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English: The Regulations for Road Traffic Signs, Markings, and Signals regulate since October 1968 the road traffic control devices in Taiwan Area, the Republic of China. See b:Annotated Republic of China Regulations/Regulations for Road Traffic Signs, Markings, and Signals for the history.
Pursuant to Article 9 of the Copyright Act in effect in Taiwan, translations and compilations by central and local government agencies of regulations, including the Regulations for Road Traffic Signs, Markings, and Signals by the Ministry of Transportation And Communications and the Ministry of the Interior, shall not be the subject matter of copyright. Therefore, governmental translations are in the public domain, generally from:
  1. Road Traffic Safety Portal Site (generally up to date)
  2. Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau (older, some Chinglish, not always correct)
  3. 1968 Regulations with governmental English translations.
However, some English translations may be incorrect or not easily understandable by native English speakers, so additional notes will be provided with images as needed and please use Chinese for critical interpretations. As the governmental translations are incomplete, additional translations are Wikimedia Commons users' contribution published under the CC-by-sa-3.0 and GNU Free Documentation License.

顏色 Colors


標誌、標線、號誌所用顏色標準 Color standards used for Taiwanese traffic signs, markings, and signals

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 顏色 (zh-TW) Color (en-US) 色樣號 Color sample number 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 色樣號 Color sample number
9←7 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 red 25←24 8 1968-10-01 24
blue 47 49
yellow 18←19 19
green 06 6
orange 64
brown 51
9 2013-08-01 磚紅 brick 26

標誌 Signs


警告標誌 Warning Signs

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image # 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image # 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
43 1989-12-15 W警36 當心殘障者 Watch Out for Handicapped
43 2007-09-17[2] W警36 當心身心障礙者
31←30 1989-12-15←1981-01-22
W警20 匝道會車:右側來車 Approaching Vehicle on Right
31←30 W警21 匝道會車:左側來車 Approaching Vehicle on Left
32←31 W警22 分道 Split Lane
51←49 W警44←W警43 右側斷崖 Drop on Right
51←49 W警45←W警44 左側斷崖 Drop on Left
52←50 W警47←W警46 注意左側落石 Falling Rocks (Left)
24←23 W警01 右彎 Right Bend 21 1968-10-01 W警01 右彎 Right Bend
24←23 W警02 左彎 Left Bend 21 W警02 左彎 Left Bend
25←24 W警03 連續彎路先向右 Twisted Road, First Bend to the Right 22 W警03 連續彎路先向右 Winding Road, First Bend to the Right
W警04 連續彎路先向左 Twisted Road, First Bend to the Left 22 W警04 連續彎路先向左 Winding Road, First Bend to the Left
W警03-4 連續彎路一0公里 Twisted Road for 10 km 22 W警03-4 連續彎路xx公里 Winding Road for xx km
26←25 W警05 險升坡 Steep Ascent 28 W警20 險昇坡->險升坡 Steep Ascent
W警06 險降坡
Steep Descent
8% Steep Descent for 1 km
28 W警21 險降坡 Dangerous descent
W警07 狹路
Narrow Road
Road Narrows for 2 km
24 W警14 狹路 Road narrows
W警08 右側車道、路寬縮減
Right Lane Ending
Right Lane Ending 200 m Ahead
24 W警16
28←27 W警09 左側車道、路寬縮減 Left Lane Ending 24 W警15
29←28 W警10 狹橋 Narrow Bridge 25 W警17 狹橋 Narrow bridge
30←29 W警11 岔路 Intersection 23 W警05 叉路 Road crossing
W警12 W警06
W警13 W警07
W警14 W警08
W警15 W警09
W警16 W警10
W警17 W警11
W警18 W警12
W警19 W警13
33←32 W警23 注意號誌 Traffic Lights Ahead 46 W警42 注意號誌 Signal Ahead
34←33 W警24 圓環 Roundabout 26 W警18 圓環 Roundabouts
35←34 W警25 有柵門鐵路平交道 Railway Crossing with Barrier 32 W警25 有柵門鐵路平交道 Level crossing with gates
W警26 無柵門鐵路平交道 Approaching Railway Crossing 33 W警26 無柵門鐵路平交道 Level crossing without gates
W警27 無柵門鐵路平交道第一面標誌 Railway Crossing with No Barrier Sign 1 33 W警27 無柵門鐵路平交道第一道標誌 Railroad Crossing Without Gate First Warning
W警28 無柵門鐵路平交道第二面標誌 Railway Crossing with No Barrier Sign 2 33 W警28 無柵門鐵路平交道第二道標誌 Railroad Crossing Without Gate Second Warning
W警29 無柵門鐵路平交道第三面標誌 Railway Crossing with No Barrier Sign 3 33 W警29 無柵門鐵路平交道第三道標誌 Railroad Crossing Without Gate Third Warning
37←36 W警30 路面顛簸 Uneven Road Surface 29 W警22 路面顛簸 Uneven road
38←37 W警31 路面高突 Bump in Road Surface 30 W警23 路面高突 Bump
39←38 W警32 路面低窪 Drop in Road Surface 34 W警30 啓閉式橋梁 Swing (Opening) bridge
40←39 W警33 路滑 Slippery Road 31 W警24 滑路 Slippery road
41←40 W警34 當心行人 Watch Out for Pedestrians 37 W警33 當心行人 Pedestrian Crossing
42←41 W警35 當心兒童 Watch Out for Children 38 W警34 當心兒童 Children Crossing
44←42 W警37←W警36 當心動物 Watch Out for Animals 40 W警36 當心動物 Beware of Animals
45←43 W警38←W警37 當心台車 Watch Out for Trolleys 39 W警35 當心台車 Trolley Crossing
47←45 W警40←W警39 當心飛機 Watch Out for Aircraft 44 W警40 當心飛機 Caution! Airplanes
48←46 W警41←W警40 隧道 Tunnel 35 W警31 隧道 Tunnel
49←47 W警42←W警41 雙向道 Two-Way Traffic 27 W警19 雙向道 Two-way traffic zone
50←48 W警43←W警42 碼頭、堤岸 Harbor, Levee 36 W警32 碼頭(堤岸) Quay
52←50 W警46←W警45 注意右側落石 Falling Rocks (Right) 43 W警39 注意落石 Falling rocks ahead
53←51 W警48←W警47 注意強風 Strong Wind 45 W警41 注意強風 Danger from cross-winds
W警49←W警48 慢行 Slow 48 W警44 慢行 SLOW
55←53 W警50←W警49 危險 Danger 47 W警43 危險 Hazard (Danger spot)
46←44 W警39←W警38 當心脚踏車 Watch Out for Bicycles 42 W警38 當心脚踏車 W38: Bicycle Crossing
46 2008-04-14[3] 當心自行車 49 W警46 鐵路平交道:第一、二種平交道 Level crossing of the first or second class
46 2009-12-08 49 W警47 鐵路平交道:第三、四種平交道 Level crossing of the third or fourth class
55-1 2014-09-04 W警51 當心大眾捷運系統車輛 Mass Rapid Transit System Vehicle 41 W警37 當心電車 Tramway crossing
55-2 2017-06-14[4] W警52 測速取締 Speed Measuring Enforcement

