Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Red-headed weaver (Anaplectes rubriceps leuconotus) male.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2022
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Red-headed weaver (Anaplectes rubriceps leuconotus) male.jpg

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  1. Poslovitch
  2. Saturnow
  3. Elizaiv22
  4. VeryRarelyStable
  5. SWinxy
  6. Red-tailed hawk
  7. DarkCherry
  8. Clarice Reis
  9. BD2412
  10. Abductive
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  254. WikiWriter7519
  255. Kay2370
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  257. Mrtony77
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  262. George Chernilevsky
  263. Vux
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  269. Patr2016
  270. Qualiesin
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  274. Lionel Allorge
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  290. Puppe100
  291. Blackbird1700
  292. Dukeofomnium
  293. Gustamons
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  295. Daniel Case
  296. Omron
  297. Donald Trung
  298. Alena Pokorná
  299. Володимир Ф
  300. SAKRI
  301. The Emperah
  303. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  304. Señor Aluminio
  305. Celeda
  306. IiVertex
  307. Ainali
  308. Zwd626
  309. Neuroxic
  310. MarieVirtuElle
  311. Thomas261989
  312. Johanraymond
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  315. Ivonna Nowicka
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