User:Gone Postal/prefill.js

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// This script will preload some specific pages on their first edit
// <nowiki>

$ = jQuery;

function escapeRegex(string) {
    return string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');

function prefill()
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	let territoriesWithNavBoxes =
		'Berlin', 'Brandenburg', 'Bonn', 'Bavaria', 'Baden-Württemberg',
		'Dresden', 'Düsseldorf', 'Darmstadt',
		'Frankfurt am Main',
		'Hesse', 'Hamburg',
		'Leipzig', 'Ludwigshafen am Rhein', 'Lower Saxony',
		'Macau', 'Mainz', 'Mitte (district of Berlin)', 'Munich', 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern',
		'North Rhine-Westphalia', 'Nagoya',
		'Pankow (district of Berlin)',
		'Saarbrücken', 'Saarland', 'Saxony', 'Saxony-Anhalt', 'Schleswig-Holstein', 'Speyer',
		'Trier', 'Thuringia',
		'Wiesbaden', 'Wuppertal'
	let conditionsTerritories = [];
	territoriesWithNavBoxes.forEach((e) => {
		const escaped = escapeRegex(e);
				page: new RegExp('Category:'+escaped+' photographs taken on \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}'),
				func: function() {
					let template = e+' photographs taken on navbox';
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	const conditionsCountries = [
			page: /Category:Number \d+ on stamps/,
			func: function() {
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			page: /^Category:\d{4} stamps of .*/,
			func: function() {
				let template = 'year stamps of country';
				let year = pageName.replace('Category:', '').substring(0,4);
				let country = pageName.substring(24);
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{'+template+'|'+year+'|'+country+'}}';
			page: /Category:.* on stamps/,
			func: function() {
				let subject = pageName.replace('Category:', '').replace(' on stamps', '');
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '[[Category:'+subject+' in art|stamps]]\n[[Category:Stamps by subject|'+subject+']]';
			page: /Category:.* in art/,
			func: function() {
				let subject = pageName.replace('Category:', '').replace(' in art', '');
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '[[Category:'+subject+'|*Art]]\n[[Category:Art by subject|'+subject+']]';
			page: /Category:.+ photographs taken on \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/,
			func: function() {
				let template = 'country photographs taken on';
				let country = pageName.replace('Category:', '').replace('photographs taken on', '').replace(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/, '').trim();
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			func: function() {
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				let month = date.substring(5, 7);
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			page: /Category:[^ ]+ \d{4} .+ photographs/,
			func: function() {
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				let country = pageName.replace('Category:', '').replace(/[^ ]+/, '').replace(/\d{4}/, '').replace(' photographs', '').trim();
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				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{'+template+'|'+country+'|'+year+'|'+month+'}}';
			page: /Category:\d{4} photographs of .*/,
			func: function() {
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				if(country.substring(0,4)=='the ')
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				let year1 = year.substring(3);
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			page: /Category:\d{4}s photographs of .*/,
			func: function() {
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					country = country.substring(4);
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				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{'+template+'|'+country+'|'+decade+'}}';
			page: /Category:\d{2}..-century photographs of .*/,
			func: function() {
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				let country = pageName.substring(37);
				if(country.substring(0,4)=='the ')
					country = country.substring(4);
				let century = pageName.replace('Category:', '').substring(0,2);
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{'+template+'|'+country+'|'+century+'}}';
			page: /Category:Historical photographs of .*/,
			func: function() {
				let template = 'historical photographs of country';
				let country = pageName.substring(35);
				if(country.substring(0,4)=='the ')
					country = country.substring(4);
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{'+template+'|'+country+'}}';
			page: /Category:Videos of \d{4} from .*/,
			func: function() {
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				if(country.substring(0,4)=='the ')
					country = country.substring(4);
				let year = pageName.replace('Category:Videos of ', '').substring(0,4);
				let decade = year.substring(0,3);
				let year1 = year.substring(3);
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{'+template+'|'+country+'|'+decade+'|'+year1+'}}';
			page: /Category:Number \d+ on vehicles/,
			func: function() {
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				let num = pageName.substring(16).replace(' on vehicles', '');
				let type = 'vehicle';
				let supercat = 'number '+num+' on objects';
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					country = country.substring(4);
				let year = pageName.replace('Category:Videos of ', '').substring(0,4);
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				let year1 = year.substring(3);
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			page: /Category:0+\d+ \(number\)/,
			func: function() {
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				num = num.replace(/^0+/, '');
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			func: function() {
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			func: function() {
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			page: /File:/,
			func: function() {
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			page: /PAGENAME/,
			func: function() {
	const conditions = conditionsTerritories.concat(conditionsCountries);

	conditions.some(function(cond) {
			return true;
		return false;
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// </nowiki>