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Genocide in Australia, Author(s) Nathan Sentance, Updated 26/05/20 (1) Genocide brings to mind Hitler and the Jews, not Australia and Aborigines, Sarah Maddison, 2007

List of massacres of Indigenous Australians

Map of massacres of Indigenous people reveals untold history of Australia, painted in blood Calla Wahlquist @callapilla, Wed 5 Jul 2017 07.17 BST

Historians say Australian massacres killed thousands of Indigenous people Reuters, July 27, 2018 · 9:45 AM EDT

Aboriginal Australians ByErin Blakemore, Published January 31, 2019, When British settlers began colonizing Australia in 1788, between 750,000 and 1.25 [million] Aboriginal Australians are estimated to have lived there

Censuses of Aboriginal Australians

2110.0 - Census of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1933 ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 30/06/1933

The Australian Actuarial Journal, 2009, Volume 15, issue 2 The result is an estimate bottoming out in 1933 at 117,000, then rising to 138,000 in 1947

Colonial Frontier Massacres, Australia, 1780 to 1930, Data collection The evidence for colonial frontier massacres in Australia is usually found in printed and archival sources. The list below identifies the kinds of sources that were consulted for the project. The bibliography identifies each source in detail, many of which are now available online.

Sources Australian Newspapers on Trove British Parliamentary Papers Colonial Parliaments: Select Committee Reports, Votes and Proceedings Commonwealth, State and Territory Parliaments: Select Committee Reports Commonwealth State and Territory Parliaments: Royal Commission Reports Historical Records of Australia Historical Records of New South Wales Historical Records of Victoria Explorers’ and surveyors’ journals Shipping logs Settler diaries, correspondence, memoirs, biographies Papers from agricultural and pastoral companies Missionary correspondence, diaries and reports Visual accounts in paintings and drawings Travel books and guides Published Aboriginal accounts, oral and visual Anthropology and Archaeology reports Articles in scholarly and local history journals Reliable secondary sources such as local, community, regional, state and national histories Judgements by Aboriginal Land Commissioners under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act Native title submissions Government Archival sources: they include unpublished governors’ despatches, correspondence from settlers, reports from magistrates, leaders of military and police parties, native police, Crown Lands Commissioners, Protectors of Aborigines and Surveyors Court reports


BRITAIN AND THE SLAVE TRADE, The National Archives, It is estimated that Britain transported 3.1 million Africans (of whom 2.7 million arrived) to the British colonies in the Caribbean, North and South America and to other countries.

Slave Coast of West Africa


Canada: 751 unmarked graves found at residential school, “Between 1863 and 1998, more than 150,000 indigenous children were taken from their families and placed in these schools throughout Canada.”

Compulsory sterilization in Canada

Eugenics in Canada, Article by Tabitha Marshall, Gerald Robertson, Published Online February 7, 2006, Last Edited June 7, 2019, Sexual Sterilization Act (Alberta), 1928–72: “Over 2,800 people were sterilized under this legislation.” Sexual Sterilization Act (British Columbia), 1933–73: “It is estimated that between 200 and 400 people were sterilized under this legislation.”

How Canada committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples, explained by the lawyer central to the determination. Fannie Lafontaine The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls concluded in its 2019 final report that the Canadian state has perpetrated genocide against Indigenous peoples. This genocide is the underlying cause of the contemporary murders and disappearances of Indigenous women and girls. Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Ross-Kerr and Wood's Canadian Nursing Issues & Perspectives - E-Book, Lynn McCleary, Tammie McParland, Elsevier Health Sciences, 1 ago 2020, p.248. Prior to European contact, an estimated 500,000 Indigenous peoples lived in what is now as Canada. By 1871, this population was reduced to 102,000 because of Indigenous peoples’ lack of immunity to influenza, smallpox, measles, and tuberculosis (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1996).

Growth in the Aboriginal Population 1901 to 2001 using the Aboriginal Ancestor Definition Older Aboriginal Peoples in Canada – Demographics, Health Status and Access to Health, Mark W Rosenberg Kathi Wilson Sylvia Abonyi[...] Robert Lovelace Source: Statistics Canada, 2001 Analytic/companion/abor/canada.cfm [~107,000, aboriginal population in 1911] High Arctic relocation Canadian Indian residential school system


Kalinago Genocide of 1626 Hubbard, Vincent (2002). A History of St. Kitts. Macmillan Caribbean. pp. 17–18. ISBN 9780333747605. Jean-Baptiste Du Tertre, Histoire Generale des Antilles..., 2 vols. Paris: Jolly, 1667, I:5-6


Expulsion of the Chagossians British Indian Ocean Territory, History “Although there are no accurate figures it is believed that between 1400 and 1700 were removed from the islands.”


