Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R2/v/Pond - Jardim Municipal do Funchal 01.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Pond - Jardim Municipal do Funchal 01.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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  1. Shellwood
  2. TNSE Mahalingam VNR
  3. Nann Chhay
  5. Weriga3001
  6. MiltonLibraryAssistant
  7. Mashtato
  8. Markverona
  9. 991joseph
  10. Onceinawhile
  11. Senkuchan
  12. Kasskass
  13. Fandejacinthes
  14. Vodolaz
  15. Vanya66
  16. Кирилл Кулаков
  17. Nenuille
  18. Crfjardim
  19. Cherjau
  20. Vadimzer
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  22. احمد شکری488
  23. Yuval CT
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  25. Deadstar
  26. VeryRarelyStable
  27. Mudroslov
  28. Liam2520
  29. Nyashechka1707
  30. Loper12321
  31. ElWiki93
  32. SidP
  33. Dário Rubens Becattini de Oliveira
  34. Otherart
  35. Newnewlaw
  36. Daniel VILLAFRUELA
  37. Malumes
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  39. Buli
  40. Agnes Monkelbaan
  41. Dhtwiki
  42. Mashkawat.ahsan
  43. Raimundo Pastor
  44. Flávia Varella
  45. Tkuicrbs
  46. Jadab2018
  47. Pcsillag
  48. Patafisik
  49. Akwugo
  50. Tiki toko
  51. Froideval67
  52. Wainuiomartian
  53. Dear Melody
  54. LauraFarina
  55. WikiLucas00
  56. Pierrette13
  57. Sotos
  58. PaulinSaudi
  59. Bpeel
  60. Karthik sripal
  61. KaTeznik
  62. Sir James
  63. TonJ
  64. Dilyven
  65. Yeeno
  66. Slovolyub
  67. Marnevell
  68. Unlimitedlead
  69. Ulisse
  70. Alejan98