Category:Apollo 16 EVA at Station 13

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Shadow Rock

From Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report, Chapter 6 (1972):

At stations 11 and 13, a large young crater was investigated along its rim crest, walls, and continuous ejecta blanket and was extensively photographed and sampled. North Ray Crater, 900 to 950 m in diameter, is on a 50-m-high ridge at the western edge of Smoky Mountain near the eastern boundary of the Cayley Formation in this area. The geologic importance of North Ray Crater lies in its youth and in the depth of penetration (160 to 200 m) into materials underlying the Cayley Plains. The abundance of blocks on the rim of North Ray Crater was less than had been anticipated, although the size of some of the blocks makes them the largest investigated on the Moon so far. The distribution of craters superposed on North Ray Crater is apparently random and the density is very low. Few craters larger than 25 m are observed, and very few are recognized in the surface photographs. The random distribution and low density presumably reflect the relative youth of the crater and, for the smaller craters, probably result from a thin regolith over a hard subunit.

Media in category "Apollo 16 EVA at Station 13"

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