Category:Anemurium Necropolis

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Anemurium has a huge Necropolis which stretches along the side of a hill to the north of the settlement (with some in the flat ground below). It has 350 individual built tombs, and is one of the best preserved in the Roman empire. Their ages range from the first to the early 4th century AD. The majority are simple barrel-vaulted structures with an inner grave-chamber in which the dead were laid on arched benches (arcisolia) and a front room where the family would gather and make offerings to the dead.

One can generally walk between them, in some cases but they are built almost on top of each other and one has to detour. In their midst is a "necropolis church". As gps was used taking several pictures it will be possible to locate them.

The structures had no extra information, so one should interpret what is on an individual picture.

Media in category "Anemurium Necropolis"

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