File talk:Guadalquivir Sevilla.JPG

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Español: He subido una foto y le he puesto el nombre "Guadalquivir Sevilla.jpg" pero este nombre ya existía. Como consecuencia, el fichero existente ha sido reemplazado por el nuevo. He intentado deshacer la edición pero no he conseguido que el fichero anterior vuelva a aparecer. ¿Podría alguien por favor ayudarme? (Perdón por haber metido la pata)
English: I have just uploaded a picture named "Guadalquivir Sevilla.jpg" but this filename already existed. As a consequence, the existing file has been replaced by the new one. I have tried to undo the edition but have not managed the older file to reappear. Could anybody please help me? (Sorry for the mess)

--Hispalois (talk) 18:46, 27 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed -- Common Good (talk) 20:35, 27 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]