Category:Books about construction
This category has the following 35 subcategories, out of 35 total.
Media in category "Books about construction"
The following 76 files are in this category, out of 76 total.
The action of materials under stress; (IA actionofmaterial00gree).pdf 941 × 1,650, 292 pages; 20.61 MB
The American house-carpenter; a treatise on the art of building, and the strength of materials (IA americanhouse00hatfiala).pdf 683 × 1,025, 472 pages; 21.42 MB
California Digital Library (IA americanhousecar00hatfiala).pdf 814 × 1,316, 328 pages; 14.57 MB
California Digital Library (IA americanhousecar00hatfrich).pdf 827 × 1,383, 730 pages; 48.14 MB
The American practice of gas piping and gas lighting in buildings (IA americanpractice00gerhrich).pdf 829 × 1,327, 326 pages; 21.65 MB
Architectural terra cotta, standard construction (IA architecturalter00nati).pdf 731 × 977, 168 pages; 6.32 MB
Architectural terra cotta, standard construction. (IA architecturalter00nati 0).pdf 1,683 × 2,316, 172 pages; 17.55 MB
Natural and artificial methods of ventilation (IA b28063405).pdf 693 × 1,052, 96 pages; 3.92 MB
Builders' reliable estimator and contractors' guide; (IA buildersreliable00hodg).pdf 1,252 × 1,879, 618 pages; 30.48 MB
Builder's reliable estimator and contractor's guide; (IA buildersreliable00hodg 0).pdf 1,272 × 1,893, 630 pages; 33.85 MB
Builders' reliable estimator and contractors' guide; (IA buildersreliable00hodg 1).pdf 1,272 × 1,918, 650 pages; 33.17 MB
The building code of the city of New York (IA buildingcodeofci00newyrich).pdf 652 × 964, 182 pages; 12.1 MB
Building and ornamental stones of Australia (IA buildingornament00bakerich).pdf 1,370 × 987, 294 pages; 29.55 MB
Building stones and clays; their origin, characters and examination (IA buildingstonescl00eckerich).pdf 827 × 1,354, 314 pages; 19.41 MB
Building stones and clays; a handbook for architects and engineers (IA buildingstonescl00richrich).pdf 870 × 1,195, 462 pages; 74.8 MB
Building stones and clay-products; a handbook for architects (IA buildingstonescl00riesrich).pdf 827 × 1,335, 446 pages; 27.71 MB
Building stones of Ohio (IA buildingstonesof00bownrich).pdf 810 × 1,354, 202 pages; 31.01 MB
The building trades (IA buildingtrades00shawrich).pdf 662 × 1,039, 136 pages; 8.4 MB
Building your own garage (IA buildingyourowng00stan).pdf 768 × 1,070, 16 pages; 1.48 MB
Building and ornamental stones of New South Wales (IA buildornamental00bakerich).pdf 1,408 × 1,100, 170 pages; 19.43 MB
Construire en bois.jpg 5,251 × 3,494; 3.15 MB
The concrete house and its construction (IA cu31924015706017).pdf 791 × 1,247, 232 pages; 8.85 MB
The American house-carpenter; a treatise on the art of building, and the strength of materials (IA cu31924022800746).pdf 768 × 1,241, 460 pages; 11.22 MB
Cyclopedia of bricklaying, stone masonry, concretes, stuccos and plasters. (IA cyclopediaofbric00hodg).pdf 1,243 × 1,887, 844 pages; 46.06 MB
Cyclopedia of bricklaying, stone masonry, concretes, stuccos and plasters ... (IA cyclopediaofbric00hodg 3).pdf 1,168 × 1,816, 844 pages; 48.63 MB
Durability and maintenance as related to the selection of flooring (IA durabilitymaint783wolf).pdf 1,058 × 1,487, 78 pages; 3.52 MB
Hints for home builders. (IA hintsforhomebuil00fort).pdf 1,647 × 1,114, 78 pages; 9.48 MB
Hollow tile for the home. (IA hollowtileforhom00holl).pdf 1,206 × 1,570, 52 pages; 4.57 MB