禁制標誌 Regulatory Signs

條 Article[5] 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image # 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) 舊條 Old Article[6] 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image # 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
58 1994-04-09 F遵01 停車再開 Stop
59 F遵02 讓路 Yield
58←56 1989-12-15←1981-01-22

F遵01 停車再開
Placement graphic 1
Placement graphic 2
Placement graphic 3
Placement graphic 4
53 1968-10-01 P禁01 停車再開 STOP
59←57 F遵02 讓路 Yield 54 P禁02 前有幹道 GIVEWAY (YIELD AHEAD)
60←58 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 F遵03 檢查站 Stop for Inspection 63 P禁33 停車檢查
F遵04 海關 Stop at Customs Checkpoint 63 P禁33 關卡停車
F遵05 收費站 Stop and Pay Toll 63 P禁33 停車付費
F遵06 地磅站 Trucks Must Pass Through Weighing Station 63 P禁33 貨車過磅
61←59 F遵07 僅准直行 Road Direction (Straight Ahead Only) 70 L限1 遵行方向:僅准直行 Direction to be followed: Through Traffic Only
F遵09 僅准左轉通行 Left Turn Only 70 L限2 遵行方向:僅准左轉通行 Direction to be followed: Left Turn Only
F遵10 僅准右轉及左轉通行 Lane Direction (Right or Left Turn Only) 70 L限3 遵行方向:僅准右轉通行及左轉通行 Direction to be followed: Right or Left Turn Only
F遵08 僅准右轉通行 Right Turn Only
61 1989-12-15 F遵08 大貨車僅准右轉通行 Large Trucks Right Turn Only
62 F遵11 車道僅准直行 Straight Ahead Only Lane
F遵12 車道僅准右轉通行 Right Turn Only Lane
F遵13 車道僅准左轉通行 Left Turn Only Lane
F遵14 車道僅准直行及右轉通行 Lane Direction (Continue Straight Ahead or Right Turn Only)
F遵15 車道僅准直行及左轉通行 Lane Direction (Continue Straight Ahead or Left Turn Only)
1994-04-09 F遵11 車道僅准直行 Straight Ahead Only Lane
F遵12 車道僅准右轉通行 Right Turn Only Lane
F遵13 車道僅准左轉通行 Left Turn Only Lane
F遵14 車道僅准直行及右轉通行 Lane Direction (Continue Straight Ahead or Right Turn Only)
F遵15 車道僅准直行及左轉通行 Lane Direction (Continue Straight Ahead or Left Turn Only)
63←100 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 F遵16←G指30 單行道(牌面與單行道平行者) One Way (1) (This sign is parallel to a one-way road.) 78 1968-10-01 G指01 單行道(平行者) One-way road
F遵17←G指31 單行道(牌面與單行道垂直者) One Way (2) (This sign is perpendicular to a one-way road.) 78 G指02 單行道(相交者) One-way road
F遵16-17 單行道:設置圖例 One Way: Placement graphic
63 1994-04-09
64←60 1989-12-15←1981-01-22
F遵18←F遵11 靠右行駛 Keep Right 71 1968-10-01 L限4 靠右行駛 Keep right
66←61 F遵21←F遵12 圓環遵行方向 Roundabout Direction 72 L限5 圓環遵行方向
67←62 F遵22←F遵13 行人專用 Pedestrian Only 73 L限6 行人專用
64 1989-12-15 F遵19 靠左行駛 Keep Left
F遵20 機慢車兩段左轉 Two-stage Left Turn for Bicycles and Motorcycles
65 2007-09-17[2] F遵20.1 機慢車兩段右轉 Two-stage Right Turn for Bicycles and Motorcycles
67-1 2006-06-28[7] F遵22-1 行人及腳踏車專用 Pedestrian and Bicycle Only
67-1 2008-04-14[3] F遵22-1 行人及自行車專用
68←63 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 F遵23←F遵14 道路指定四輪以上汽車專行←指定四輪汽車專行 Vehicle Specific Road (Motor Vehicle Only) (with 4 Wheels or More) 74 1968-10-01 L限7 專行汽車
F遵25←F遵16 道路指定大客車專行←指定大客車專行 Large Passenger Vehicle Only Lane
F遵24←F遵15 道路指定腳踏車及機器腳踏車專行←指定腳踏車及機器腳踏車專行 Vehicle Specific Road (Bicycle and Motorcycle Only)
