Category:Architecture of Elmira, New York
- Cities in New York State
- ‒ Capital District
- Albany
- Schenectady
- Troy
- ‒ Central New York
- Auburn
- Cortland
- Syracuse
- ‒ New York City and Long Island
- New York City
- ‒ Finger Lakes
- Batavia
- Rochester
- ‒ Hudson Valley
- Kingston
- Mount Vernon
- New Rochelle
- Poughkeepsie
- White Plains
- Yonkers
- ‒ Mohawk Valley
- Rome
- Utica
- ‒ North Country
- Plattsburgh
- ‒ Southern Tier
- Binghamton
- Elmira
- ‒ Western New York
- Buffalo
- Jamestown
- Lackawanna
- Lockport
- Niagara Falls
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.