Catalogue of Wilhelm von Plüschow's pictures of Edoardo

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"Edoardo" is a model appearing in dozens of images by Wilhelm von Pluschow in his Neapolitan period (before 1895). Identification of his name and features was made possible from the description of one image of him made by Theodore F. Dwight (1846-1917) in a letter dated 1896.

A handwritten annotation in French on the reverse of a copy of picture #14956 defines him as: "Romain, 3/4 de sang nègre" ("Roman, 3/4 of black blood"). He is the second most photographed model from the period spent in Naples, and he was shot during several trips to Capri, Sorrento, Averno, Pompeii... He disappears from Pluschow's images when the photographer moves to Rome.

Ritratti / Headshots


Edoardo in Posillipo


Edoardo a Paestum


Edoardo in Campania (Capri, Sorrento, Averno...)


Edoardo a Pompeii


Edoardo + Vincenzo Galdi in "Der kuss" set
