Category:Arabic machine manuscript

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English: These are (cropped) images from an anonymous (?)16th-18th century manuscript featuring schematics for water powered systems, pulleys and gearing mechanisms Source:Max Planck Digital Library. The materials conserved in the MS Orient fol. 3306 of the Berliner Staatsbibliothek (State Library of Berlin) were copied or bound in one volume in 1090 H (1679). Originally collection includes 10 texts, only two are conserved in the volume as it is preserved at present - a complete copy of the text of Al-Jazarī on machines in 132 folios and Multaqaṭāt Kitāb al-tām li-Sinān b. Thābit fī dhikr uṣūl al-khamsa (Extracts from the Complete Book by Sinān ibn Thābit on the five powers) (after Mohammed Abattouy, “A New Arabic text of Mechanics: Sinan ibn Thabit on the Theory of Simple Machines”, in Studies on the History of Sciences, edited by Ja’far Aghayani Chavoshi, Tehran, 1390/2011, pp. 19-38, reproduced at

Media in category "Arabic machine manuscript"

The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total.