Moriori genocide A total of 1,561 Moriori died between the invasion in 1835 and the release of Moriori from slavery in 1863, and in 1862 only 101 Moriori remained. Causes of death include murder but also introduced European diseases. "Page 4. The impact of new arrivals". Te Ara. Retrieved 16 May 2021.


Modern China and the legacy of the Opium Wars, ABC Radio National. By Monique Ross and Annabelle Quince for Rear Vision, Posted Sat 1 Sep 2018 at 11:00pmSaturday 1 Sep 2018 at 11:00pm, updated Mon 3 Sep 2018 at 12:08am "Tens of millions of people died as a result of displacement, famine, conflict, and most people overseas had never heard of it”, Robert Bickers, professor of history at the University of Bristol. "It has a direct link to the arrival of foreign ideas and foreigners on the China coast."

A Sense of Sovereignty: How China’s ‘Century of Humiliation’ Affects U.S. Policy in the South China Sea, Lieutenant Commander Colin Raunig, USNR, Although no exact figures are known, it is one of the most devastation conflicts in history, with a death toll that is estimated in the tens of millions.[44] By destroying one chapter of Chinese history, the Taiping rebellion helped to create another, all in the shadow of the West induced Opium War in the reckoning of contemporary Chinese strategic narrative.

Opium War, National Army Museum, By 1840 there were 10 million Chinese opium addicts; largely sustained by illegal British imports

Taiping Rebellion Casualties and losses Total dead: 20-30 million[5] Platt, Stephen R. (2012). Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War. New York: Knopf. ISBN 978-0-307-27173-0.

Century of humiliation

Opium Wars


Uncovering the brutal truth about the British empire, Marc Parry, Thu 18 Aug 2016 06.00 BST, “Britain’s Gulag opens by describing a “murderous campaign to eliminate Kikuyu people” and ends with the suggestion that “between 130,000 and 300,000 Kikuyu are unaccounted for”, an estimate derived from Elkins’s analysis of census figures.”


Salvadoran Civil War


Revealed: Industrial Revolution was powered by child slaves Huge factory expansion would not have been possible without exploitation of the young David Keys, Sunday 23 October 2011 05:45 “Oxford's Professor Jane Humphries found that child labour was much more common and economically important than previously realised. Her estimates suggest that, by the early 19th century, England had more than a million child workers (including around 350,000 seven- to 10-year-olds) – accounting for 15 per cent of the total labour force.” La cifra de 264.000 es un cálculo que hace Smith a partir de una frase de Stephen. Este último afirma en A History of the Criminal Law of England: “Si el promedio de ejecuciones fuera de 20 o algo más de una cuarta parte del número total de sentencias capitales en Devonshire en 1598, esto harían 800 ejecuciones en un año en los 40 condados ingleses” . De lo que Smith deduce que en “330 años” Inglaterra habría ajusticiado a 264.000 personas.


Las alemanas sufrieron 860.000 violaciones de los aliados, ROSALÍA SÁNCHEZ, Berlín, Actualizado: 08/03/2015 10:55 horas, “Gebhardt, que por primera vez pone cifras a las violaciones masivas, calcula 860.000 en los meses posteriores al fin de la guerra. Al menos 190.000 de ellas fueron perpetradas por soldados americanos. "Pero estas cifras son sólo la punta del iceberg. La cifra oscura seguramente es muy superior al doble porque muchas mujeres y niñas prefirieron no hablar nunca de ello por vergüenza"”.

German casualties in World War II Official statistics published by the West German government 1956 put the death toll due to air raids at 635,000.[124] However, estimates from other sources tend to be lower, ranging from 305,000 to 500,000 persons killed by Allied bombing of German cities.

