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// <source lang="javascript">

   A popup viewer for [[MediaWiki:Gadget-GalleryDetails.js]].
   Author: [[User:Lupo]], January 2009
   License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

if (typeof (GalleryDetails) != 'undefined'
    && typeof (GalleryDetailsPopupViewer) == 'undefined')
importScript ('MediaWiki:Tooltips.js');
importScript ('MediaWiki:ImageLinks.js');

var GalleryDetailsPopupViewer = function () {};

GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.prototype = new GalleryDetailsViewer;

GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.button = null;
GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.button_img_url = 
GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.closer = null;
GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.close_img_url = 
GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.tooltip_styles =
   {  border          : '1px solid #8888aa'
    , backgroundColor : '#f7f8ff'
    , padding         : '0.3em'
    , fontSize        : ((skin && (skin == 'monobook' || skin == 'modern')) ? '127%' : '100%')
      // Scale up to default text size

GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.prototype.display =
  function (model)
    if (!GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.button) {
      // Create button class
      var img = document.createElement ('img');
      img.src = GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.button_img_url;
      img.width = '16';
      img.height = '16';
      GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.button = Buttons.createClass ([img], 'gallery_details_button');
      img = document.createElement ('img');
      img.src = GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.close_img_url;
      img.width = '14';
      img.height = '14';
      GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.closer = img;
    for (var i = 0; i < model.nof_images; i++) {
      var existing = model.image_list[i];
      var details = this.check_info (existing);
      if (details) continue; // No info...
      details = this.create_details_box (existing);
      var page_content = this.create_page_box (existing) || document.createTextNode ('No info found.');
      var tbl = document.createElement ('table');
      tbl.className = 'gallery_details';
      // Create a table header with a small thumbnail at the left and the upload comment on the
      // right
      var tr  = tbl.insertRow (-1);
      var td  = document.createElement ('td');
      var imgs = ('img');
      var img  = null;
      for (var j = 0; j < imgs.length; j++) {
        if (   imgs[j].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a'
            && imgs[j].parentNode.className == 'image') {
          // It's our thumbnail, I guess...
          img = imgs[j]; break;
      if (img) {
        var w = img.width;
        var h = img.height;
        if (!w || !h) {
          if ( && && > 0) {
            w =[0].width;
            h =[0].height;
        if (!w) w = img.offsetWidth;
        if (!h) h = img.offsetHeight;
        if (!h) h = w;
        // Scale down to 90px maximum of width or height
        var new_w = 0;
        var new_h = 0;
        if (w >= h) {
          new_w = 90; new_h = Math.ceil (h * 90 / w);
        } else {
          new_w = Math.ceil (w * 90 / h); new_h = 90;
        var url = img.src;
        img = document.createElement ('img');
        img.src = url;
        img.width = "" + new_w;
        img.height = "" + new_h;
        var img_lk = document.createElement ('a');
        img_lk.appendChild (img);
        img_lk.href  = mw.config.get('wgServer')
                     + wgArticlePath.replace ('$1', 'File:' + encodeURI (;
        img_lk.title =;
        img_lk.className = 'image';
        var inner_tbl = document.createElement ('table');
        var inner_tr  = inner_tbl.insertRow (-1);
        var inner_td  = document.createElement ('td');
        inner_td.width  = '100';
        inner_td.vAlign = 'center';
        inner_td.align  = 'center';
        inner_td.appendChild (img_lk);
        inner_tr.appendChild (inner_td);
        inner_td = document.createElement ('td');
        var idiv = document.createElement ('div'); = "5px"; = "8pt"; = "9pt";
        idiv.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Upload summary: '));
        var italics = document.createElement ('em');
        italics.appendChild (document.createTextNode ([0].comment));
        idiv.appendChild (italics);
        inner_td.appendChild (idiv);
        inner_tr.appendChild (inner_td);
        inner_tbl.width = '100%';
        td.colSpan = '2';
        td.appendChild (inner_tbl);
        tr.appendChild (td);
        tr  = tbl.insertRow (-1);
        td  = document.createElement ('td');
      // Put the details and the page info below, side by side
      td.appendChild (details);
      tr.appendChild (td);
      td  = document.createElement ('td');
      td.appendChild (page_content);
      tr.appendChild (td);
      // Put the whole thing into a div
      var ndiv = document.createElement ('div');
      ndiv.appendChild (tbl);
      // Give the image thumb a colored border
      var thumb = getElementsByClassName (, 'a', 'image');
      if (thumb && thumb.length > 0) {
        thumb[0] = '2px solid '
          + (existing.status == GalleryDetails.BAD_FILE
             ? 'red'
             : (existing.status == GalleryDetails.GOOD_FILE ? 'green' : 'yellow')
      if (   existing.status != GalleryDetails.BAD_FILE
          && && && > 0)
        var w =[0].width;
        var h =[0].height;
        var s =[0].size;
        if ((w < 600 && h < 600 && w > 0 && h > 0 || s < 50000) && /\.jpe?g$/.test ( {
          // Mark small jpg files, even if license appears to be fine.
 = 'pink';
      // Create and insert the button
      var button = Buttons.makeButton (GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.button, + '_button' + i, '#'); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px';
      var thumbbox = getElementsByClassName (, 'div', 'thumb');
      if (thumbbox && thumbbox.length > 0)
        thumbbox = thumbbox[0];
      else if (thumb && thumb.length > 0) {
        // Put a div around the image and its link
        thumbbox = document.createElement ('div');
        var parent = thumb[0].parentNode;
        var before = thumb[0].nextSibling;
        thumbbox.appendChild (thumb[0]);
        parent.insertBefore (thumbbox, before);
        var exif_data = this.get_exif_data (existing);
        if (exif_data && exif_data.length > 0) {
          if (   thumbbox.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'td'
              && thumbbox.parentNode.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'td'
             ) {
            for (var k = 0; k < exif_data.length; k++) {
              thumbbox.parentNode.nextSibling.appendChild (document.createTextNode (' '));
              thumbbox.parentNode.nextSibling.appendChild (exif_data[k]);
      } else
        thumbbox = null;
      if (thumbbox) { = 'relative';
        thumbbox.appendChild (button);
        // Now attach the tooltip
        var tooltip =
          new Tooltip
            (  button
             , ndiv
             , { activate     : Tooltip.CLICK
                ,deactivate   : Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM
                ,close_button : GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.closer
                ,mode         : Tooltip.MOUSE
                ,fixed_offset : {x:10, y: -10}
                ,open_delay   : 0
                ,hide_delay   : 0
             , GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.tooltip_styles

GalleryDetailsPopupViewer.prototype.toggle =
  function (model)
    // No-op

// Redefine the factory method
GalleryDetailsLoader.getViewer =
  function ()
    return new GalleryDetailsPopupViewer ();
} // end if (guard)

// </source>