User:Sunil Bhanushali/common.css

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h2 {background: #08a0db; background:-moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, #08a0db 0%, #16b7fb 50%, #16b7fb 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#08a0db),color-stop(50%,#16b7fb),color-stop(100%,#16b7fb)); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom,#08a0db 0%, #16b7fb 50%, #16b7fb 100%); padding:5px; margin-bottom: -1px; color:#fff; text-shadow: 0px 1px #333;font-weight: normal;font-size:15px;margin:0px;font-family: "",Comic sans ms;text-align:center} 
.hcheader {background: #08a0db; background:-moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, #08a0db 0%, #16b7fb 50%, #16b7fb 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#08a0db),color-stop(50%,#16b7fb),color-stop(100%,#16b7fb)); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom,#08a0db 0%, #16b7fb 50%, #16b7fb 100%); padding:5px; margin-bottom: -1px; color:#fff; text-shadow: 0px 1px #333;font-weight: normal;font-size:15px;margin:0px;font-family: "",Comic sans ms;text-align:center} 
.hcicon { display:inline-block; border: 1px solid #eee; padding: 1px; margin: 2px }
.hcblok { border: 1px solid #08a0db; margin: 2px; display: block}
.hcfooter {border-top:3px solid #08a0db;background:#333;color:#fff;padding: 5px;font-weight:bold}
.hcmsg {background:#e5e5e5; padding: 4px; border-top: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px;}
.gallerytext {background:#f9f9f9; padding: 4px; border-top: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px;text-align:center}