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Use this template to add a reference to a web page on the web site A Taxonomy in Flux (JBoyd.net).
Note: The taxonomy of this web site seems compatible with IOC classification 2.6 classification as COI references this web site (Look at the family links in this page)
Note: To display pages on a tree (like tree_passerida.html), you should use {{Jboyd tree}}
Note: This template can be used in conjunction with {{Taxoconflict}}, {{Taxa}}, {{Genera}}, {{Genera2}}, {{Species}}, {{Species2}} or {{Subspecies}} with parameter "source=Jboyd" (See here the different values for source)
{{Jboyd | List29.html#fringillidae | Fringillidae }}
{{Jboyd | List29.html#fringillidae }}
A Taxonomy in Flux (JBoyd.net) link: Fringillidae
A Taxonomy in Flux (JBoyd.net) link: Fringillidae
{{Jboyd | pageName | taxonToDisplay }}
  • pageName
The name of the page
Ex (for the Fringillidae): List29.html#fringillidae
  • taxonToDisplay (optional)
The taxon to display in the link (useful for genera that must be displayed in italic)
Ex (for the Fringillidae): Fringillidae
Use sample
See also