Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Spring forest Yyteri 3.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2022
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Spring forest Yyteri 3.jpg

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  1. MyCatIsAChonk
  2. Red-tailed hawk
  3. Another Believer
  4. BD2412
  5. Abductive
  6. Deltahead
  7. Apisite
  8. BnHamid
  9. 名字长的让人受不了
  10. Hugo.arg
  11. Clumsy and stupid
  12. Frettie
  13. Baccy
  14. Avtandil
  15. Cathy Richards
  16. KL052
  17. Alvy
  18. Sclerotized
  19. Narsilien
  20. SelfCloak
  21. Meno25
  22. Zapyon
  23. Draceane
  24. Ата
  25. Julle
  26. Nsophiay
  27. Tex38491
  28. Alexxx1979
  29. DrPZ
  30. Rohieb
  31. Solidest
  32. Glennfcowan
  33. Arcuscloud
  34. Филин07
  35. Luz Maria Silva
  36. Thingofme
  37. Benezius
  38. 613 The Evil
  39. Finnusertop
  40. Motivum
  41. Tupungato
  42. Thi
  43. Noclador
  44. Giaccai
  45. Kgbo
  46. Laurent Jerry
  47. Makary
  48. Nk
  49. Granpar
  50. Vinícius94
  51. Lubor Ferenc
  52. Inn
  53. Unochepassava94
  54. Not Sure
  55. Knotimpressed
  56. Rhain
  57. GrandpaDave
  58. Pipjohn
  59. Ganímedes
  60. Fabiorahamim
  61. Lawrence142002
  62. Alfas11
  63. Хаванцев Иван
  64. Bartek z Polski
  65. Tucvbif
  66. Piotr Bart
  67. RodRabelo7
  68. Michael Barera
  69. Dukalyon
  70. Ponson13
  71. Ramesam54
  72. DaSupremo
  73. Jianhui67
  74. Rachmat04
  75. Daniel Case
  76. Kozak nevada
  77. RyanPLB
  78. Mlf44
  79. Xaosflux
  80. OwenBlacker
  81. Diablo Cris
  82. Simeon
  83. Tom a
  84. Edu!
  85. Sheahunter1
  86. Luna Moonshine
  87. IC9999
  88. Sunnyboi18
  89. Kiril Simeonovski
  90. Gamergirlyt9
  91. Nioger
  92. Spielvogel
  93. Anidae
  94. SchreiberBike
  95. Kiryienka
  96. Captain Galaxy
  97. Лапоть
  98. Hessian
  99. AntiCompositeNumber
  100. Avis28
  101. Pianolettuce
  102. Tramu
  103. Grest7
  104. Aram
  105. Birdofadozentides
  106. Mashtato
  107. MZaplotnik
  108. Dirtsc
  109. Roupheinos
  110. Paul2520
  111. WikiLuke
  112. Kay2370
  113. Nina Flor
  114. George Chernilevsky
  115. Davepeta
  116. GiankM. M
  117. Tuckertwo
  118. Robina Fox
  119. Hobit
  120. TravelTheWorld35
  121. Anthere
  122. Kacamata
  123. Joanbanjo
  124. Saint0wen
  125. Feuille d-Acacias
  126. Rohalamin
  127. Cyfraw
  128. Donald Trung
  129. Nigmont
  130. MichaelSchoenitzer
  131. בוב שלג
  132. WeakishJiang
  133. Alena Pokorná
  134. Nurtenge
  135. Dr.Bookman
  136. Володимир Ф
  137. Emw
  138. Gce
  139. Quenhitran
  140. Ammarpad
  141. Puppe100
  142. Yishayl
  143. Avsolov
  144. Kawnhr
  145. Gyrostat