Strategic bombing during World War II German Deaths by aerial bombardment (It is not clear if these totals includes Austrians, of whom about 24,000 were killed (see "Austrian Press & Information Service, Washington, D.C". Archived from the original on 20 April 2006. Retrieved 9 February 2016.) and other territories in the Third Reich but not in modern Germany) 600,000 about 80,000 were children in Hamburg, Juli 1943 in Der Spiegel SPIEGEL ONLINE 2003 (in German) Matthew White Twentieth Century Atlas – Death Tolls lists the following totals and sources: more than 305,000: (1945 Strategic Bombing Survey); 400,000: Hammond Atlas of the 20th century (1996) 410,000: R. J. Rummel, 100% democidal; 499,750: Michael Clodfelter Warfare and Armed Conflict: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1618–1991; 593,000: John Keegan The Second World War (1989); 593,000: J. A. S. Grenville citing "official Germany" in A History of the World in the Twentieth Century (1994) 600,000: Paul Johnson Modern Times (1983)


Wikipedia articles and sources cited for each country shown in the map.

British Empire

American imperialism

Genocide of indigenous peoples

35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists, By NICOLAS J.S. DAVIES, PUBLISHED MARCH 8, 2014 3:00PM (EST),

Wars depicted: Others:

War support (wars instigated by Anglo-American strategies or with US or British military training or involvement):

GUATEMALA An estimated 200,000 Guatemalans were killed during the Guatemalan Civil War including at least 40,000 persons who "disappeared". 93% of civilian executions were carried out by government forces. Of the 42,275 individual cases of killing and "disappearances" documented by the UN-sponsored Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH), 83% of the victims were Maya and 17% Ladino.[1] The CEH in 1999 concluded that a genocide had taken place at the hands of the Armed Forces of Guatemala, and that US training of the officer corps in counterinsurgency techniques "had a significant bearing on human rights violations during the armed confrontation" but that the US was not directly responsible for any genocidal acts.


Food and Famine in the 21st Century, William A. Dando ABC-CLIO, 2012, p.56: During British colonial rule, India experienced severe famines on a regular basis. In total, more than 85 million Indians died in these famines. In contrast to the British period, however, no severe famine has occurred in India since it gained its independence in 1947.

Timeline of Major Famines in India during British Rule, SHAKEEL ANWAR, CREATED ON: AUG 29, 2018 17:31 IST, MODIFIED ON: SEP 4, 2018 12:06 IST, As per British sources, there were more than 85 million Indians died in these famines which were in reality genocides done by the British Raj. Late Victorian Holocausts Of an estimated 85 million drought victims, 43 million lived in native states and 42 million were under direct British administration. [...] The 688 native states, some of them literally microscopic, were puppet governments with dependent economies and subsidized rulers.