68 2007-09-17[2] F遵24 道路指定腳踏車及汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車專行 Vehicle Specific Road (Bicycle and Motorcycle Only) (< 550 cm3)
2008-04-14[3] 道路指定自行車及汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車專行
2012-06-29 道路指定自行車及大型重型機器腳踏車以外之機器腳踏車專行 Vehicle Specific Road (Bicycle and Motorcycle Only) (≤ 250 cm3 or 40 hp)
2012-10-13 道路指定自行車及大型重型機車以外之機車專行
2007-09-17[2] F遵23.1 道路指定四輪以上汽車及汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機器腳踏車專行 Motor Vehicles with 4 Wheels or More and Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles with Displacement of over 550cc Only
2012-10-13 F遵23.1 道路指定四輪以上汽車及汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機車專行
2012-06-29 F遵23.2 道路指定四輪以上汽車及大型重型機器腳踏車專行 Motor Vehicles with 4 Wheels or More and Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles Only (> 250 cm3 or 40 hp)
2012-10-13 F遵23.2 道路指定四輪以上汽車及大型重型機車專行
69 1989-12-15
F遵26 車道指定四輪以上汽車專行 26" Motor Vehicle with 4 Wheels or More Only Lane
F遵28 車道指定大客車專行 Large Passenger Vehicles Only Lane
F遵27 車道指定腳踏車及機器腳踏車專行 Bicycle and Motorcycles Only Lane
2007-09-17[2] 車道指定腳踏車及汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車專行 Bicycle and Motorcycles with Displacement Under 550cc Only Lane
2008-04-14[3] 車道指定自行車及汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車專行
2012-06-29 車道指定自行車及大型重型機器腳踏車以外之機器腳踏車專行 Bicycle and Motorcycles Only Lane (≤ 250 cm3 or 40 hp)
2012-10-13 車道指定自行車及大型重型機車以外之機車專行
2007-09-17[2] F遵26.1 車道指定四輪以上汽車及汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機器腳踏車專行 Motor Vehicles with 4 Wheels or More and Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles with Displacement of over 550cc Only Lane
2012-10-13 F遵26.1 車道指定四輪以上汽車及汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機車專行
2012-06-29 F遵26.2 車道指定四輪以上汽車及大型重型機器腳踏車專行 Motor Vehicles with 4 Wheels or More and Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles Only Lane (> 250 cm3 or 40 hp)
2012-10-13 F遵26.2 車道指定四輪以上汽車及大型重型機車專行
F遵28.1 車道指定腳踏車專行 Bicycle Only Lane
2008-04-14[3] F遵28.1 車道指定自行車專行
F遵28.2 車道指定腳踏車專行(豎立於應進入該車道將近處之路側) Bicycle Only Lane (Erect on Roadside Near Entrance of that Lane)
2008-04-14[3] F遵28.2 車道指定自行車專行(豎立於應進入該車道將近處之路側)
2012-06-20 F遵28.3 車道指定高乘載車輛專行 High-Occupancy Vehicles Only Lane
2014-09-04 F遵28.4
F遵28.3 車道指定大眾捷運系統車輛專行 Lane for Mass Rapid Transit System Vehicle Only
70-1 2007-09-17[2] F遵30-1 開亮頭燈 Turn On Headlights
70←64 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 F遵29←F遵17 輪胎加鏈 Snow Chain Required 76 1968-10-01 L限9 雪地加鏈
71 1989-12-15 F遵30 按鳴喇叭 Sound Horn 64 P禁30 禁鳴喇叭 No Horn
72←65 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 F遵31←F遵18 單線鐵路平交道 Used for Single-Lane Railway Crossings 50 1977-09-14 P禁35 單線鐵路平交道 Railroad Crossing
F遵32←F遵19 雙線以上鐵路平交道 Used for Railway Crossings with Two Lanes or More P禁36 雙線以上鐵路平交道 Multiple Railroad Crossing
F遵33←F遵20 單線電化鐵路平交道 Used for Single-Lane Electrified Railway Crossings P禁37 電氣化單線鐵路平交道 Electric Railroad Crossing

