Beretta M12

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English: Beretta introduced a series of prototypes of the Beretta submachine gun before reaching the finished model of the Beretta Model 12. Models 6 through to 11 were all very similar and were designed and tested during the 1950's, leading up to the perfect, Model 12. The small ammunition isn't very effective at a distance but in a short range shoot-out, it can be devastating.
Polski: Beretta M12 – włoski pistolet maszynowy opracowany w latach pięćdziesiątych XX wieku w zakładach Pietro Beretta SpA w Mediolanie.
中文:貝瑞塔 M12(Beretta Model 12)是由意大利貝瑞塔在1958年製造的9 x 19毫米衝鋒槍,1961年開始成為意大利陸軍的制式衝鋒槍。