Timeline of major famines in India during British rule

Orissa famine of 1866,In Odisha, one third of the population died due to famine. Patel, Dinyar (10 June 2016). "Viewpoint: How British let one million Indians die in famine". BBC News. Retrieved 10 June 2016. Great Bengal famine of 1770 Between seven and ten million people—or between a quarter and third of the presidency's population—were thought to have died. Peers, Douglas M. (2006), India under colonial rule: 1700–1885, Pearson Education, ISBN 978-0-582-31738-3 Metcalf, Barbara Daly; Metcalf, Thomas R. (2006), A concise history of modern India, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-86362-9 Bhattacharya, S.; Chaudhuri, B. (1983), "Regional Economy (1757–1857): Eastern India", in Dharma Kumar (ed.), The Cambridge Economic History of India: Volume 2, C.1757-c.1970, Cambridge University Press, pp. 270–331, ISBN 978-0-521-22802-2 Visaria, Leela; Visaria, Praveen (1983), "Population (1757–1947)", in Dharma Kumar (ed.), The Cambridge Economic History of India: Volume 2, C.1757-c.1970, Cambridge University Press, pp. 463–522, ISBN 978-0-521-22802-2 Grove, Richard; Adamson, George (2017), El Niño in World History, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 81–, ISBN 978-1-137-45740-0, it is not until 1776 that we start to have access to long runs of instrumental data for El Niño events in South Asia. Just prior to this, in 1766–1771, India, and particularly north-eastern India, experienced droughts that led to a mortality of up to 10 million people. Partial crop failure in Bengal and Bihar was experienced in 1768, while by September 1769 'the fields of rice [became] like fields of dried straw'. In Purnia, in Bihar, the district supervisor estimated that the famine of 1770 killed half the population of the district; many of the surviving peasants migrated to Nepal (where the state was less confiscatory than the East India Company). More than a third of the entire population of Bengal died between 1769 and 1770, while the loss in cultivation was estimated as 'closer to one-half'. Charles Blair, writing in 1874, estimated that the episode affected up to 30 million people in a 130,000 square mile region of the Indo-Gangetic plain and killed up to 10 million, perhaps the most serious economic blow to any region of India since the events of 1628–1631 in Gujarat. Damodaran, Vinita (2014), "The East India Company, Famine and Ecological Conditions in Eighteenth-Century Bengal", in V. Damodaran; A. Winterbottom; A. Lester (eds.), The East India Company and the Natural World, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 80–101, 89, ISBN 978-1-137-42727-4, Before the end of May 1770, one third of the population was calculated to have disappeared, in June the deaths were returned as six out of sixteen of the whole population, and it was estimated that 'one half of the cultivators and payers of revenue will perish with hunger'. During the rains (July-October) the depopulation became so evident that the government wrote to the court of directors in alarm about the number of 'industrious peasants and manufacturers destroyed by the famine'. It was not till cultivation commenced for the following year 1771 that the practical consequences began to be felt. It was then discovered that the remnant of the population would not suffice to till the land. The areas affected by the famine continued to fall and were put out of tillage. Warren Hastings' account, written in 1772, also stated the loss as one third of the inhabitants and this figure has often been cited by subsequent historians. The failure of a single crop, following a year of scarcity, had wiped out an estimated 10 million human beings according to some accounts. The monsoon was on time in the next few years but the economy of Bengal had been drastically transformed, as the records of the next thirty years attest. Sen, Amartya (1983), Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Oxford University Press, pp. 39–, ISBN 978-0-19-103743-6, Starvation is a normal feature in many parts of the world, but this phenomenon of 'regular' starvation has to be distinguished from violent outbursts of famines. It isn't just regular starvation that one sees ... in 1770 in India, when the best estimates point to ten million deaths.”


Great Famine, famine, Ireland [1845–1849], BY Joel Mokyr, About one million people died from starvation or from typhus and other famine-related diseases. The number of Irish who emigrated during the famine may have reached two million.

Cromwellian conquest of Ireland The combination of warfare, famine and plague caused a huge mortality among the Irish population. William Petty estimated (in the 1655–56 Down Survey) that the death toll of the wars in Ireland since 1641 was over 618,000 people, or about 40% of the country's pre-war population. Of these, he estimated that over 400,000 were Catholics, 167,000 killed directly by war or famine, and the remainder by war-related disease.[Kenyon, John; Ohlmeyer, Jane, eds. (1998). The Civil Wars. Oxford. ISBN 0-19-866222-X.] — Preceding unsigned comment added by Nagihuin (talk • contribs) 23:41, 11 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]


Strategic bombing during World War II Matthew White Twentieth Century Atlas – Death Tolls: Allies bombing of Japan lists the following totals and sources 330,000: 1945 US Strategic Bombing Survey; 363,000: (not including post-war radiation sickness); John Keegan The Second World War (1989); 374,000: R. J. Rummel, including 337,000 democidal; 435,000: Paul Johnson Modern Times (1983) 500,000: (Harper Collins Atlas of the Second World War)