F遵34←F遵21 雙線以上電化鐵路平交道
Used for Electrified Railway Crossings with Two Lanes or More
P禁38 電氣化雙線鐵路平交道 Multiple Electric Railroad Crossing
73←66 1989-12-15←1981-01-22
2007-09-17 刪除 deleted[2]
P禁08 禁止板車進入 No Carts 55 1968-10-01 P禁10 禁止板車進入 No entry for handcarts (pushcart)
P禁14 禁止三輪車及板車進入 No Pedicabs and Carts 55 1968-10-01 P禁16 P禁止三輪車及板車進入
(2008-04-14 刪除 deleted)[3]
P禁11 禁止馬達三輪車進入 No Motor Pedicabs 55 1968-10-01 P禁13 禁止馬達三輪車進入
1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁01 禁止進入(車輛) No Vehicles Allowed 55 1968-10-01 P禁03 禁止進入(車輛) No entry (vehicles)
P禁04 禁止大貨車及聯結車進入 Large Trucks and Semi-Trailers Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁06 禁止大貨車進入 No entry for goods vehicles
P禁05 禁止聯結車進入 Semi-Trailers Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁07 禁止拖車進入 No Trailers
P禁07 禁止空計程車進入 Vacant Taxi Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁09 禁止空計程車進入 No entry for Unload (Uncarry, Unladen) taxi
P禁09 禁止三輪車進入 Tri-cycles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁11 禁止三輪車進入 No Entry for Pedicab
P禁12 禁止獸力車進入 Animal-drawn Vehicles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁14 禁止獸力車進入
P禁13 禁止三輪車及獸力車進入 Tri-cycles and Animal-drawn Vehicles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁15 禁止人力及獸力車進入
P禁02 禁止汽車進入 Motor Vehicles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁04 禁止汽車進入 No entry for motor vehicles except motor cycles
73 2007-09-17[2] P禁02 禁止四輪以上汽車進入 Motor Vehicles Prohibited (with 4 Wheels or More)
P禁03.1 禁止大客車進入 Large Passenger Vehicles Prohibited
P禁02.1 禁止汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機器腳踏車進入 Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles with a Displacement of over 550cc Prohibited
2012-10-13 P禁02.1 禁止汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機車進入
2012-06-29 P禁06 禁止大客車﹑大貨車及聯結車進入 Large Passenger Vehicles, Large Trucks and Semi-Trailers Prohibited
2012-06-29 P禁02.2 禁止大型重型機器腳踏車進入 Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles Prohibited
2012-10-13 P禁02.2 禁止大型重型機車進入
73←66 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁03 禁止機器脚踏車進入 Motorcycles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁05 禁止機踏車進入 No entry for motor cycles
73 2007-09-17[2] P禁03 禁止汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車進入 Motorcycles Prohibited (< 550 cm3)
73 2012-06-29 P禁03 禁止大型重型機器腳踏車以外之機器腳踏車進入 Motorcycles Prohibited (≤ 250 cm3 or 40 hp)
73 2012-10-13 P禁03 禁止大型重型機車以外之機車進入
73←66 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁06 禁止汽車及機器脚踏車進入 Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁08 P禁止汽車及機踏車進入 No entry for motor vehicles or motor cycles
73 2007-09-17[2] P禁06 禁止四輪以上汽車及汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車進入 Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles Prohibited (< 550 cm3)
73←66 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁10 禁止脚踏車進入 Bicycles Prohibited 55 1968-10-01 P禁12 禁止自行車進入
73 2008-04-14[3] P禁10 禁止自行車進入
73 P禁11 禁止電動自行車進入 Electric Bicycles Prohibited
73←66 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁15 禁止汽車、機器脚踏車及獸力車進入 No Automobiles, Motorcycles or Animal-Drawn Vehicles 55 1968-10-01 P禁17 禁止汽車、機踏車及獸力車進入
73 2007-09-17[2] 禁止四輪以上汽車、汽缸總排氣量未滿五百五十立方公分之機器腳踏車及獸力車進入 Motor Vehicles with 4 Wheels or More, Motorcycles with a Displacement of Over 550cc and Animal-drawn Vehicles Prohibited (should have been under 550 cm3) 55→66 1968-10-01→1981-01-22 P禁18→P禁16 禁止汽車、機踏車、三輪車及獸力車進入→禁止汽車、機器腳踏車、三輪車及獸力車進入
73 2012-06-29 禁止四輪以上汽車及機器腳踏車進入 Vehicles with 4 Wheels and Motorcycles Prohibited
73 2012-10-13 禁止四輪以上汽車及機車進入
73-1 1994-04-09 P禁16 車道禁止進入 No Entry (lane)
74←67 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁16←P禁17 禁止右轉 Do Not Turn Right 56 1968-10-01 P禁20 P禁止右轉
74 1994-04-09 P禁17
74←67 1989-12-15←1981-01-22

