Category:1890 letters
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Media in category "1890 letters"
The following 135 files are in this category, out of 135 total.
Adding more electric lights (IA Addingmoreelectriclights18900228).pdf 3,247 × 4,168, 6 pages; 4.34 MB
Best cases for Lifesaving medals (IA bestcasesforLifesavingmedals18900902).pdf 3,081 × 3,864, 3 pages; 8.3 MB
Booker T Washington To South Congregational Church Letter (IA BookerTWashingtonToSouthChurchLetter).pdf 870 × 1,347, 2 pages; 590 KB
Brief aan Jimmy (James), RP-F-2001-7-435-32.jpg 4,774 × 5,654; 3.15 MB
Brief der Fürstin Bismarck an den Leipziger Kürschner von Witzleben, 7. Dezember 1890.jpg 4,266 × 1,585; 1.35 MB
Camblos thank you letter (IA Camblosthankyouletter18901005).pdf 1,875 × 3,018, 4 pages; 5.9 MB
Can buy small press for minor coins (IA canbuysmallpressforminorcoins18901022).pdf 3,062 × 3,831, 3 pages; 7.48 MB
Can Mint recover mercury from amalgam (IA canMintrecovermercuryfromamalgam18900815).pdf 597 × 485, 3 pages; 11.4 MB
Cost of Wells Fargo assays (IA costofWellsFargoassays18901025).pdf 3,250 × 2,114, 2 pages; 1.86 MB
Dispute about contractor labor (IA disputeaboutcontractorlabor18900805).pdf 485 × 670, 5 pages; 24.32 MB
Donates 1809 die to Mint (IA donates1809dietoMint18900802).pdf 3,393 × 2,631, 4 pages; 8.51 MB
Double eagle stamped L light weight (IA doubleeaglestampedLlightweight18900717).pdf 493 × 604, 3 pages; 15.04 MB
Dyachenko letter (1890-05-16).jpg 632 × 800; 69 KB
Examine Ferracute press for cutting large blanks (IA Ferracutepressforcuttinglargeblanks18901103).pdf 3,041 × 3,837, 3 pages; 7.13 MB
Francis medal case should be elegant (IA Francismedalcaseshouldbeelegant18900303).pdf 3,041 × 4,012, 2 pages; 1.31 MB
How to use present bullion under new law (IA howtousepresentbullionundernewlaw18900809).pdf 3,087 × 3,843, 5 pages; 19.04 MB
Indian prefer round medals- add school to design (IA Indianpreferroundmedalsaddschooltodesign18900225).pdf 3,020 × 3,881, 2 pages; 851 KB
Inspection of coin press by Ferracute (IA inspectionofcoinpressbyFerracute18901029).pdf 3,041 × 3,400, 2 pages; 3.25 MB
James Russell Lowell letter to Edward Everett Hale, November 11, 1890.jpg 2,819 × 3,987; 2.37 MB
Kossuth written text arad speech.jpg 980 × 1,400; 644 KB
Kossuth-Denkmal, Schild, 2021 Sátoraljaújhely.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.11 MB
Letter dictated by R. Mathison, Jr., on The Job Printer letterhead (12347778144).jpg 1,541 × 2,000; 477 KB
Letter from D. P. Grier, St. Louis, to Anna McKinney Grier, October 17, 1890.jpg 3,830 × 5,031; 4.15 MB
Letter from Ferdinand Cohn to Ehrlich Wellcome M0013343.jpg 2,628 × 4,203; 1.57 MB
Letter from Lawrence Anna Alma-Tadema to Amy Butts Giampietri.jpg 2,315 × 1,794; 514 KB
Letter Gladstone Chaillu.jpg 2,890 × 4,250; 604 KB
Letter to M Sharpy-Schafer from E Garrett Anderson, 1890 Wellcome L0038382.jpg 3,954 × 3,150; 1.75 MB
Letter to M Sharpy-Schafer from E Garrett Anderson, 1890 Wellcome L0038383.jpg 3,978 × 3,192; 2.05 MB
Lettre de G. Würtz à Maurice Quentin-Bauchart, 27 mai 1890, Paris Musées 20231021173003.jpg 1,411 × 2,172; 1.41 MB
Metric weights (IA Metricweights18900303).pdf 3,043 × 3,833, 3 pages; 2.37 MB
Mint can strike private medals but not make dies (IA Mintcanstrikeprivatemedalsbutnotdies18900925).pdf 3,043 × 3,810, 2 pages; 2.93 MB
Moving silver dollars from PO to mint vault (IA movingsilverdollarsfromPOtomintvault18900116).pdf 487 × 608, 3 pages; 312 KB
