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 * Commons SVG Checker
 * The Commons SVG Checker iterates thru a SVG file and checks it for errors.
 * These arise mainly from Wikimedias buggy SVG renderer and the many pitfalls
 * of the SVG format.
 * The code is divided in two section where Checker section contains all code
 * for verifying SVG XML syntax. It contains plain and rather simple code so
 * it can be expanded by people with basic programming skills.
 * The Implementation section containing all the ugly details for managing
 * loading and rendering SVG files.
 * Author: Menner @ Wikimedia Commons
 * Dependencies:
 * [[User:Rillke/MwJSBot.js]]
 * [[MediaWiki:MD5.js]
 * Tool server
 * Developers use the following code to execute their own copy of the script
 * when calling  'Commons SVG Checker' without 'withJS' in URL:
if ( typeof(mw.util.getParamValue( 'withJS' ) ) !== "string" ||
		mw.util.getParamValue( 'withJS' ).indexof(
			"MediaWiki:CommonsSvgChecker.js") === -1 ) {
( function ( $, mw ) { // Making my own namespace!?
"use strict";

var gTitle = "Commons SVG Checker";
var gRun = false;
var gCommonsLink = "";
var gToolserverLink = "//";
var gLogRender = "It will not be rendered properly by Wikimedia's SVG renderer.";
var gLogMayRender = "It may not be rendered properly by Wikimedia's SVG" +
		" renderer under certain conditions.";
var gLogDiffRender = "It will be rendered with minor differences by Wikimedia's SVG renderer.";

if (endsWith( mw.config.get( "wgTitle" ), gTitle ) === true ) {
	gRun = true; // load only if needed

 * Checker section

var gFontHintCountMax = 6;
var gFontHintCount = gFontHintCountMax;
// Setup globals for each run!
Bug list (sorted):
* T5537 + data:;
* T7792
* T11420
* T32033
* T35245
* T43422
* T43426
* T43424
* T55899
* T65236
* T68672
* xlink:href
* // 11/2015


function startCheck( elem, logElem )
    gFontHintCount = gFontHintCountMax;
	checkElement( elem, logElem );
 * This function is called for every XML tag contained in a SVG file.
 * Any checks related to a specific element are placed here. It consists
 * mainly of if clauses.
function checkElement( elem, logElem )
	// TODO skip non SVG namespace
	checkAttributes(elem, logElem);