P禁17←P禁18 禁止左轉
Do Not Turn Left
Do Not Turn Left with Large Trucks
Do Not Turn Left with Large Passenger Vehicles
56 1968-10-01 P禁19 禁止各種車輛左轉
74 1994-04-09 P禁18
74 1994-04-09 P禁19 禁止左右轉 Do Not Turn Left or Right
74 P禁20 禁止右轉及直行 Do Not Turn Right or Continue Straight Ahead
74 P禁21 禁止左轉及直行 Do Not Turn Left or Continue Straight Ahead 56 1968-10-01 P禁21 P禁止直行及左轉
74 2007-09-17[2] P禁19 禁止左右轉 Do Not Turn Left or Right
74 P禁20 禁止右轉及直行 Do Not Turn Right or Continue Straight Ahead
74 P禁21 禁止左轉及直行 Do Not Turn Left or Continue Straight Ahead
74 P禁18 禁止汽缸總排氣量五百五十立方公分以上之大型重型機器腳踏車左轉 Do Not Turn Left with Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles with Displacement of over 550cc
74 2012-06-29 禁止大型重型機器腳踏車左轉 Do Not Turn Left with Large Heavy-Duty Motorcycles (> 250 cm3 or 40 hp)
74 2012-10-13 禁止大型重型機車左轉
75←68 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁18←P禁19 禁止迴車 No U-Turn 57 1968-10-01 P禁22 禁止廻轉
75 1994-04-09 P禁22 禁止迴車 No U-Turn
76←69 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁19←P禁20 禁止超車 No Overtake 58 1968-10-01 P禁23 禁止超車
76 1994-04-09 P禁23 禁止超車 No Overtake 58 1968-10-01 P禁24 禁止大型車超車
77←70 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁20←P禁21 禁止行人通行 No Pedestrian Access 59 1968-10-01 P禁25 P禁止行人通行
77 1994-04-09 P禁24
78←71 1989-12-15←1981-01-22

P禁21←P禁22 禁止停車 No Parking 63 1968-10-01 P禁35 禁止停車
78 1994-04-09 P禁25 禁止停車 No Parking
79←72 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 P禁22←P禁23 禁止臨時停車 No Stopping 63 1968-10-01 P禁34 禁止暫停
79 1994-04-09 P禁26
80←73 1989-12-15←1981-01-22

P禁23←P禁24 禁止會車
Passing Oncoming Vehicle Prohibited
Supplemental Plate
Passing Oncoming Vehicle Prohibited for Large Vehicles
80 1994-04-09 P禁27
81←74 1989-12-15←1981-01-22 L限1 車輛總重限制 Vehicle Gross Weight Restriction 60 1968-10-01 P禁26 車輛總重限制
82←75 L限2 車輛寬度限制 Vehicle Width Restriction 61 P禁27 車輛寬度限制
83←76 L限3 車輛高度限制 Vehicle Height Restriction 62 P禁28 車輛高度限制
84←77 L限4 車輛長度限制 Vehicle Length Restriction 63 P禁29 車長限制
86←79 L限6 最低速限 Minimum Speed 75 L限8 最低速率
85←78 L限5 最高速限 Maximum Speed 65 P禁31 行車速限
85 66 P禁32 解除速限
85 1994-04-09
84-1 2007-09-17[2] L限4-1 行車安全距離限制 Safety Distance

