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Usages of my images from Potsdam outside Wikimedia projects

File Description
Freundschaftsinsel Potsdam, Staudengarten-0790.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Foerster-Ausstellung auf der Potsdamer Freundschaftsinsel (in de). / PATZER VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG (2024-06-24). Retrieved on 2024-07-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Die Foerster-Sortensammlung auf der Freundschaftsinsel (in de). / Brandenburgische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (2024-09-05). Retrieved on 2024-09-08.

Garnisonkirche Potsdam, Luftaufnahme-0745.jpg (talk | new)

Garnisonkirche (Potsdam)
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kapelle der Potsdamer Garnisonkirche wird Ostermontag eröffnet (in de). / RW Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2024-04-01). Retrieved on 2024-04-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Zu großen Teilen in Rot (in de). / Perlentaucher Medien GmbH (2024-04-03). Retrieved on 2024-04-21.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Michael Særkjær (2024-08-06). Den anses for at være symbol på alliancen mellem Preussen og nazismen. Nu genåbner dobbelt-bombet kirke (in da). Retrieved on 2024-09-06.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia Commons", Raymond (talk) 20:46, 6 September 2024 (UTC),

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Die umstrittene Wiedereröffnung der Garnisonkirche Potsdam (in de). / Corax e. V. – Initiative für Freies Radio (2024-08-22). Retrieved on 2024-09-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Benjamin Lassiwe. Turm der Potsdamer Garnisonkirche offiziell eröffnet (in de). / Verlag Herder GmbH. Retrieved on 2024-09-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Garrison Church in Potsdam (in en). (2024-08-27). Retrieved on 2024-09-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fahrt und Besichtigung der Garnisonkirche Potsdam, anschl. wer mag: Café-Besuch (in en). / Evangelische Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz. Retrieved on 2024-09-22.

Flatowturm im Park Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0411.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.TheBeachs24 (2024-09-05). Berlin Itinerary Additions (in en). Retrieved on 2024-09-12.
Min 6:16,

Flatowturm im Park Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0394.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
Flatowturm im Park Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0394.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
Flatowturm im Park Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0405.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Park Babelsberg von oben: Drohnen-Fotos im Wikimedia-Projekt (in de). / Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack GmbH & Co. KG (2019-06-29). Retrieved on 2021-03-08.

Innenaufnahme, Neue Kammern, Sanssouci, Potsdam-7573.jpg (talk | new)

Neue Kammern
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Schloss Sansssouci (in de). Retrieved on 2022-05-02.

Innenaufnahme, Neue Kammern, Sanssouci, Potsdam-7531.jpg (talk | new)

Neue Kammern
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Schloss Sansssouci (in de). Retrieved on 2022-05-02.

Innenaufnahme, Neue Kammern, Sanssouci, Potsdam-7539.jpg (talk | new)

Neue Kammern
This file has been published. This file has been used in:
Schloss Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0449.jpg (talk | new)

Schloss Babelsberg
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Park Babelsberg von oben: Drohnen-Fotos im Wikimedia-Projekt (in de). / Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack GmbH & Co. KG (2019-06-29). Retrieved on 2021-03-08.

Schloss Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0435.jpg (talk | new)

Schloss Babelsberg
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Potsdams Schlösser und Gärten: eine einzigartige Kulturlandschaft (in de). / Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack GmbH & Co. KG (2020-12-11). Retrieved on 2020-12-12.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia",

Schloss Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0438.jpg (talk | new)

Schloss Babelsberg
This file has been published. This file has been used in:
Schloss Babelsberg - Luftaufnahme-0428.jpg (talk | new)

Schloss Babelsberg
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Klaus Graf (2019-07-05). Drohneneinsatz für die Kultur (in de). Retrieved on 2019-09-14.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Mit dem Wassertaxi zu Ludwig Persius (in de). / URANIA "Wilhelm Foerster" Potsdam e. V.. Retrieved on 2020-08-09.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Potsdam - Schlösser, Gärten und Kultur (in de). / Theatergemeinde - Gesellschaft 'Christ und Kultur' e.V.. Retrieved on 2021-12-01.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thomas Barris (2023-04-13). Park Babelsberg – POTA ATNO on a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site (in en). Retrieved on 2023-06-02.

