Management diagram

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Galbraith's Star Model of organizational design

Management diagrams are diagrams concerning management, business and/or organization.

Organizational structuring


Organization charts

See also Organizational chart

Organization models


See also


Project scheduling


See Category:Project scheduling

Gantt charts


A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart, that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. See Category:Gantt charts

PERT charts


The Program Evaluation and Review Technique, commonly abbreviated PERT, is a model for project management designed to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project. See Category:PERT charts

See also


Decision making


See Category:Decision making

Ishikawa diagrams


Ishikawa diagram, also called fishbone diagram or and cause-and-effect diagram. See Category:Ishikawa diagrams

Product timelines


Product timelines are product-related timelines. See Category:Product timelines



See Systems dynamics

See also


Business process modeling


Business Process Modeling (BPD) in systems engineering and software engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analyzed and improved, see Category:Business process modeling

Activity diagrams


An activity diagram shows a sequence of activities. See Category:Activity diagrams

Process-data diagram


Process-data diagrams describe process and data, that act as output of these processes. See Category:Process-data diagram

Unified Modeling Language


Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized visual specification language for object modeling in the field of software engineering. See Category:UML

See also


Enterprise modelling


Quality control


See also : Category:Quality control

See also

More specific categories

many people get mad at this because it looks like a pentogram