Category:Buildings in White Plains, New York
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This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Media in category "Buildings in White Plains, New York"
The following 73 files are in this category, out of 73 total.
10.5.07CityCenterByLuigiNovi.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 528 KB
10.5.07CityCenterLobbyByLuigiNovi.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 751 KB
108 No Broadway White Plains 2021 jeh.jpg 4,096 × 3,072; 2.12 MB
1MartineAvenue.jpg 1,608 × 1,728; 2.39 MB
ArmoryWhitePlains.jpg 1,280 × 960; 576 KB
Bar Building 2012-09-23 jeh.jpg 1,440 × 2,560; 829 KB
Bike Sunday in front of Westchester County Center jeh.jpg 2,996 × 2,698; 1.78 MB
City Center - Westchester (52641676220).jpg 5,184 × 2,916; 9.74 MB
City Center in the City of White Plains.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.15 MB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17135.jpg 560 × 391; 24 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17135.tif 560 × 391; 214 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17136.jpg 306 × 420; 16 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17136.tif 306 × 420; 126 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17137.jpg 560 × 392; 25 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17137.tif 560 × 392; 215 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17138.jpg 560 × 392; 23 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17138.tif 560 × 392; 215 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17139.jpg 560 × 394; 27 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17139.tif 560 × 394; 216 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17140.jpg 560 × 393; 23 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17140.tif 560 × 393; 216 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17141.jpg 560 × 395; 24 KB
County Trust Co., White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a17141.tif 560 × 395; 217 KB
County Trust Company, White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a19753.jpg 539 × 420; 29 KB
County Trust Company, White Plains, New York. LOC gsc.5a19753.tif 539 × 420; 222 KB
Downtown White Plains.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 2.15 MB
Fire Dept. Headquarters - White Plains, NY.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.1 MB
Galleria - White Plains (52641711138).jpg 4,442 × 3,332; 8.74 MB
Galleria at White Plains.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 6.79 MB
Gerber Glass Law Center Pace 78 No Bwy WP 2021 jeh.jpg 3,666 × 2,062; 1.45 MB
Henry's Power, White Plains, New York LCCN2017707564.tif 5,285 × 3,646; 110.31 MB
Jacob purdy historic house 080105.jpg 500 × 333; 60 KB
Mobil gas station.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 4.81 MB
North White Plains USPS 2021 jeh.jpg 4,607 × 2,591; 1.92 MB
Peoples National Bank and Trust Company Building (52641493299).jpg 4,790 × 3,593; 9.12 MB
Peoples National Bank and Trust Company Building 31 Mamaroneck Av jeh.jpg 1,440 × 2,103; 510 KB
Percy Grainger Home and Studio.jpg 2,000 × 3,008; 2.24 MB
Soundview Manor 2012-10-25 jeh.jpg 1,535 × 1,228; 347 KB
Soundview Manor 2012-10-25b jeh.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 687 KB
Starwood headquarters.jpg 2,518 × 1,897; 2.31 MB
The Source at White Plains (52641676350).jpg 4,871 × 2,740; 7.89 MB
The Westchester - Shopping Mall (52640726722).jpg 4,797 × 4,797; 10.95 MB
USPS 100 Fisher Av WhP 2021 jeh.jpg 3,975 × 2,985; 2.08 MB
Westchester County Government (52640726647).jpg 5,184 × 2,916; 10.51 MB
White Plains Armory (52641493509).jpg 3,730 × 3,730; 8.29 MB
White Plains City Hall.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 1.03 MB
White Plains Federal Courthouse.gif 175 × 146; 19 KB
White Plains Hospital Winslow Hall Maple Av jeh.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.48 MB
White Plains Library 1.jpg 2,875 × 1,824; 1.03 MB
White Plains Library.jpg 3,220 × 1,412; 1,018 KB
White Plains Public Library (52641236941).jpg 5,167 × 2,906; 7.21 MB
White Plains Skyline.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 750 KB
Whiteplains martine ave 2005 7 30.jpg 550 × 388; 55 KB
WhitePlainsNY GoodCounselBuildings 1.jpg 1,024 × 680; 174 KB
WhitePlainsNY GoodCounselBuildings 2.jpg 1,024 × 680; 215 KB
WhitePlainsNY GoodCounselConvent.jpg 1,024 × 680; 247 KB
WhitePlainsNY WomensClub.jpg 1,024 × 680; 218 KB
WhitePlainsNY YWCA Housing.jpg 1,024 × 680; 216 KB