File talk:World Map of Y-DNA Haplogroups.png

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There is no evidence that R1b was ever found in the Americas prior to European contact. <highly speclutive> Please explain.

Please refer to this paper (Hammer et al. 2005)
Fig 1: Native American has 21.9% R-M269, a sub-branch of R1b
Chakazul (talk) 02:58, 12 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Even if that is the case, then I believe that I've seen this map as regarding native population before colonization era. If that is the case, then R1b should not been in America, also E should not be in South Africa at all and A should be in place of it and also more to the central areas of South Africa, as those expansions of E are recent. But if that is not the case, then most of Americas, Australia, New Zealand and eastern South Africa and Scandinavia should be painted in dominant R1b. Siberia, Caucasus and Ukraine should be painted as dominant R1a. And central Africa Pygmy areas should be painted as dominant E(because Pygmies are not dominant in that area) - the only dominant B areas should be Hadza and Nuer(middle of A blob in South Sudan), which are one of biggest groups in South Sudan. — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:25, 18 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Why is so much wrong on this map?

I have the same question.



Why turkmenistan became Haplogroup Q2 ? 00:17, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

good question.. 18:27, 21 April 2017 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment was added by 2003:6:1532:BE43:EDFD:1CD4:4A6B:10D8 (talk) 18:27, 21 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Any feedback? 22:14, 8 May 2017 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 22:14, 8 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]



the names of the groupings (badly) need to be updated.

given how much they change & how quickly/often, this should probably be a regularly-scheduled task.

& perhaps the graphics should be redesigned to facilitate that?

Lx 121 (talk) 16:40, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Dominant Haplogroup shown for Eastern Indian(West Bengal, Orissa) is Incorrect in the Map


Haplogroup T and C5 are shown dominant in West Bengal and Orissa which is wrong. According to Kivisild et al 2003, the most common Haplogroup for West Bengalis is Haplogroup R1a1 at 39% followed by Haplogroup R2 at 23% then H at 9%. Haplogroup T is only common among an obscure tribal group called 'Bauri' which constitute a fractional %age of the total population. I think that the Map needs to be changed accordingly.--Fylindfotberserk (talk) 10:00, 24 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This map is absolutely retarded


1.a According to current publications about migrations of people from Africa - first ones were too weak(and probably dumb) to deal with Neanderthals, who were living in Near East, so they skipped them and traveled up to India, where one group settled there and other group split from them and traveled up to Australia(including southeast Asia). This first migration route was done by C people up to Southeast Asia and there should be no F on that route, as all those later mutations were created by staying in Southeast Asia or after mixing with various local nonafrican people and even nonafrican and nonneanderthal people(Denisovans - are mix between neanderthals and asian humanoids who were not sapiens) or among various other migratory groups and their mix.

There should be one uninterrupted C route from Africa with branches to Australia, Southeast Asia, India and later modern directions, which are present there. This map shows only existing groups, so it might be too much to ask to include extinct C group migration to southern Europe and northern Africa.

1.b There should be another(later) migration route of DE(reusing the route is lazy and does not give proper picture), that went to Near East shore, with branches of D copying C, that did not enter Australia and went and stayed Andamanese islands and in Assama(India) and Burma. This first group later spread across Tibet and produced migration waves to that went further along the coast and settled as Ruykyu and Ainu people in Japan and offshot of people to Philippines.

2. That group which traveled to SouthEast Asia produced group, which traveled back to India and spread there up to Near East and entered Neanderthal lands. It really sucks, that this another route is not painted as a different direction, but K should not be present on this map at this stage. This backward(opposite to out of Africa C migration) migration from southeast Asia was made by group, that is F. The first group, that was offshot from F was G, and it was first group of modern people, that populated Near East.

There is another direction F, opposite C, that should originate in southeast Asia and end in middle of Near East or modern Turkey.

3. After this backward migration, group F split in two main groups: modern people who had contacts with neanderthals the most - G and rest of the group: HIJK. Next migrations become more complicated: people who did not had most interactions with neanderthals migrated into G area and replaced/mixed with them and created IJ group. Later from that group it created offshot of I which spread to Europe and NOT via Caucasus mountain area. There is no consistency of colors in areas and arrows.

There should be added offshot arrow to F migration direction of H(that is remnant of a F group, that did not participate in mixing of neanderthals as much as other groups did), that is located in India and it would be visually better if that direction started on eastern side, because it was not really a new group that entered from Near east, but it was the main body, that was left behind in F migration. Another arrow should be migration of IJ into Near East area AND from Near East area chronologically later: I spread to Europe J spread in ancient times to Iran, which was G/H habitation area in earliest times, Anatolia, Greece and Italy and as later Urartian spread past Caucasus J spread to horn of Africa - there is significant 30% J haplogroup presence among locals

4. There should be no K present on this map at this stage. There should be no L area present on this map(Indus Valley, which presently is predominantly R1a), if it follows logic, that only modern populations should be present and only modern populations, that has majority in area. otherwise I would like to see C area in Spain and whole Near East and northern Iran painted in G.