United States involvement in regime change in Latin America,

Human Rights: How Human Rights Influences US Foreign Policy In Latin America, Casey Mathur, Dec 19, 2019, Citations: “Around the World; U.S. CLEARS MILITARY VEHICLES FOR EXPORT TO GUATEMALA.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 June 1981, “A Brief Look at “Operation Condor”” (PDF). 22 August 1978. “Background on Chile”. Center for Justice and Accountability. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Consequences of the Discovery of the Archives of Terror, Rodríguez, Francisco. “Crude Realities: Understanding Venezuela’s Economic Collapse.” Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights, WOLA Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas, 20 Sept. 2018, Weisbrot, Mark, and Jeffrey Sachs. “Economic Sanctions as Collective Punishment: The Case of Venezuela: Reports.” CEPR, Larry Rohter (January 24, 2014). Exposing the Legacy of Operation Condor. The New York Times. Retrieved August 26, 2015. Victor Flores Olea (10 April 2006). “Editoriales — Operacion Condor”. El Universal (in Spanish). Mexico. Parenti, Michael. “Face of Imperialism.” 2015, doi:10.4324/9781315634692. Brogan, Patrick The Fighting Never Stopped: A Comprehensive Guide To World Conflicts Since 1945, New York: Vintage Books, 1989 p. 253. Krauss, Clifford. “‘It’s the Only Way to Get Paid’: A Struggle for Citgo, Venezuela’s U.S. Oil Company.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 17 Oct. 2019, Clarí “Megacausa ESMA: Perpetua Para Alfredo Astiz y Jorge ‘Tigre’ Acosta Por Crímenes De Lesa Humanidad.” Clarín, Clarín, 29 Nov. 2017, Herman, Edward S, and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. New York: Pantheon Books, 1988. “Negroponte’s Time In Honduras at Issue.” Negroponte’s Time In Honduras at Issue, Washington Post, Blum, William. Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II. Zed Books, 2014. Sassen, Saskia. “Losing Control?: Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization.” Columbia University Press Galván Javier A. Latin American Dictators of the 20th Century the Lives and Regimes of 15 Rulers. McFarland, 2013. Michael. “Michael Hudson.” On Finance, Real Estate and the Powers of Neoliberalism, 6 Feb. 2019, Blum, William. Rogue State: a Guide to the World’s Only Superpower. Zed Books, 2002. Klein, Naomi (2007). The Shock Doctrine. New York: Picador. Blakeley, Ruth (2009). State Terrorism and Neoliberalism: The North in the South. Routledge. Esparza, Marcia, et al. State Violence and Genocide in Latin America: the Cold War Years. Routledge, 2013. J. Patrice McSherry (2002). “Tracking the Origins of a State Terror Network: Operation Condor”. Latin American Perspectives. U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, “Use of Humanitarian Aid Flights to Arm Contras Told.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 19 May 1987, Uruguay — THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT, 1973–85, “What Is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?: Australian Human Rights Commission.” The Australian Human Rights Commission, Pike, John. “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).” Weinberger Charged in Iran-Contra Matter, Toussaint, Eric, and Vicki Briault. Manus. Your Money (or) Our Life: the Tyranny of Global Finance. Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, 2006.


The Long-Reaching Human Toll of Sept. 11, by the Numbers, By Devon Haynie, Sept. 10, 2021, at 6:07 p.m. Civilian Deaths: 363,939 – 387,072 Of all those who died in the post-9/11 wars, civilians accounted for the largest share by far. The Costs of War Project estimates that more than 360,000 civilians lost their lives at the hands of opposition fighters, local militaries and U.S. and coalition forces.


Así exterminó el ejército de Estados Unidos todo rastro de la herencia española en Filipinas, César Cervera, Actualizado:13/12/2020 09:42h “Según fray Manuel Arellano Remondo, autor de «Geografía General de Las Islas Filipinas», las guerras para aplastar a la insurgencia filipina provocaron matanzas, ejecuciones sumarias y un millón de muertos en el archipiélago.”

El desconocido genocidio filipino. ÁLVARO PEÑAS - 6 SEPTIEMBRE 2020,


South African War,BY The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica | Last Updated: Oct 4, 2021, “Noncombatant deaths include the more than 26,000 Boer women and children estimated to have died in the concentration camps from malnutrition and disease”

Disease and Death in the South African War: Changing Disease Patterns from Soldiers to Refugees, Daniel Low‐beer, Matthew Smallman‐raynor, Andrew Cliff, Social History of Medicine, Volume 17, Issue 2, August 2004, Pages 223–245,, Published:01 August 2004 Consolidating mortality data (see Figure 3a) suggests a total of 77,000 military and civilian deaths (22,000 British and 7,000 Boer soldiers, and in addition over 28,000 Boer and over 20,000 blacks in the camps).


