Category:Attic red-figure pottery in the Archaeological Museum of Chiusi

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Italiano: Dal pannello didascalico nella sala:

«Intorno al 525 a.C., nelle botteghe ateniesi dei ceramisti Amasis e Andokides, si sviluppò una nuova tecnica della pittura vascolare che consisteva nel ribaltamento di quella precedente a figure nere: il fondo è verniciato di nero, con le figure risparmiate all'interno, con i dettagli dipinti sul fondo della terracotta, anziché incisi. I vasi decorati nella nuova tecnica a figure rosse, che permetteva effetti coloristici più sfumati e offriva maggiori possibilità espressive, furono prontamente recepiti a Chiusi, attraverso la mediazione di Vulci».

English: From the didactic panel in the room:

«In the Athenian workshops of the ceramic artisans Amasis and Andokides, a new technique of vase painting was invented around 525 B.C. This red-figure technique represented the reversal of the precedent black-figure painting: the background was filled in with black glaze, and the figures were reserved in the red background color. Details were then painted in on the surface, instead of being incised. These vases decorated with the new red-figure technique offered subtler effects of color and a much greater possibility of artistic expression. They were readily accepted into Chiusi, through the usual way-station of Vulci».

Media in category "Attic red-figure pottery in the Archaeological Museum of Chiusi"

The following 55 files are in this category, out of 55 total.