指示標誌 Guide Signs

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) # 條 Article (1981-01-22) 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
87-1 2003-09-24

觀光遊樂地區指示 Tourist Recreation Area Guide
2007-09-17[2] 觀光遊樂地區:方向 Tourist Recreation Area: Direction G指00
觀光遊樂地區:預告行車方向 Tourist Recreation Area: Advanced Notice of Driving Direction G指00.1
觀光遊樂地區:行車方向及距離 Tourist Recreation Area: Driving Direction and Distance G指00.2
觀光遊樂地區:所在地點 Tourist Recreation Area: Location G指00.3
87-2 2003-09-24 遊憩類別 Touring sites categories
87-3 2017-06-14 自行車路線指示 Cycling Route G指00.4,G指00.5
88 1989-12-15
National Highway (Freeway)
National Highway (Freeway) graphic
G指01 81
89 1989-12-15 省道路線編號 Provincial Highway G指02 82

2007-09-17[2] 快速公路之省道路線編號 Provincial Expressway G指02.1
90 1989-12-15 縣道路線編號←縣鄉道路線編號 County Route G指03 83
90 1989-12-15 鄉道路線編號 Township Route Number G指04
90 2007-09-17[2] 縣道路線編號支線 County Route Branch G指03
90-2 2017-06-14 自行車路線編號 Cycling Route G指04.1
91 1989-12-15
2007-09-17 刪除 deleted[2]
省(市)界 Provincial Boundary G指05←G指04 84
92 縣(市)界 County (City) Boundary G指06←G指05 85
93 1989-12-15 路線方位指示:指向東行 Eastbound G指07←G指06 86

路線方位指示:指向南行 Southbound G指08←G指07
路線方位指示:指向西行 Westbound G指09←G指08
路線方位指示:指向北行 Northbound G指10←G指09
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:直行方向 Direction of Traffic (Through Traffic) G指11←G指10 87
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:左右轉方向 Direction of Traffic (Left or Right Turn) G指12←G指11
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:右轉方向 Direction of Traffic (Right Turn) G指13←G指12
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:右轉方向 Direction of Traffic (Right Turn) G指14
94 1989-12-15
Direction of Traffic (Left Turn)
Placement graphic
G指15←G指13 87
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:左轉方向 Direction of Traffic (Left Turn) G指16
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:直行後右轉 Direction of Traffic (Go Straight and Turn Right) G指17←G指14 87
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:直行後右轉 Direction of Traffic (Go Straight and Turn Right) G指18
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:直行後左轉 Direction of Traffic (Go Straight and Turn Left) G指19←G指15 87
94 1989-12-15 行車方向指示:直行後左轉 Direction of Traffic (Go Straight and Turn Left) G指20
95 1989-12-15
Guide "Sign 21": Area Name
Scenic Area
95 2003-09-24 指21:地名 Guide "Sign 21": Area Name
95 2007-09-17[2] 指21:地名 Guide "Sign 21": Area Name
95 2007-09-17[2] 指21.1:地名 Guide "Sign 21.1": Area Name
95 2012-06-20 指21:地名 Guide "Sign 21": Area Name
95 2012-06-20 指21.1:地名 Guide "Sign 21.1": Area Name
96 1989-12-15

指22:地名方向指示 G22: Destination Guide
96 2003-09-24

指22:地名方向指示 G22: Destination Guide
96 2006-12-13 指22:地名方向指示 G22: Destination Guide
96 2006-12-13 指22.1:地名方向指示 G22.1: Destination Guide
96 2006-12-13 指22.2:地名方向指示 G22.2: Destination Guide
96 2006-12-13 指22.3:地名方向指示 G22.3: Destination Guide
96 2006-12-13 指22.4:地名方向指示 G22.4: Destination Guide
96 2006-12-13
指22.5:地名方向指示 G22.5: Destination Guide
96 2012-06-20 指22:地名方向指示 G22: Destination Guide
96 2012-06-20 指22.1:地名方向指示 G22.1: Destination Guide
96 2012-06-20 指22.2:地名方向指示 G22.2: Destination Guide
96 2012-06-20 指22.3:地名方向指示 G22.3: Destination Guide
96 2012-06-20 指22.4:地名方向指示 G22.4: Destination Guide
96 2012-06-20
指22.5:地名方向指示 G22.5: Destination Guide
97 1989-12-15
指23:地名里程 G23": Destination and Distance
97 2003-09-24 指23:地名里程 G23": Destination and Distance
97 2007-09-17[2] 指23.1:地名里程 G23.1: Destination and Distance
97 2007-09-17[2] 指23.2:地名里程 G23.2: Destination and Distance
97 2012-06-20 指23:地名里程 G23: Destination and Distance
97 2012-06-20 指23.1:地名里程 G23.1: Destination and Distance
97 2012-06-20 指23.2:地名里程 G23.2: Destination and Distance
98 1989-12-15
指24:方向里程 G24: Direction and Distance
98 1994-06-23
98 2003-09-24
100 1989-12-15 指26:爬坡道預告 G26: Slope Ahead (Climbing lane)
101 1989-12-15 指27:慢速車靠右 G27: Slow moving vehicles Keep Right
102 1989-12-15 指28:大型車靠右 G28: Large Vehicles Keep Right
104 1989-12-15

