Avon Fantasy Reader

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  • Cymraeg: Cylchgrawn Americanaidd oedd yr Avon Fantasy Reader a ailgyhoeddai straeon ffuglen wyddonol a ffantasi gan awduron ifainc nad oedd yn adnabyddus ar y pryd ond sy'n cynnwys rhai a gydnabyddir erbyn hyn fel awduron mawr y genres hynny. Mae'n gylchgrawn chwaer, Avon Science Fiction Reader, yn para am dair materion ailargraffu straeon ffuglen wyddonol.
  • English: The Avon Fantasy Reader was a magazine (sometimes classed as a series of anthologies) which re-published science fiction and fantasy literature by now well know authors. Avon strived to bring readers little known stories by then little recognized writers such as H. P. Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury, C. L. Moore, A. Merritt, Murray Leinster and William Hope Hodgson. The Avon Fantasy Reader was published from 1946 to 1952 and had 18 issues in full. A short lived sister publication, Avon Science Fiction Reader, had three issues featuring just science fiction.

Avon Fantasy Reader


Avon Science Fiction Reader