Potsdam - Schloss Sanssouci.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andrea (2010-04-29). "Das Rokoko". PrintBlogger.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2010-06-08). "Schloss Sanssouci". archINFORM.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2010-06-28). "Brandenburg-Tage". Expo 2010.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with. (2010-07-28). "Schlösser - Urlaubstipps". The Castles.
No name, no license. Middle part of a collage.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2010-07-28). "Unesco-Weltkulturerbe in Deutschland". Frankfurter Rundschau.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2010-08-23). "Potsdams Perlen". Focus.
Name and license ok, but in HTML source only

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Potsdam – Studio Babelsberg, Schlösser und Parks (in de). My Home 24. Retrieved on 2011-04-27.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Potsdam (in en). Britannica. Retrieved on 2009-08-14.
name ok, GFDL perfect, Image page,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Potsdam (in en). Britannica. Retrieved on 2011-07-11.
Name on full image, license linked to own GFDL page on the slideshow page

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.leben! in den Stiften der GDA 4/2010 - KÖNIGLiCHE KLÄNGE (in de) (PDF) 28. Gemeinschaft Deutsche Altenhilfe GmbH. Retrieved on 2011-07-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Herbert Küppers (2011-07-26). KUNSTALLEE 2011 – International Art Festival Potsdam – 19.08.- 21.08.2011 (in de). Rahmenblog / Bild & Rahmen Werkladen GmbH. Retrieved on 2011-07-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanssouci, Potsdam (in de). Sehenswert in Deutschland / David Damjanovic. Retrieved on 2011-10-09.
Name ok, license "CC 3.0"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fotostrecken Frankfurt (in de). Frankfurter Rundschau. Retrieved on 2011-11-28.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.第10章 ヨーロッパ主権国家体制の展開 (in ja).詳説世界史研究資料集. Retrieved on 2011-12-19.
Name ok, no license but backlink to Commons

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Elisabeth (2012-03-07). „Friedrich300“ – Potsdam feiert ein Jahr lang Jubiläum (in de). GmbH. Retrieved on 2012-03-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Maria Paola Sevieri (2012-03). "Francesco Algarotti e le edizioni livornesi settecentesche del Saggio sopra l’opera in musica". CN - COMUNE NOTIZIE (78): 32. Comune di Livorno. Retrieved on 2012-05-30.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Krippenplatzgarantie: Wie stehen die Länder da? (in de). und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH (2011-11-29). Retrieved on 2012-06-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kerstin Möbes (2012-08-01). „...nichts wie raus zum Wannsee“ - Briesener Senioren gehen auf Tour (in de). P. Fleischhauer. Retrieved on 2012-08-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kerstin Vlcek (2012-08-16). XIV. Potsdamer Schlössernacht (in de). Retrieved on 2012-08-16.
Name ok, no license

  • 2012-08-16: E-mail sent
  • 2012-08-17: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.C.H Lin (2012-08-19). the park of Sanssouci , in Potsdam, Germany. 無憂宮公園 , 波茨坦, 德國。 (in zh). / est100 一些攝影(some photos). Retrieved on 2012-08-21.
Name ok, backlink to Commons upload directory and Commons user page

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Lo más visitado de Berlín (in es). (2012-08-19). Retrieved on 2012-08-21.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Potsdam, Germany (in de). / Indian Chief Travel Guides. Retrieved on 2013-01-01.
Name ok, license "Images tagged as (cc) are licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.", backlink to Commons

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam - 1 Tag (in de). / Michel-Reisen Spitzkunnersdorf GmbH. Retrieved on 2013-03-26.
Name ok, no license

  • 2013-03-26: E-mail sent
  • 2013-03-27: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Guide de voyage alternatif à Berlin : Quartiers Alternatifs de Berlin (in fr). Retrieved on 2013-07-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Welter's Reisen - 4 Tage Potsdam (in de) (PDF) 5. / M/S VisuCom GmbH. Retrieved on 2013-08-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Rolf Ziegler. Baufinanzierung in Potsdam-Nord (in de). / HYPOFACT AG. Retrieved on 2013-09-11.
Name ok, no license, "wikipedia"