	var str;
	var log;
	if(elem.tagName === "image") {
		var xlink = elem.getAttribute( 'xlink:href' );
		if ( typeof xlink === "string" && xlink.indexOf("data:" ) !== 0 ) {
			str = " Image has xlink:href with external source. They will not" +
				" work (and may be blocked) by the Wikimedia software. All" +
				" required elements need to be included into the SVG directly.";
			log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str, "T5537" );
			addLog( log, logElem );
		if ( typeof xlink === "string" && 
				( xlink.indexOf("data:;" ) === 0 || xlink.indexOf("data:svg" ) === 0 ) ) {
			str = " Image has xlink:href attribute with data: element. Various" +
				" configurations will not work (and may be blocked)" +
				" by the Wikimedia software.";
			log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str ); // data:;
			addLog( log, logElem );
	if(elem.tagName === "tspan" ) {
		if ( elem.hasAttribute( "baseline-shift" ) === true ) {
			var shift = elem.getAttribute( "baseline-shift" );
			if ( shift.indexOf( "sub" ) !== 0 && shift.indexOf( "super" ) !== 0 &&
					shift.indexOf( "baseline" ) !== 0 ) {
				str = "Text element found with basline-shift. " + gLogRender;
				log = genLog("WARNING", elem, str, "T7792");
				addLog( log, logElem );
	if(elem.tagName === "textPath") {
		str = "<textPath> element not supported." + gLogRender;
		log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str, "T11420");
		addLog( log, logElem );
	if(elem.tagName === "tspan" || elem.tagName === "text" ) {
		if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'x' ) === true || elem.hasAttribute( 'y' ) === true ) {
			var list = false;
			var xElem = elem.getAttribute( 'x' );
			if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'x' ) === true && xElem.trim().indexOf( " " ) > -1 ) {
				list = true;
			var yElem = elem.getAttribute( 'y' );
			if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'y' ) === true && yElem.trim().indexOf( " " ) > -1 ) {
				list = true;
			if ( list === true ) {
				str = "Text element found with list of coordinates." +
						" " + gLogRender;
				log = genLog( "ERROR", elem, str, "T35245" );
				addLog( log, logElem );
	if(elem.tagName === "flowRoot") {
		str = "Flow element not supported. " + gLogRender;
		log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str, "T43424");
		addLog( log, logElem );
	if(elem.tagName === "mask") {
		if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'maskUnits' ) === true ) {
			if ( elem.getAttribute( 'maskUnits' ) !== "" ) {
				str = "Mask element found with maskUnits set. " + gLogRender;
				log = genLog("WARNING", elem, str, "T55899");
				addLog( log, logElem );
	if(elem.tagName === "style" && elem.hasAttribute( 'type' ) === false) {
		str = gLogRender;
		str += " As workaround add attribute type=\"text/css\" to <style>.";
		log = genLog( "ERROR", elem, str, "T68672" );
		addLog( log, logElem );
	// Check all childrens recursive
	if ( elem.childElementCount > 0 ) {
		var childs = elem.children;
		for ( var index = 0; index < childs.length; ++index ) {
			checkElement( childs[index], logElem );

 * This function is called for every XML tag contained in a SVG file and
 * iterates over all of its attributes. It is especially interesting for 
 * checking CSS related issues.
function checkAttributes( elem, logElem )
	var str;
	var log;
	if ( elem.hasAttributes() === true ) { // look at content of each attribute
		for (var i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) {
			var value = elem.attributes[ i ].value;
			var name = elem.attributes[ i ].name;
			if ( value.indexOf( "url(&quot;" ) > -1 ) {
				str = "Found &quot; inside an url() attribute" +
						" statement. " + gLogRender; // TODO give bug as reference
				log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str);
				addLog( log, logElem ); 
			if ( value !== value.replace( /\s+\)$/g, '' ) &&
					name !== "d" && name !== "points") {
				str = "Trailing space found in attribute " + name +
						" " + gLogMayRender;
				log = genLog( "ERROR", elem, str, "" );
				addLog( log, logElem );
	if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'stroke-dasharray' ) === true ) {
		var dash = elem.getAttribute( 'stroke-dasharray' ); // space without preceeding comma or space
		var arr = dash.split(",");
		for( var j = 0 ; j < arr.length ; j++ ) {
			var arrayEle = arr[j].trim();
			if ( arrayEle.indexOf( " " ) > -1 ) {
				str = "Attribute stroke-dasharray found with space as " +
						"seperator instead of comma. " + gLogRender;
				log = genLog( "ERROR", elem, str, "T32033" );
				addLog( log, logElem );
	if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'writing-mode' ) === true ) {
		var writing = elem.getAttribute( 'writing-mode' );
		if ( writing.indexOf( "tb" ) > -1 ) {
			str = "Attribute writing-mode containing tb (top to bottom) value  " +
					"set. " + gLogRender;
			log = genLog( "WARNING", elem, str, "T65236" );
			addLog( log, logElem );
	if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'id' ) === true || elem.hasAttribute( 'class' ) === true ) {
		var alphanum = true;
		var regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\s]*$/m;
		//if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'id' ) === true ) {
		//	var idValue = elem.getAttribute( 'id' );
		//	if ( regex.test( idValue ) === false ) {
		//		alphanum = false;
		//	}
		//} obviously not an issue
		if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'class' ) === true ) {
			var classValue = elem.getAttribute( 'class' );
			if ( regex.test( classValue ) === false ) {
				alphanum = false;
		if ( alphanum === false ) {
			str = "Element attribute class only supports ASCII charackters.";
			str += " " + gLogRender;
			log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str, "T43422");
			addLog( log, logElem );