指30:高速公路指引 G30: Direction to Freeway
104 2003-09-24 指30:高(快)速公路指引 G30
G30-1: Direction to Freeway (Expressway)
104 2003-09-24 指30-1:高(快)速公路指引 G30
G30-1: Direction to Freeway (Expressway)
104 2007-09-17[2] 指30:高(快)速公路指引 G30: Direction to Freeway (Expressway)
104 2007-09-17[2] 指30.1:高(快)速公路指引 G30.1: Direction to Freeway (Expressway)
104 2007-09-17[2] 指30.2:高(快)速公路指引 G30.2: Direction to Freeway (Expressway)
106 1989-12-15 指34:高速公路出口處數 G34: Exit (Number of Exits)
107 1989-12-15 指35:高速公路出口處街名里程 G35: Exits with Mileage
108 1989-12-15
指36:高速公路出口編號 G36: Exit Number
108 1994-06-23
108 2006-12-13
指36:高(快)速公路交流道名稱 G36: Freeway (Expressway) Interchange Name
108 2006-12-13
108 2009-12-08
110 1989-12-15 指38:高速公路服務區預告 G38: Service Area Ahead
111 1989-12-15 指39:高速公路服務區進口方向 G39: Exit to Service Area
112 1989-12-15 指40:公路休息站預告告 G40: Rest Area Ahead
113 1989-12-15 指41:公路休息站進口方向 G41: Exit to Rest Area
114 1989-12-15 指42:公路收費站預告 G42: Toll Station Ahead
115 1989-12-15 指43:路況廣播 G43: Traffic Info Radio
116 1989-12-15 指44:里程碑 G44: Milestone (km)
116 1994-06-23 指44:里程碑
117 1989-12-15 指45:里程牌 G45: Milepost (km)
118-5 2003-09-24
122-1 2011-05-11 指58-1:加氣站 Guide "Sign 58-1" Gas Station (liquid petroleum gas)
132-1 2017-06-14 指69:替代路線指引 G69: Alternate Route
132-1 指69.1:替代路線指引 G69.1: Alternate Route
132-1 指69.2:替代路線指引 G69.2: Alternate Route
132-1 指69.3:替代路線指引 G69.3: Alternate Route

輔助標誌 Auxiliary Signs

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
133-1 1994-04-09 輔1:車道預告 A1: Lanes Designated for Specific Directions Ahead
134 1989-12-15

輔1:安全方向導引 A1: Follow the Arrow
134 1994-04-09

輔2:安全方向導引 A2: Follow the Arrow
136 1989-12-15

附牌 Supplementary plates
137 警告性質告示牌 Warning Sign (Fog Area)
137 禁制性質告示牌 Prohibitory Sign (No Passing)
137 行車指示性質告示牌 Driving Guide Sign
137 服務設施指示性質告示牌 Driving Information Sign

施工標誌 Work Zone Signs


標線 Markings


警告標線 Warning Markings

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
152 1989-12-15 路面標記 Road Markers
152 1994-04-09 路面標記 Road Markers
155 1989-12-15
路寬變更線 Lane Reduction Transition Markings
156 1989-12-15 近障礙物線 Approach Markings for Obstruction
157 1989-12-15 「鐵路」標字圖例 "Railroad" word marking sample
157 1989-12-15 近鐵路平交道線 Railroad Crossing Ahead Marking 147 1968-10-01 09
158 1989-12-15 調撥車道線 Reversible Lane Markings
158 1994-04-09 調撥車道線
159 1989-12-15 減速標線 Reduce Speed Marking
160 1989-12-15 路中障礙物體線 Obstruction Marking in the middle of the road
161 1989-12-15 路旁障礙物體線 Obstruction Marking on the side of the road
163 1989-12-15 「慢」字 "Slow" wording 146 1968-10-01 15