  • 2013-09-11: Email sent
  • 2013-09-18; Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.UNESCO objektai Vokietijoje (in lt). Retrieved on 2013-11-14.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.First Announcement April 2014 International Academy of Life Sciences and University of Massachusetts Boston present International Workshops in Life Sciences: "Decision-Making in Biomedical Science" (in en) (PDF) 3. / IALS - Life Sciences University Network. Retrieved on 2014-04-13.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Dalia KARATAJIĖ. "Sanssousci". Krantai 3: 44. Vilnius: Krantų. ISSN 0235-6384.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Potsdam Gay Guide for gays, lesbians and friends (in en). Retrieved on 2015-01-17.
Name ok in title tag, full information on sources page, New version

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.International Life Sciences Workshops Series: "Decision-Making in Biomedical Science-Meet the Experts" PART 2: Biomarkers, Analysis, and Implementation MARCH 6 – 10 2015 (in en) 4. / nternational Academy of Life Sciences and University of Massachusetts Boston (2015-01-30). Retrieved on 2015-02-05.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Poczdam pałac Sanssouci (in pl). (2015-04-14). Retrieved on 2015-04-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Stadtrundfahrten Standard (in de). Retrieved on 2016-05-22.
Name and backlink on imprint page, 2016-03-16

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.WikiTube Ru. Сан-Суси (in ru). Retrieved on 2016-10-18. 2016-03-16

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Brett Jordan. BERLIN IN DEPTH (in en) 3. Retrieved on 2016-10-18.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia photo"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Well, well, well… (in de). (2018-01-18). Retrieved on 2018-01-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Kulturreisen (in de). / Theatergemeinde e. V. München. Retrieved on 2019-04-26.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Creative Commons", Raymond 13:27, 26 April 2019 (UTC),

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied (in de). / Regula Zellweger (2019-11-15). Retrieved on 2019-12-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Brandenburg (in en). Retrieved on 2020-09-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Künstler für Ihre Weihnachtsfeier in Brandenburg (in de). / Reinhard Ottow. Retrieved on 2021-03-02.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.File:Potsdam - Schloss Sanssouci.jpg (in en). Retrieved on 2024-09-24.

Website URL seen licence ok?
Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany
2010-04-12 no name , no license
Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany
2010-04-12 no name , no license
Sanssouci Castle and Park - Experience the palace of Frederick the Great!
2010-04-12 name ok, no license
Guide to Bach Tour Potsdam - Photos Part 2
2010-01-01 name ok, no license
dbb brandenburg
Part of the banner on all pages
2009-12-21 name ok, backlink to Commons
Flötenkonzert in Sanssoucci
2009-10-31 name ok, backlink to Commons
2009-08-24 name ok, backlink to Commons
5. Schloss Sanssouci
2009-08-13 name ok, no licence Potsdam - Schloss Sanssouc :: Potsdam, Germany Photos
2009-07-20 name ok, no license
Schloss Sanssouci
2009-07-18 name ok, backlink to Commons
Excursion to Potsdam
2009-07-16 name ok, backlink to Commons
Preußen-Stiftung: Schlösser-Fotos nur noch gegen Bares?
2009-07-15 name ok, backlink to Commons
Kirche im Fluss - am 9. Mai in Potsdam
2009-07-12 name ok, no license
Preußische Architektur? - ein Anlass für Gedanken zur Baukultur
2009-07-12 name ok, backlink to Commons
Im Märkischen Sand - Potsdam und Sanssousi
2009-07-12 name ok, no license
querfeldein - Das junge österreichische Reisemagazin - Nicht nur Schlösser
Seite 12
2009-05-14 Name/Wikipedia at imprint
Einladung zum Field of Glory-Neujahrsturnier
2009-05-13 perfect
世界遺産ポツダム午前半日観光(日本語ガイド ベルリン発)
2009-04-26 no name, no licence
世界遺産ポツダム午前半日観光(日本語ガイド ベルリン発)
2009-04-26 no name, no licence
AGD für Designer
2009-04-26 name ok, link from image to Commons
2009-04-03 no name, no licence
2009-04-03 no name, no licence
German Architecture
2009-03-07 no name, no licence