	if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'fill' ) === true ) {
		var fill = elem.getAttribute( 'fill' );
		if ( fill.indexOf("hsl") > -1 ) {
			str = "Fill attribute with parameter HSL found. " + gLogRender;
			log = genLog("ERROR", elem, str, "T43426");
			addLog( log, logElem );
	if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'font-family' ) === true ) {
		var fontFamAttr = elem.getAttribute( 'font-family' );
		checkFont( elem, logElem, fontFamAttr );


function checkFont( elem, logElem, fontFam )
	fontFam = fontFam.replace(new RegExp("\'", 'g'), "");
	var fonts = fontFam.split(",");
	var generic = false;
	var str;
	var log;
	for ( var index = 0; index < fonts.length; ++index ) {
		var font = fonts[ index ].trim();
		if( !inList( gFontList, font ) && gFontHintCount > 0 ) {
			gFontHintCount -= 1;
			if ( inList( gFontSubstitution, font ) ) {
				str = "Font type " + font + " is not available in" +
					" Wikimedia software. It has been substituted with a metric" +
					" equivalent. " + gLogDiffRender;
				log = genLog("HINT", elem, str, "" );
			} else if ( inList( gFontSubstitution2, font ) ) {
				str = "Font type " + font + " is not available in" +
					" Wikimedia software. It has been substituted with a " +
					"similar font. " + gLogDiffRender;
				log = genLog("HINT", elem, str, "" );
			} else {
				str = "Font type " + font + " is not available in " +
					"Wikimedia software. " + gLogDiffRender;
				log = genLog("WARNING", elem, str, "" );
			addLog( log, logElem );
			if ( gFontHintCount === 0 ) {
				addLogStr( "Not reporting any further font type issues.", logElem );
		if ( inList( gGenericFonts, font ) ) {
			generic = true;

 * Implementation

 * Check if a string is in the string list
function inList( fontList, font ) {
	for ( var index = 0; index < fontList.length; ++index ) {
		if ( font === fontList[ index ] ) {
			return true;
	return false;	

 * Get a property from style attribute
function getProperty( style, property )
	var properties = style.split(";");
	for ( var index = 0; index < properties.length; ++index ) {
		var pair = properties[ index ].split( ":", 2 );
		if (pair.length == 2 && pair[0].trim() === property) {
			return pair[1].trim();

 * Unify
function isEmpty(str) {
    return (!str || 0 === str.trim().length);

 * Creates a pretty logging text containing all usefull informations
function genLog( logLevel, elem, text, linkOrPhab )
	var p;
	var str;
	p = document.createElement( 'p' );
	var levelSpan = document.createElement( 'span' );
	if( logLevel.indexOf( "ERROR" ) === 0 ) {
		levelSpan.setAttribute( "style", "color:red;" );
	if( logLevel.indexOf( "WARNING" ) === 0 ) {
		levelSpan.setAttribute( "style", "color:orange;" );
	if( logLevel.indexOf( "HINT" ) === 0 ) {
		levelSpan.setAttribute( "style", "color:green;" );
	levelSpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode( logLevel ) );
	p.appendChild( levelSpan );
	str = " in <" + elem.tagName + ">";
	if ( elem.hasAttribute( 'id' ) === true ) {
		var id = elem.getAttribute( 'id' );
		str += " with id=" + id + ":";
	} else {
		str += ":";
	str += " "  + text;

	if ( typeof linkOrPhab === "string" ) {
		p.appendChild( document.createTextNode(	str + " See " ) );
		if( linkOrPhab.indexOf("http" ) !== 0 ) {
			linkOrPhab = "" + linkOrPhab;
		linkOrPhab = linkOrPhab );
		p.appendChild( document.createRange().createContextualFragment( linkOrPhab ) );
		p.appendChild( document.createTextNode(	" for details." ) );
	} else {
		p.appendChild( document.createTextNode(	str ) );
	return p;