Home fires - a few suggestions in face brick fireplaces, The (IA homefiresfewsugg00amer).pdf 1,091 × 1,464, 52 pages; 2.69 MB
Horticultural buildings (IA horticulturalbui00fawk).pdf 1,243 × 1,620, 294 pages; 13.46 MB
How to select a plan and how to build a house by R.W. Shoppell. (IA howtoselectplanh00shop).pdf 564 × 1,033, 22 pages; 954 KB
Leroy mature.jpg 1,476 × 2,144; 572 KB
Light, heat and power in buildings (IA lightheatpowerin00adam).pdf 841 × 1,262, 120 pages; 5.72 MB
Mechanics, indoors and out (IA mechanicsindoors00hodg).pdf 725 × 1,158, 470 pages; 26.25 MB
Modernized waterproofing as related to architecture and engineering (IA modernizedwaterp00hydr).pdf 1,250 × 810, 32 pages; 1.76 MB
Modern painting, hardwood finishing and sign writing .. (IA modernpaintingha00arms).pdf 683 × 1,068, 824 pages; 33.3 MB
Modern painting, hardwood finishing and sign writing (IA modernpaintingha01arms).pdf 685 × 1,095, 808 pages; 40.86 MB
Modern stone-cutting and masonry. (IA modernstonecutti00sieb).pdf 1,287 × 2,172, 112 pages; 5.2 MB
Modern tunneling (IA moderntunneling00brun).pdf 806 × 1,308, 638 pages; 43.96 MB
Modern tunneling (IA moderntunneling01brun).pdf 754 × 1,227, 638 pages; 40.9 MB
Modern tunneling, with special reference to mine and water-supply tunnels (IA moderntunnelingw00brun).pdf 641 × 1,097, 468 pages; 31.57 MB
Mortars, plasters, stuccos, artificial marble, concretes, Portland cements and compositions (IA mortarsplasterss00hodg).pdf 1,200 × 1,935, 550 pages; 34.69 MB
Natural and artificial methods of ventilation (IA naturalartificia00londrich).pdf 727 × 1,072, 94 pages; 7.6 MB
Outspinning the spider; the story of wire and wire rope (IA outspinningspide00mumf).pdf 872 × 1,245, 148 pages; 5.49 MB
Qualities of high-grade paving brick and tests used in determining them, (IA qualitiesofhighg00talb).pdf 1,035 × 1,710, 94 pages; 5.7 MB
Radford’s portfolio of details of building construction; a remarkable and unique collection of full-page plates (IA radfordsportf00radf).pdf 1,166 × 1,633, 176 pages; 13.28 MB
Safety in building construction. (IA safetyinbuilding00trav).pdf 1,314 × 2,164, 132 pages; 7.8 MB
Shapleigh's hand book; containing information for hardware men, mechanics and artisans (IA shapleighshandbo00smit).pdf 652 × 937, 344 pages; 18.08 MB
Specifications for painting and varnishing .. (IA specificationsf00prat).pdf 972 × 741, 84 pages; 3.14 MB
Specifications for frame houses, ranging in cost from two thousand to twenty thousand dollars (IA specificationsfo00hall).pdf 1,185 × 1,572, 68 pages; 3.89 MB
Specifications for the painter; a practical handbook for architects and house painters (IA specificationsfo00harr).pdf 737 × 1,227, 36 pages; 1.64 MB
Standard specifications for structural steel-timber-concrete and reinforced concrete (IA standardspecific00ostr).pdf 820 × 1,345, 120 pages; 8.08 MB
Standard specifications and uniform methods of testing and analysis for Portland cement (IA standardspecific00univ).pdf 854 × 1,341, 28 pages; 1.85 MB
Standard steel construction;a manual for architects, engineers and contractors; (IA standardsteelcon00jone).pdf 954 × 1,687, 328 pages; 18.82 MB
Sweet’s indexed catalogue of building construction for the year 1906 (IA sweetsindexedcat00newy).pdf 1,277 × 1,670, 840 pages; 69.72 MB
The up-to-date hardwood finisher (IA uptodatehardwood00hodg).pdf 941 × 1,439, 326 pages; 17.59 MB
Veneering and inlaying; a study of materials, principles and processes (IA veneeringinlayin00nyma).pdf 735 × 1,214, 56 pages; 2.72 MB