Orupapura Rukooto

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Ekisani ky'ekiro kyona

Courtyard and surroundings of castle Hohenwerfen, Werfen, near Salzburg, Austria. The medieval rock castle, situated on a 623 metres (2,044 ft) precipice, overlooks the town of Werfen in the Salzach valley. The fortress is a "sister" of Hohensalzburg Fortress, both strongholds were built by the Archbishops of Salzburg in the 11th century.

+/− (ttj), +/− (en)

Mediya y'ekiro
As part of the 2021 La brède day and on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Persian Letters, round table around "Limits and Conditions of freedom of expression" with Barbara Stiegler, professor of political philosophy at Bordeaux University -Montaigne, honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Jean-Marie Burguburu, lawyer, former President of the Bar of Paris, President of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights and Bertrand Favreau, lawyer, former President of the Bar of Bordeaux, President of the Institute of Human Rights of European Lawyers. Meeting moderated by Christophe Lucet.
(Video in French without subtitles)

+/− (ttj), +/− (en)

Noosabwa okozese esanduuko y'okuserra haiguru ly'orupapura runu rundi ebikwataniza ha bulyo. Waakurangirirwa emiliisize yaitu eyerangwa omu mpapura zingi.
Kuhikiriza obwetaago bw'okwirizibwa kw'obusinge, noosabwa kusoma ekyebembezi kyaitu ky'okwongera kuukozesa. Waakusaba fayiro.
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