Category:BSicon/railway/set mixed/uw/crossing/curve
This image set is part of the BSicon set. |
These BSicons are to be used with route diagram templates. For an overview, see Category:BSicon.
Colour | RGB hex triplet |
open lines | #BE2D2C |
#003399 | |
closed lines | #D77F7E |
#6281C0 | |
structure | #80A080 |
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "BSicon/railway/set mixed/uw/crossing/curve"
The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total.
BSicon emKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 603 bytes
BSicon exmKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 649 bytes
BSicon mKRZl+4o +cerulean.svg 500 × 500; 636 bytes
BSicon mKRZq+1o.svg 500 × 500; 664 bytes
BSicon mKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 647 bytes
BSicon mKRZq3u cerulean+.svg 500 × 500; 511 bytes
BSicon uemKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 604 bytes
BSicon uexmKRZq+1u.svg 500 × 500; 514 bytes
BSicon uexmKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 605 bytes
BSicon umKRZ3+lo.svg 500 × 500; 686 bytes
BSicon umKRZ3+lu.svg 500 × 500; 522 bytes
BSicon umKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 648 bytes
BSicon umKRZq+4u.svg 500 × 500; 511 bytes
BSicon umKRZq2o.svg 500 × 500; 633 bytes
BSicon umKRZq2u.svg 500 × 500; 536 bytes
BSicon umKRZq3o.svg 500 × 500; 630 bytes
BSicon umKRZq3u.svg 500 × 500; 531 bytes
BSicon uxmKRZq+1u.svg 500 × 500; 513 bytes
BSicon uxmKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 649 bytes
BSicon xmKRZq+4o.svg 500 × 500; 648 bytes
BSicon xmKRZq2o.svg 500 × 500; 640 bytes