So, there should be arrows pointing L spread to Near East from Indus Valley. And T spreading from Anatolia to Africa. Technically LT is K1, which might be painted as sister migration to IJ, as T seems to spr3ad originally to J area and L settled to areas, that J didn't - shores of ocean that includes southern Iran and eastern India.

Anyway, on this map there should be another migration from India - K2, not K(K did not migrate in India and Near East, but appeared as fragment of F migration, so there should be no arrows that point to MASSIVE K migration), but only K2, that would have migration into Australia, as K2(P60), K2 to Papua and K2 to Southeast Asia.

5. K2 migration is interesting.(But it is not shown on this map at all!)

One group went to Australia and stayed there.

Another migrated and mixed mainly with locals in Philippines and created NO, but some of members of this group seems to instead of migrating to Philippines, migrated to western Siberia and even to Romania(Europe).

Third group went to rest of Indonesian islands and split in two. First of 3rd group went to Papua and mixed there with non C locals and created M and S. Both of them also spread to Australia, which is not depicted on map. Second of 3rd group created P, that did not enter Papua and not mixed to locals as much as M and S did.

6. P generated following migrations: Q - settled in Siberia and Turan area. Later went to Americas across Beringia. R - it seems, that one of the earliest migrations was also to Siberia. Another offshot of R as R2 - it either was left behind, or also spread from Siberia and somehow could get back to east India where it is present in large numbers. R2 is spread in wide areas and is also present in central Asia and Europe.

7. NO split in two, where N migrated first to mainland China. O later followed with many migration waves, that replaced or pushed firsts, and probably made back numerous times to Indonesian islands from mainland. It also created migrations to India(Munda) and later migrations across Pacific and to Madagascar.

8. R1b originated in western Siberia. It went to the same route that later steppe migrants made into Balkans and spread from there to Europe, Africa, Anatolia and further to Near East.

9. R1a originated in European steppes in Eastern Europe. It later spread to Balkans and created Hellenistic Greece and made Aryan invasions to India and Iran and is connected to R1a in Tarim basin.

This map is absolutely retarded Pt. 2


1. This map lacks ice sheet information during Last Glacial maximum(18 000 years ago), that was present over whole Tibet and parts of southern Siberia and central Asia and that was the way of migrations. Doggerland is located in North Sea, where is located Dogger bank and not land bridge of English Channel. Name of that should be moved to proper location on right side of Britain:

2. Names on this map. It is very annoying problem.

2.a Why central asian R1a Tajiks(Northern Parsi) and Uzbekified Tajiks are named Turkic? It would make sense to name them Turanic*, just like Elamo-Dravidian* on this map, because Turan was area, that was inhabited by R1a Iranic speaking population. Regarding Elamo-Dravidian* - there is still debate if closest to Elamite was Dravidian and it should not be on this map! It should be named Elamo*-group of similar to Elamite languages, as no way we can say for sure, if they were Proto-Dravidian or proto-Elamite languages - that is if Elamite languages in fact are closest to Dravidian, as the surviving live language of that currently dubious group.

2.b Oh, fuck! It appears, that Elamo-Dravidian* points to Indus valley civilization area, because there is N Middle Eastern area. That is not correct. Dravidian might be closest to Harappan language, but that is still in progress that it is so, but still it at least makes some sense to Harrappan-Dravidian language group than Elamo-Dravidian, because at this point Elamo-Semitic also makes sense and if we need to make Semitic-Elamo-Harappan-Dravidic area, it doesn't make sense to paint insignificant Dravidian or Semitic areas.

2.c There is no consistency how areas are painted. I'm pointing at L in Indus Valley, which should have been named Harrappan* instead of Elamo-Dravidian* and also have been painted similarly as Madagascar or even better - painted as dominant R1a, because there are no majority areas of L anywhere in the world, except for Balochi inhabitated areas, which are further to west and which still are not dominant. Then there is no similar painted area for J presence of Semitic speaking area in eastern Africa or other regions for that matter.

3. Migration paths are not clear and distinguishable. Coloring scheme doesn't make it better. It seems, that some of the arrows points only migration paths(because they don't know point of origin) and some are ALSO used as origin points - that doesn't help to deliver information.

4. Origin point usage is unacceptable. Even if spread of haplogroups in some cases are right, origins of those points for F G H I J K L M N P Q R T are completely wrong.

5. Misinformation regarding R1a and R1b. Origins of R1a in Iran are not supported by logic and data and even earlier knowledge and recent finds, where R1a across Asia is recent invasion from Eastern Europe. Similar problems are regarding spread and origins of R1b.

6. Actually it seems, that this map believes, that R(!) and R1 originated in Iran, which is not true and it is in conflict with information in wiki: Most oldest find of R* is located in western Siberia, but origins of R, just like all the other child groups of K2 are in area around Philipines. This map completely disregards that information, even if it is present in wiki.

7. For that much information, there should be used font that is at least 2x smaller, than what is used now. 19:09, 18 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]



Culd you update map by ? Kaiyr (talk) 18:40, 19 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]