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DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumArthropoda • SubphylumHexapoda • ClassisInsecta • SubclassisPterygota • InfraclassisNeoptera • SuperordoParaneoptera • OrdoHemiptera • SubordoAuchenorrhyncha • InfraordoCicadomorpha • SuperfamiliaCercopoidea • FamiliaAphrophoridae • SubfamiliaAphrophorinae • Tribus: Aphrophorini Amyot & Serville, 1843
No common name has yet been provided in this category. (No wikidata item is associated with this category)
Aphrophorides Amyot & Serville, 1843
Aphrophoroideae Spinola, 1850
Aphrophorides Walker, F., 1851
Aphrophoridae Dohrn, F., 1859
Aphrophoridum Stål, 1859
Aphrophorina Stål, 1870
Aphrophorinae Distant, 1879
Aphrophorideen Karsch, 1894
Aphrophinae Delétang, 1917
Philagrini Schmidt, E., 1920
Aphrohorinae Kazui, 1922

Type genus Aphrophora  Germar, 1821

Included genera (for Dmitriev Species File,  25 December 2016):
Abdas, Aphrophora, Aphrophorias, Aphrophorinella, Aphropsis, Awaphora, Boniphora, Carystoterpa, Dasyoptera, Dophora, Egretius, Eusounama, Formophora, Hosophora, Interocrea, Jembra, Jembrana, Jembroides, Jembrophora, Jophora, Macrofukia, Megafukia, Microsargane, Miphora, Nagophora, Napotrephes, Nikkofukia, Novophilaenus, Ogaphora, Paraphrophora, Petaphora, Peuceptyelus, Philagra, Pseudaphronella, Pseudaphrophora, Sabphora, Sagophora, Seiphora, Sounama, Takaphora, Tamaphora, Tobiphora, Tonkaephora, Tukaphora, Xenaphrophora, Yamaphora, Yaphora, Yezophora, Yunnana


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.