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Category:Baoshan District

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  • English: Baoshan District, Shanghai, China.
  • 中文(简体):​中华人民共和国,上海市,宝山区
Object location31° 24′ N, 121° 24′ E Edit this at Wikidata Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
<nowiki>ပေါက်ရှန်ခရိုင်၊ ရှန်ဟိုင်း; 寶山區; Baoshan Barrutia; Баошань; Baoshan; Baoshan; Baoshan District; باوشان; 宝山区; Baoshan; 寶山區; Baoshan; Район Баошань; 寶山區; 宝山区; 宝山区; 바오산구; Baoshan District; Pao-šan; Distretto di Baoshan; Bō̤-săng-kṳ̆; 寶山區; 宝山区; Bảo Sơn; Baoshan District; Baošanas; district de Baoshan; 宝山区; Distrito de Baoshan; 宝山区; Baoshan Qu (gatos sa Republikang Popular sa Tsina, Shanghai Shi); Pó-san-khu; Baoshan; Baoshan; 寶山區; Ardal Baoshan; باوشان ضلع; 宝山区; 宝山区; Distrito de Baoshan; 宝山区; Distrik Baoshan; distrito de Shanghai, China; district de Shanghai en Chine; 中國上海市的市轄區; 中国上海市的市辖区; район Шанхая; Stadtbezirk von Shanghai, China; 中国上海市的市辖区; 中国上海市の市轄区; 中国上海市的市辖区; stadsdistrikt i Shanghai, Kina; district; 中國上海市的市轄區; 中国上海市的市辖区; 中國上海市的市轄區; district of Shanghai, China; 中国上海市的市辖区; městský obvod v Šanghaji; 中國上海市的市轄區; 寶山; 宝山; 寶山; 宝山; 寶山; 寶山; 宝山; 宝山; 宝山; 寶山區; Baoshan; Baoshan (district)</nowiki>
Baoshan District 
district of Shanghai, China
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Instance of
  • district of China
  • 2,030,500 (2016)
  • 2,235,218 (2020)
  • 300 km²
  • Baoshan County
official website
Map31° 24′ 00″ N, 121° 24′ 00″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q661828
VIAF cluster ID: 263847173, 128279457
Library of Congress authority ID: n81059860
J9U ID: 987007540372005171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 398374
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