 * Append an entry to analyser log
function addLogStr( str, logElem )
	var p;
	p = document.createElement( 'p' );
	p.appendChild( document.createTextNode(	str ) );
//	p.appendChild( document.createRange().createContextualFragment( str ) );
//	logElem.append( p );
	addLog( p, logElem );

 * Append an entry to analyser log
function addLog( p, logElem )
	logElem.append( p );

function imagePreview ()
	var $imgPreview = $( '<img>' );
	$imgPreview.attr({ 'title': "rsvg preview" });
	$imgPreview.css({ 'vertical-align': 'top' });
	return $imgPreview;
 * Send SVG to Rillke's toolserver with MwJSBot from Rillke
function renderPng( svgString ) // TODO abort on timeout
	if (null === mw.loader.getState('mediawiki.commons.MwJSBot')) {
		["//"], {
			/*no styles*/ // TODO check if importScript is necessary at all
		}, { /*no messages*/ });
	var $imgPreview = imagePreview();
	var dataUrl;

	var bot = new MwJSBot();	
    var msg = bot.multipartMessageForUTF8Files();
    msg.appendPart('file', svgString, 'input.svg');
    var req = msg.$send( gToolserverLink, 'arraybuffer');
    // result is XmlHttpRequest
    $imgPreview.appendTo( $( '#com-svg-checker-preview' ) );
    $imgPreview.attr( 'src', '//' +
    		"2/2a/Loading_Key.gif" );
    req.done( function( statusText, response ) {
		var typedArray = new Uint8Array( response );
		var blob = new Blob( [ typedArray ]	, { type: 'image/jpeg' } );
		dataUrl = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
		$imgPreview.attr( 'src', dataUrl );
    }); function( statusText, response, request ) {
		var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );
		$imgPreview.attr( 'src', '//' );
		addLogStr( 'ERROR: Failed to render SVG file! ' + 'There are many reasons for that' +
			'It is not distinguishable if the rendered PNG was file was too big' +
			' or a bug stopped the SVG renderer.', logElem );
 * Loading file from local file system completed
function fileLoaded( event, fr ) // TODO abort on timeout
	var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );
	if ( != FileReader.DONE ) {
		addLogStr( 'ERROR: Failed to load file!', logElem );
	addLogStr( 'Completed file reading!', logElem );
	var fileString =;
	analyseFile( fileString );

function analyseFile( svgString )
	var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );
    var parser = new DOMParser();
    var xmlDoc;
    var len = lengthInUtf8Bytes(svgString);

	addLogStr( "File size is: " + len + " bytes", logElem );
    if ( len > (5 * 1000 * 1000) ) {
		addLogStr( "The file size limit for preview to render SVG is around 5 MB", logElem );
    if ( len > (10 * 1000 * 1000) ) {
		addLogStr( "The file size limit for Wikimedia Commons to render SVG is around 10 MB", logElem );

    if ( svgString.toLowerCase().indexOf( "<?xml" ) !== 0 ) {
		addLogStr( "WARNING: XML declaration not found and is strongly" +
			" recommended", logElem );
    } // TODO encoding
    try {
	    xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( svgString, "image/svg+xml" );
    } catch( err ) {
		addLogStr( "ERROR: Failed to parse XML structure." +
			" XML structure is broken.", logElem );
	addLogStr( "Successfully parsed XML structure.", logElem );
	var svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName( "svg" )[ 0 ];
	if ( svgRoot === undefined ) {
		svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS( "", "svg" )[ 0 ]; // self referencing
	} // File:Binding energy curve - common isotopes DE.svg
	if ( svgRoot !== undefined ) {
		startCheck( svgRoot, logElem );
	} else {
		addLogStr( "Not a SVG XML structure.", logElem );

	addLogStr( "Check finished!", logElem );

    if ( len <= (5* 1000 * 1000) ) {
		renderPng( svgString );
    } else {
		addLogStr( "Omited rendering of SVG because the file size limit has been reached.", logElem );
		var $imgPreview	= imagePreview();
	    $imgPreview.appendTo( $( '#com-svg-checker-preview' ) );
		$imgPreview.attr( 'src', '//' );