Naturalist on the River Amazons letter.jpg 2,200 × 3,503; 813 KB
NO Dies for mint corrected (IA NOdiesformintcorrected18901126).pdf 3,031 × 3,787, 2 pages; 5.06 MB
No overtime for rolling room (IA noovertimeforrollingroom18900818).pdf 481 × 602, 5 pages; 22.43 MB
OK to make assortment of gold coins (IA OKtomakeassortmentofgoldcoins18901030).pdf 3,056 × 3,812, 2 pages; 3.58 MB
Overpayment for shipping coins (IA overpaymentforshippingcoins18900128).pdf 477 × 635, 3 pages; 14.85 MB
Overpayment for shipping coins-list (IA overpaymentforshippingcoinslist18900123).pdf 481 × 641, 10 pages; 48.63 MB
Plan for storage of silver dollars (IA planforstorageofsilverdollars18900131).pdf 481 × 625, 3 pages; 15.29 MB
Progress on SI seal Prof Henry (IA progressonSIsealProfHenry18900127).pdf 479 × 635, 3 pages; 15.29 MB
Alderman wants promotion for sick employee (IA promotionforemployee18900802).pdf 477 × 612, 3 pages; 14.5 MB
Regarding Mint records stored at PO building (IA regardingMintrecordsstoredatPObuilding18900128).pdf 481 × 641, 4 pages; 22.02 MB
Regarding Mint records stored at PO building (IA regardingMintrecordsstoredatPObuilding18900130).pdf 485 × 631, 3 pages; 15.76 MB
Removal of female employee (IA removaloffemaleemployee18900122).pdf 304 × 487, 6 pages; 2.79 MB
Requisition for toilet paper (IA requisitionfortoiletpaper18900116).pdf 485 × 606, 3 pages; 13.99 MB
Returning mint shipping boxes (IA returningmintshippingboxes18901118).pdf 3,962 × 2,547, 2 pages; 3.45 MB
Scovill reason for defective blanks (IA Scovillreasonfordefectiveblanks18901027).pdf 2,935 × 3,668, 2 pages; 2.87 MB
Seidel, C.A., 1890 (Pottsville, Pennsylvania) (ANS Chapman brothers business correspondence) (IA seidelca1890pott00seid).pdf 1,112 × 1,472, 10 pages; 138 KB
Sir H. M. Stanley, a letter, pt. 1.jpg 1,693 × 2,598; 996 KB
Sir H. M. Stanley, a letter, pt. 2.jpg 1,748 × 2,608; 887 KB
Stamping weight and fineness on silver bars (IA stampingweightandfinenessonsilverbars18900903).pdf 3,018 × 3,787, 3 pages; 4.75 MB
Status of Henry seal for Smithsonian (IA statusofHenrysealforSmithsonian18900130).pdf 479 × 631, 3 pages; 15.1 MB
Supply of ingot copper for alloy (IA supplyofingotcopperforalloy18900731).pdf 487 × 610, 4 pages; 21.42 MB
Telegram OK to buy press (IA telegramOKtobuypress18901022).pdf 3,070 × 4,000, 2 pages; 3.88 MB
Texte d'Adolphe Duchalais de 1890.pdf 843 × 1,252, 4 pages; 1.55 MB
Use of bullion from test coins (IA useofbullionfromtestcoins189001140).pdf 487 × 612, 3 pages; 14.88 MB
Wants info on Civil War token (IA wantsinfoonCivilWartoken18900918).pdf 3,231 × 4,177, 2 pages; 4.75 MB
Wants Superintendent comment on article (IA wantsSuptcommentonarticle18900719).pdf 1,902 × 3,062, 4 pages; 7.26 MB
Wants view on new mint site (IA wantsviewonnewmintsite18900114).pdf 487 × 610, 3 pages; 14.71 MB
What is M on silver dollar (IA whatisMonsilverdollar18900123).pdf 335 × 518, 3 pages; 1.07 MB
Who pays for coin alloy (IA whopaysforcoinalloy18900714).pdf 675 × 1,045, 3 pages; 5.89 MB
Letter from archimandrite Gregory to exarch Joseph I, 1 May 1890 - 1.jpg 913 × 1,455; 301 KB
Letter from archimandrite Gregory to exarch Joseph I, 1 May 1890 - 2.jpg 941 × 1,452; 212 KB
Letter from archimandrite Gregory to exarch Joseph I, 31 May 1890 - 1.jpg 908 × 1,451; 285 KB
Letter from archimandrite Gregory to exarch Joseph I, 31 May 1890 - 2.jpg 931 × 1,463; 280 KB
Чехов автограф.jpg 446 × 700; 98 KB