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/* Script Quicklinks, written by User:Borislav, originally for Bulgarian Wikipedia */
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>');
/* End of the Quicklinks gadget */

/* Script DeluxeBar for adding new customised buttons to the edit toolbar. Written by bg:User:Ikonact, originally for Bulgarian Wikipedia */

function putToolbar(rightNow) {
var toolbar = Creator.createElement("div", {"id" : "toolbar"});
var putIt = function() {
var editform = document.getElementById("editform");
editform.parentNode.insertBefore(toolbar, editform);
if ( typeof rightNow != "undefined" && rightNow ) {
} else {
return toolbar;

function DeluxeBar() {
  if (document.createTextNode) {
        var toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar"); 
        if ( !toolbar ) {
if ( ! document.getElementById("editform") ) {
// check for the enhanced toolbar
if ( getElementsByClassName(document, "div", "toolbar").length ) {
toolbar = putToolbar(true);
} else {
        var messages = new Array()
        var images = new Array()
        var title = new Array()
        var commentaires = new Array()
        var a=-1; // Броенето започва от -1, като се увеличава още на първото съобщение, за да избегне проблеми при изтриване му
        //// зона за персонализация ////
        // текстът е "сплитнат", за да се избегне конфликт с Медияуики
        messages[++a] = ["== Summary ==\\n{{Information\\n|Description= \\n{{bg|", "}}\\n{"+"{en|}}\\n|Source= \\n|Author= \\n|Date= \\n|Permission= \\n|other_versions= \\n}}"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "Information   "
        messages[++a] = ["== Licensing ==\\n{"+"{ifb-cc-by-2.5|", "|}}"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "IFB   "        
        messages[++a] = ["["+"[:|", "]]"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "pipelink    "  

        messages[++a] = ["["+"[:bg:|", "]]"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = ":bg:   "         

        messages[++a] = ["["+"[:en:|", "]]"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = ":en:   "  
        messages[++a] = ["{"+"{bg|", "}}"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "{bg|}  "         

        messages[++a] = ["{"+"{en|", "}}"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "{en|}  "    

        messages[++a] = ["<"+"!--", "-->"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "commented  "    

        messages[++a] = ["["+"[Category:", "]]"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "category     "    

        messages[++a] = ["{"+"{category redirect|", "}}"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "catredirect     "    

        messages[++a] = ["{"+"{cat see also|", "}}"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "catseealso     "  

        messages[++a] = ["== Summary ==\\n{"+"{Information\\n|Description={"+"{bg|Карта на село ["+"[:bg:", "|]], България}}\\n|Source= [ Generated with SimplestMapEditor v.0.9]\\n|Date= \\n|Author=Original author was ["+"[:bg:User:5ko|Petko Yotov]] at ["+" bg.wikipedia]\\n|Permission=Released under the GNU Free Documentation License\\n|other_versions=\\n}}\\n\\n== License information ==\\n{"+"{dot5ko| | | | }}\\n\\n["+"[Category:Locator maps of Bulgaria]]"];
        images[a] = "";
        commentaires[a] = ""
        title[a] = "locatormap     "  

        // край на персонализацията
        for (var i=0;i<messages.length;i++) {
                var img = document.createElement("img");
                img.setAttribute("src", images[i]);
                var ref = document.createElement("a");
                ref.setAttribute("href", "javascript:insertTags(\"" + messages[i][0] + "\", \"" + messages[i][1] + "\", '');" + 
                                 "javascript:changeSummary(\"" + commentaires[i] + "\");" ); 
                ref.setAttribute("title", "" + commentaires[i] + "" ); 
function changeSummary(sampleText) {
        document.editform.wpSummary.value = sampleText;
hookEvent('load', DeluxeBar); 

/*  End of script enabling the addition of new buttons in the edit toolbar */