 * Load file from local disk
function loadFile( file )
	var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );
	if ( !window.File || !window.FileReader ||
			!window.FileList || !window.Blob ) {
		addLogStr( 'The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.',
	if( !( file instanceof File ) ) {
		addLogStr( "No file found to load!", logElem );
	addLogStr( "Loading file: " +, logElem  );

	var fr = new FileReader();
	fr.onloadend = function ( event ) { fileLoaded( event, fr ); };
	fr.readAsText( file );

 * Load file from Commons repository
function loadCommonsFile( fileName )
	// TODO create link
	var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );
    var link = gCommonsLink;
    var self;
    self = 'https:' + mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.util.getUrl( );
    self += "?withJS=MediaWiki:CommonsSvgChecker.js";
    self += "&checkSVG=" + fileName.replace(new RegExp(" ", 'g'), "_");
    var p = document.createElement( "p" );
    self = document.createRange().createContextualFragment( self ) );
    p.appendChild( self );
    addLog( p, logElem );
	if ( fileName.indexOf( ":" ) > -1 ) {
		fileName = fileName.split( ":", 2 )[ 1 ];
	fileName = fileName.replace( new RegExp( " ", 'g'), "_" );
	var fileNameMd5 = hex_md5(fileName);
	var path = '/' + fileNameMd5.substring( 0, 1 ) + '/';
	path += fileNameMd5.substring( 0,  2) + '/';
	path += fileName;
    var p2 = document.createElement( "p" );
    var self2 = 'https:' + mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + "/wiki/File:";
    self2 += fileName.replace(new RegExp(" ", 'g'), "_");
    self2 = document.createRange().createContextualFragment( self2 ) );
    p2.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Loading: " ) );
    p2.appendChild( self2 );
    addLog( p2, logElem );

	    url : (link + path),
	    dataType: "text",
		success : function( result ){
			analyseFile( result );
	    error : function( result ){
			addLogStr( 'Media not found: ' + link + path, logElem );
			addLogStr( "Check for typos",	logElem );

 * Clears analyser log
function clearLog()
    var previewElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-preview' );
	var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );

 * Add controls to checker page
function svgCheckerLoader()
	try {
		var hiddenElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-display' );
		var uploadElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-upload' );
		var commonsElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-commons' );
		var logElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-log' );
		var previewElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-preview' );
		var scriptButtonElem = $( '#com-svg-checker-script' );
		var checkSVG = mw.util.getParamValue( 'checkSVG' );
		var pageNameInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
			placeholder: 'Page name (e. g. File:Example.svg)',
			id: 'com-svg-checker-commons-input',
		} );
		var checkFileButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
			label: "Execute SVG check...",
			icon: 'check',
		} );
		var checkComButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
			label: "Execute SVG check...",
			icon: 'check',
		} );
		var selectFileButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( {
			label: "Select file...",
  			useInputTag: true,
  			id: 'com-svg-checker-upload-button',
  			// icon: 'check',
		} );
		var clear = document.createElement( 'div' );
		clear.setAttribute( 'style', 'clear: both;' );