Slavery in the United States The total slave population in the South eventually reached four million Stephen D. Behrendt, David Richardson, and David Eltis, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research, Harvard University. Based on "records for 27,233 voyages that set out to obtain slaves for the Americas". Stephen Behrendt (1999). "Transatlantic Slave Trade". Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience. New York: Basic Civitas Books. ISBN 978-0-465-00071-5. Introduction – Social Aspects of the Civil War Archived July 14, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, National Park Service. List of Indian massacres in North America

List of massacres in the United States,

Indigenous Massacres in the US, The Decolonial Atlas, Jordan Engel Human Rights: How Human Rights Influences US Foreign Policy In Latin America,

North American Genocides: Indigenous Nations, Settler Colonialism, and International Law Laurelyn Whitt, Alan W. Clarke Cambridge University Press, 2019

Internment of Japanese Americans, The official WRA record from 1946 states it was 120,000 people. See War Relocation Authority (1946). The Evacuated People: A Quantitative Study. p. 8.. This number does not include people held in other camps such as those which were run by the DoJ or the Army. Other sources may give numbers which are slightly more or less than 120,000.

The New Civil Rights Movement, Tony Foster, Xlibris Corporation, 16 dic 2019 “Sad to say, in 2019, 61 million babies have been aborted, since Roe V. Wade, 19 million have been black babies, now this is an American tragedy.”

Native Americans in the United States Estimates range from a low of 2.1 million to a high of 18 million (Dobyns 1983).[16][68][69] By 1800, the Native population of the present-day United States had declined to approximately 600,000, and only 250,000 Native Americans remained in the 1890s. "Native American". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 28, 2009. Johansen, Bruce E. (2006). The Native Peoples of North America. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-3899-0. Thornton, Russell (1990). American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History since 1492. University of Oklahoma Press. pp. 26–32. ISBN 978-0-8061-2220-5. Thornton, Russel (1990). American Indian holocaust and survival: a population history since 1492. University of Oklahoma Press. p. 43. ISBN 978-0-8061-2220-5.

Opioid epidemic in the United States From 1999 to 2017, more than 399,000 people died from drug overdoses that involved prescription and illicit opioids, with a 317% increase in annual deaths over the 18 year span. "Drug Overdose Death Statistics - US Interactive Map". Retrieved August 25, 2021. Scholl L, Seth P, Kariisa M, Wilson N, Baldwin G (January 2018). "Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths – United States, 2013–2017". MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 67 (5152): 1419–1427. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm6751521e1. PMC 6334822. PMID 30605448.

Pequot War

VIETNAM Deaths in Vietnam War (1954–75) per R. J. Rummel (except where otherwise noted)[ Democide by South Vietnam: 57,000 -89,000 -284,000 Democide by the United States: 4,000-6,000 -10,000 Democide by South Korea: 3,000-3,000 -3,000. Rummel does not give a medium or high estimate. Rummel, R. J. "Statistics of Vietnamese Democide", Lines 777–785,, accessed 24 Nov 2014

Gina Marie Weaver, author of Ideologies of Forgetting: Rape in the Vietnam War, has stated that rape committed by American soldiers "took place on such a large scale that many veterans considered it standard operating procedure." As many as 30 000 Vietnamese women gave birth after being raped by South Korean soldiers, with controversy around the Lai Đại Hàn still unresolved. "Women raped by Korean soldiers during Vietnam war still awaiting apology". the Guardian. 2019-01-19. Retrieved 2020-09-14. "1968 – The year that haunts hundreds of women". BBC News. Retrieved 2020-09-14.


THE CRISIS IN KOSOVO Ambassador Djorde Lopicic, chief of international law at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), told Human Rights Watch on August 5, 1999, that 2,000 civilians had died and over 10,000 were injured from NATO bombing. At the lower end, even the 1,200 figures is more than twice the civilian death toll of around 500 that Human Rights Watch has been able to verify for the ninety known incidents involving civilian deaths.

ICONS Skull and bones: Public domain Genocide: CC, By Gan Khoon Lay Nuclear bombing: , Pixabay License, Free for commercial use, No attribution required Barbed wire: CC, By Luis Prado, US Abortion: CC, By Victoruler, In the Air Pollution Glyph Collection Airplane: CC, By Lee Mette, DE Sterilization: CC, By ProSymbols, US, In the Gynecology Glyph Icons Collection Hunger: CC, By James Stone, GB Child labour , “free photo resource that can be downloaded without a limit” Jail: CC, By wira wianda, ID, In the criminals Collection Slave: CC, By Adrien Coquet, FR, In the Labour Collection, CC, By Guilherme Furtado, BR Drop: CC, By Abdo, In the Weather Collection Rifle: CC, By Robert A. Di Ieso, US Fire:, free icons for personal and commercial use. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Nagihuin (talk • contribs) 23:04, 11 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]