User talk:Drachentöter78

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Aca no, por favor. En base a las políticas locales te notifico de Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems#User:Drachentöter78 seguis con esto en otro lado y solicito el bloqueo global de tu cuenta Ezarateesteban 11:44, 8 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Cual es la utilidad de NOINDEX ?


Pregunto para qué se usa esto lo saque porque no le veo utilidad. No se porque me revertiste, Un saludo Shooke (Talk me in spanish, english or italian) 17:06, 18 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Bueno, si está está es por algo, y si no conoces la utilidad, no entiendo por qué tienes qué quitarla. Salud. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 17:09, 18 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Bueno, pero cual es la razon? No entiendo, me puedes explicar? Shooke (Talk me in spanish, english or italian) 01:28, 20 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]



These changes were made due to the following reasons:

  • Disney Channel international feeds map: I wrote the description myself and it was too extensive. The English version was updated and made short by other users while the Spanish original description was left aside because most contributors uploading new versions of the file don't speak Spanish, so I just decided to delete it to save time.
  • Alphabet title changes: too much space consuming for repeating the same text twice on two different alphabets in the same language. With Latin it would be alright keeping the titles as they are now because it is the common alphabet used in the language by all native users, Cyrillic just being one by one party.

I really suggest you to stop doing the strawman of reverting diffs or commenting about previous contributions because this could lead to another report at ANI. Thanks in advance. --Bankster (talk) 20:40, 26 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]

¿Por qué me contestas en inglés, siendo peruano? ¿Es parte del mismo proceso de solicitar mi bloqueo global? Te recuerdo que esto no es Wikipedia en español, aquí no valen las mentiras ni el acoso «latino». Primero, tú has metido las narices en una imagen que subí yo, así que no te exasperes si hago yo lo mismo con tus contribuciones (que, por cierto, revisaré según me parezca pertinente). Ya has sido bloqueado en Commons y te han borrado numerosas imágenes por incumplir las políticas, así que te recomiendo que te calmes. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 20:55, 26 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]

I don't care lol. Stop being racist. You either do a single revert and you're out. You're warned. --Bankster (talk) 21:48, 26 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Soy español, tú sudamericano, háblame en español. No me importan tus advertencias ni amenazas. Editaré lo que considere. Estás avisado. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 05:32, 14 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]



You are blocked for three days. This is a reminder that editing from a different account during the time you are blocked is considered a violation of the block. - Jmabel ! talk 02:20, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, Jmabel. But the continuous harassment of these people is not penalized here? Maybe that would be the reason for my answers and my behavior, the harassment of people who think that their powers in Spanish Wikipedia are of some use here. Is their behavior normal? Maybe their harassment is normal? Aren't they using the project for their personal hatreds and grudges? Drachentöter78 (talk) 08:28, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

User:Taichi: hold on to the email in case you need it in a further investigation, but unless it's something a lot more serious than what went by here, I'd suggest just letting it lie. There are Commons users who aren't my favorite people, too. Unless I think they are genuinely harming the project, I usually avoid them, rather then try to get them blocked. - Jmabel ! talk 02:25, 15 April 2023 (UTC)

Ok, Jmabel, it's true, if maybe you weren't harassed three or four times it's easy to say. But this user is known for his harassment on Wikipedia in Spanish, for his blocks and his attitude completely lacking in morals and manners as well as for his poor spelling. If he had not come here to harass me with conversations that did not concern him I would not have written to him reminding him that his complaint has hit the water. Drachentöter78 (talk) 08:43, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Jmabel, but ultimately what is the reason for his continued unmotivated and clearly spurious reversal of my own discussion page? That is not offensive, nor a reason for blocking? It's a user with clear intentions from the Spanish Wikipedia who is transferring them here. That is not a reason for any objection either? Salut. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 14:26, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, Jmabel, so what I will do is to denounce the harassment of Taichi and other cronies. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 20:09, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Ni siquiera lo ven, qué van a ver. Un usuario sumamente problemático que viene a revertir mi propia discusión hasta que pierdo la paciencia, como la suya, blanqueada «as courtesy» jajajajajaja. Qué fácil, qué chachi piruli. Pues va a recibir denuncias hasta el final de los tiempos, si quiere pelea. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 21:19, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

The sole reason you are allowed continued access to your own talk page while blocked is to allow you a place to request an unblock, if there is good reason for it. If you continue to use your talk page during your block to engage other users, I will extend the block. - Jmabel ! talk 21:49, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Alright, Jmabel, my blocking has ended days ago, blocking that, I repeat, this user has provoked by repeatedly whitewashing my discussion without any dealings with him here until I lost my temper, just because he has followed me from Wikipedia in Spanish (wikihounding, maybe?). It is not the first time he has requested my global block, already in Meta had tried, but failed then too, who knows why. Otherwise, it is false that he said that he "would let the matter rest", as he claims in your discussion, but that he took it to the extreme of his possibilities, as you could see. For my part, however everything remains here, just for information. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 02:59, 26 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Sería interesante que esta interacción con Taichi finalice ya y te dediques a tus colaboraciones en este proyecto, atte Ezarateesteban 00:31, 28 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
En la medida de mis posibilidades, mientras no me reviertan o blanqueen la discusión, haciéndome perder el poco tiempo de que dispongo, haré lo que pueda, como siempre, Ezarate. Atte. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 06:33, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

This user who contacts me without having dealt with him previously denounces me immediately for a remark that was obviously not addressed to him. The complaint goes wrong, I ask him why he has contacted me and reported me and the answer naturally is... none. These users are librarians in the Spanish Wikipedia. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 20:22, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Not even a few hours has the famous third friend waited, hahahaha: [1]. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 21:05, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

[Es curiosa la diferencia entre admins. de un proyecto y los otros: mientras unos procuran atenuar y resolver las diferencias, como aquí, por ejemplo, otros bloquean y enardecen las disputas. Modalidades culturales, maneras de ser y contestar, supongo, o a saber qué. El hecho es que Wikipedia en español adolece de gravísimas deficiencia idiomáticas, pero el hecho es que allí algunes se dedican a bloquear y expulsar a todo aquel que no les parece bien, en lugar de procurar comprender. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 07:13, 29 April 2023 (UTC)][reply]

Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems#Drachentöter78 Ezarateesteban 12:39, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

 Comment That text was not against you or anyone in particular, as can be perceived by having made use of the impersonal plural. You have written me kindly and I have answered you in the same tone. I do not understand why —because we have never interacted here or in Wikipedia—, but I answered you. Maybe it was an excuse to denounce me, which I have been trying to prove, and you have come to prove me right? Kind regards. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 13:31, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

[Dentro de cinco días vendrá otro usuario de Wikipedia en español a desearme «feliz Navidad» y me denunciará por no haberle contestado «bien», según él. Y luego, otro, y después otro más. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 18:18, 29 April 2023 (UTC)][reply]

Bueno, al fin y al cabo sus interacciones conmigo se cuentan por derrotas. He aquí la tercera o cuarta: [2]. Y más. Pero no. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 23:10, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
PD. Madre mía, y sigue. Habló de «acoso» el que vino a mi discusión a revertir y denunciar. Adiós, au revoir, buen viaje, hasta nunca. — Drachentöter78 (talk) 23:15, 5 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]