 × 298; 12 KB
FMIB 48643 Portion of the radula of Glaudina truncata Gmel.jpeg 640 × 386; 64 KB
FMIB 48648 Alimentary canal of Helix Ospersa L.jpeg 737 × 359; 40 KB
FMIB 48649 Alimentary canal, etc, of Sepia officinalis L.jpeg 403 × 640; 40 KB
FMIB 48650 Gizzart of Scaphander ligarius L.jpeg 377 × 237; 15 KB
FMIB 48652 Ine-sac of Sepia, showing its relation to the rectum.jpeg 307 × 841; 29 KB
FMIB 48659 Anostoma globulosum Lam, Brazil.jpeg 369 × 219; 10 KB
FMIB 48660 Various forms of the internal plate in Capulidae -.jpeg 763 × 368; 53 KB
FMIB 48661 Fulgur perversum L, Florida.jpeg 263 × 386; 20 KB
FMIB 48667 Section of shell of Unio (A).jpeg 631 × 315; 67 KB
FMIB 48668 Sections of shells A, Conus; B, Oliva; C, Cypraea.jpeg 807 × 342; 85 KB
FMIB 48669 Murex tenuispina L, Ceylon.jpeg 421 × 675; 60 KB
FMIB 48670 Neritana longispina Recl, Mauritius.jpeg 289 × 359; 17 KB
FMIB 48677 Three stages in the growth of Cypraea exanthema L.jpeg 491 × 325; 41 KB
FMIB 48678 Development of the byssus-or plug-hole in Animia.jpeg 395 × 307; 11 KB
FMIB 48680 Anal slilt in Pleurotoma.jpeg 228 × 263; 6 KB
FMIB 48681 Solarium perspectivum Lam, from the under side.jpeg 465 × 403; 47 KB
FMIB 48685 Development of the tube in the tuped operculates -.jpeg 894 × 298; 38 KB
FMIB 48686 Eburna spirata Lam, E Indiea.jpeg 272 × 386; 17 KB
FMIB 48687 Various forms of opercula -.jpeg 851 × 368; 82 KB
FMIB 48688 Various forms of opercula.jpeg 859 × 211; 29 KB
FMIB 48689 Left valve of Venus Gnidia L.jpeg 456 × 368; 31 KB
FMIB 48690 Right valve of Lucina tigerina.jpeg 386 × 377; 31 KB
FMIB 48691 Venus subrostrata Lam.jpeg 211 × 307; 15 KB
FMIB 48695 Tridaena scapha Lam (A) ;.jpeg 491 × 473; 57 KB
FMIB 48698 Daudebardia brecipes Fer (A).jpeg 350 × 176; 10 KB
FMIB 48699 Parmacella valenciensii W and R (A).jpeg 639 × 272; 27 KB
FMIB 48700 Characteristic shells of S France -.jpeg 412 × 211; 23 KB