Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Common Wood Pigeon facing left.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2022
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Common Wood Pigeon facing left.jpg

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  1. Red-tailed hawk
  2. Apisite
  3. BD2412
  4. Abductive
  5. 名字长的让人受不了
  6. Rohieb
  7. Ата
  8. Lindsey40186
  9. Sclerotized
  10. Elcairo
  11. Nsophiay
  12. Paul1764
  13. EnaldoSS
  14. Daniel Case
  15. Zapyon
  16. Julle
  17. CycloneYoris
  18. Wyslijp16
  19. Ngoclong19
  20. Le Loy
  21. Филин07
  22. Tom Rheker
  23. Константинъ
  24. MarcelBuehner
  25. Archaeodontosaurus
  26. Giaccai
  27. Flowneppets00
  28. Vinícius94
  29. ComputerHotline
  30. DokiDotto
  31. Fabiorahamim
  32. Vgo61
  33. Boylarva99
  34. JoePhin
  35. Rami R
  36. Bboppy
  37. CraSH
  38. Dispe
  39. F123
  40. DaSupremo
  41. Jianhui67
  42. Frissonneherissonne884
  43. Maria Sieglinda von Nudeldorf
  44. Ned n07b07
  45. JohnEntwistle
  46. Kiril Simeonovski
  47. Lomrjyo
  48. SvenDK
  49. Luna Moonshine
  50. Namayan
  51. Nioger
  52. Gamergirlyt9
  53. Horst J. Meuter
  54. Kiryienka
  55. Gsquaredxc
  56. Chickensecond
  57. Dupont Circle
  58. Bush6984
  59. Grest7
  60. Zoeperkoe
  61. AJG007
  62. WikiLuke
  63. George Chernilevsky
  64. Leopardg
  65. בוב שלג
  66. Kacamata
  67. Cyfraw
  68. Dr.Bookman
  69. Alhadis
  70. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  71. MichaelSchoenitzer
  72. Donald Trung
  73. Lystopad
  75. MarieVirtuElle
  76. মো. মাহমুদুল আলম
  77. Kawnhr