Category:Apollo 16 EVA at Station 1

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From Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report, Chapter 6 (1972):

Station 1 is near the rim of Plum Crater, a 30-m-diameter crater on the rim of the 300-m-diameter Flag Crater. Flag Crater is approximately 50 m deep and probably penetrates through the regolith into the underlying bedrock. The crater is subdued and no rocky exposures are visible in its walls or floor. The eastern part of the station 1 area appears to be crossed by a very faint ray from South Ray Crater, but rock fragments larger than approximately 10 cm cover less than 1 percent of the surface. A number of slightly buried, angular rocks in the photographs are interpreted to be ejecta from South Ray Crater. Because of the depth of penetration by Flag Crater and the relative scarcity of South Ray ejecta, samples from station 1 have the highest probability of being material representative of the upper units of the subjacent Cayley Formation.

Media in category "Apollo 16 EVA at Station 1"

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