		commonsElem.append( pageNameInput.$element );
		commonsElem.append( checkComButton.$element );
		uploadElem.append( selectFileButton.$element );
		uploadElem.append( clear );
		uploadElem.append( checkFileButton.$element );
		var uploadButton = $( '#com-svg-checker-upload-button > input' );
		uploadButton.attr('accept', 'image/svg+xml');
		uploadButton.attr('type', 'file'); // Hack
		checkFileButton.on('click', function () {
				loadFile( uploadButton[ 0 ].files[ 0 ] );
		checkComButton.on('click', function () {
				loadCommonsFile( pageNameInput.getValue() );
			} );
		if ( checkSVG ) {
			pageNameInput.setValue( checkSVG );
		addLogStr( "Waiting to execute a SVG check", logElem );
		var $imgPreview = imagePreview();
	    $imgPreview.appendTo( $( '#com-svg-checker-preview' ) );
    	$imgPreview.attr( 'src', '//' +
    		"7/71/Text_cursor_blinking.gif" );

		if ( endsWith( mw.util.getParamValue( 'withJS' ),
				"CommonsSvgChecker.js" ) === true ) {
			scriptButtonElem.empty(); // Do not remove withJS button for developers
    	hiddenElem.attr( 'style', '' ); // finally show hidden controls
	} catch( err ) {
		console.log( 'Error in CommonsSvgChecker.js: ' + err.message );

 * str ends with suffix?
function endsWith( str, suffix ) {
	if (typeof(str) !== "string" ) {
		return false;
	return str.indexOf( suffix, str.length - suffix.length ) !== -1;

 * get UTF-8 length of a string
function lengthInUtf8Bytes(str) {
  // Matches only the 10.. bytes that are non-initial characters in a multi-byte sequence.
  var m = encodeURIComponent(str).match(/%[89ABab]/g);
  return str.length + (m ? m.length : 0);

 * M..A..I..N

if ( gRun === true ) { // load only if needed
	// First wait for oojs-ui then for jQuery
	mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui' ).done(
		function() { $( svgCheckerLoader() ); }

// :style.*$ -> ", // ,.*$ -> ",

var gFontSubstitution = [ "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Courier New" ];
var gFontSubstitution2 = [ "sans", "Sans", "Serif" ];

var gGenericFonts = [ "serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace" ];
//var gRecommendFontList = ["x"]; // TODO is there any
var gFontList = [
		"serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace",
		"Abyssinica SIL",
		"AR PL UKai CN",
		"AR PL UKai HK",
		"AR PL UKai TW MBE",
		"AR PL UKai TW",
		"AR PL UMing CN",
		"AR PL UMing HK",
		"AR PL UMing TW MBE",
		"AR PL UMing TW",
		"David CLM",
		"David CLM",
		"David CLM",
		"David CLM",
		"DejaVu Sans Mono",
		"DejaVu Sans Mono",
		"DejaVu Sans",
		"DejaVu Sans",
		"DejaVu Serif",
		"DejaVu Serif",
		"Eunjin Nakseo",
		"Ezra SIL SR",
		"Ezra SIL",
		"Hadasim CLM",
		"Hadasim CLM",
		"Hadasim CLM",
		"Hadasim CLM",
		"Keter YG",
		"Keter YG",
		"Keter YG",
		"Keter YG",
		"Khmer OS Battambang",
		"Khmer OS Bokor",
		"Khmer OS Content",
		"Khmer OS Fasthand",
		"Khmer OS Freehand",
		"Khmer OS Metal Chrieng",
		"Khmer OS Muol Light",
		"Khmer OS Muol Pali",
		"Khmer OS Muol",
		"Khmer OS Siemreap",
		"Khmer OS",
		"Khmer OS System",
		"Liberation Mono",
		"Liberation Mono",
		"Liberation Mono",
		"Liberation Mono",
		"Liberation Sans Narrow",
		"Liberation Sans Narrow",
		"Liberation Sans Narrow",
		"Liberation Sans Narrow",
		"Liberation Sans",
		"Liberation Sans",
		"Liberation Sans",
		"Liberation Sans",
		"Liberation Serif",
		"Liberation Serif",
		"Liberation Serif",
		"Liberation Serif",
		"Lohit Assamese",
		"Lohit Bengali",
		"Lohit Gujarati",
		"Lohit Hindi",
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