禁制標線 Prohibitory Markings

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
165 1989-12-15 分向限制線 Yellow Centerline Pavement Markings
167 1989-12-15 禁止變換車道線 No Lane Change
167 1989-12-15 禁止變換車道標字 No Lane Change wording
167 1998-11-16 禁止變換車道線:圖一 雙邊禁止變換車道線 No Lane Change: Graphic 1: Lane Change Prohibited on Both Sides
167 1998-11-16 禁止變換車道線:圖二 單邊禁止變換車道線 No Lane Change: Graphic 2: Lane Change Prohibited on Either Side
168 1989-12-15 禁止停車線 No Parking
168 1994-04-09 禁止停車線 No Parking
168 1998-11-16 禁止停車線 No Parking
169 1989-12-15 禁止臨時停車線 No Stopping
171 1989-12-15 槽化線 Buffer Zone
172 1989-12-15 讓路線 Yield Line 135 1968-10-01 08
174-2 2000-07-13 機車停等區線
174-2 2017-06-14 機慢車停等區線
174-2 2021-01-29 縮小型指向線
176 1989-12-15 行車方向專用車道標字 Driving Direction Exclusive Lane Wording (They are written vertically. From the left column to the right are "Straight Ahead Only", "Left Turn Only", and "Right Turn Only".)
178 1989-12-15 禁行機車標字 No Motorcycles Wording (no longer applicable to heavy-duty motorcycles >= 550 cm3 since 2007-07-01 or > 250 cm3 or 40 hp since 2012-07-01)

指示標線 Guide Markings

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en) 舊條 Old Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
183-1 1994-04-09 快慢車道分隔線
183-1 2017-06-14 快慢車道分隔線
184 1989-12-15 「左彎待轉區」標字 "Left Turn Waiting Area" wording
184 1989-12-15 左彎待轉區線 Left Turn Waiting Area
185 2021-01-29 視障引導標線
186 1989-12-15 斑馬紋行人穿越道線 Pedestrian Crossing between Intersections
188 2021-01-29 分流式指向線
188-2 2017-06-14

自行車路線指示線 Cycling Route
188-2 2021-01-29 自行車路線指示輔助線
189 1989-12-15 轉彎線 Turning Lines
189 2021-01-29 路口行車導引線
192 1989-12-15 地名、路名方向指示標字 Place and road name Direction Guidance Wording
192 2017-06-14 地名、路名、高(快)速公路方向指示標字 Place, Road Name, Freeway and Expressway Direction Guidance Wording

號誌 Signals

條 Article 日期 Date[1] 圖 Image 定義 (zh-TW) Definition (en)
166 1968-10-01 號誌裝設最低標準與一般標準 Minimum and normal standards to install signals
202 車輛所需最短綠燈時相 Vehicularly needed minimum green phase
203 遞亮號誌系統時制之計劃 Timing plan of signal progressive system
198←180 1989-12-15 號誌燈頭 Signal Light Heads
198 2007-09-17[2] 號誌燈頭 Signal Light Heads
203←185, 186 1989-12-15 行車管制號誌燈面 Vehicular Signal Light Faces
203 2008-06-18
行車倒數計時顯示器 Vehicular count-down timer
204 1989-12-15 行車管制號誌之箭頭燈號 Vehicular Arrow Signal
行人專用號誌 Pedestrian Signal←189
車道管制號誌 Lane Control Signal
2007-09-17[2] 行人專用號誌 Pedestrian Signal
倒數計時顯示器 Count-down timer
叉形圖案 Cross graphic

垂直向下之箭頭圖案 Vertically downward arrow graphic

對角線向右下之箭頭圖案 Diagonal arrow graphic to lower right

對角線向左下之箭頭圖案 Diagonal arrow graphic to lower left
  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q 中央法規標準法》第十三條:「法規明定自公布或發布日施行者,自公布或發布之日起算至第三日起發生效力。」非現行定義用斜體,縮小其圖像。
    Article 13 of the Central Regulation Standard Act: "While a regulation stipulated that the regulation shall be enforced from the date of enactment or publication, the regulation shall become effective since the third date of the enactment or publication date." Non-current definitions are in italic and their images have reduced sizes.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab 2007-11-01 施行 effective
  3. a b c d e f g h 2008-04-15 施行 effective
  4. 2018-01-01 施行 effective
  5. 1989年12月15日,第58至72條有遵行標誌。第73至80條有禁止標誌。第81至86條有限制標誌。1981年1月22日,第56至65條有遵行標誌。第66至73條有禁止標誌。第74至79條有限制標誌。 On 15 December 1989, Articles 58 to 72 have signs to follow (obligatory). Articles 73 to 80 have signs to prohibit. Articles 81 to 86 have signs to limit. On 22 January 1981, Articles 56 to 65 have signs to follow (obligatory). Articles 66 to 73 have signs to prohibit. Articles 74 to 78 have signs to limit.
  6. 1968年10月1日,第53至69條有禁止標誌。第70至76條有限制標誌。 Articles 53 to 69 have Prohibitory Signs. Articles 70 to 76 have Restriction Signs.
  7. a b c 2006-07-01 施行 effective