File talk:Yamen-sitzung.jpg

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This image must pre-date the year 1878. In this year a steel(?)engraving of it was published in 'Um die Erde. Reisebericht von Josef Lehnert. Band 1' page 344, illustrating the description of a court scene in Shanghai. Lehnert was member of the 1874-76 circumnavigation of the Austrian-Hungarian ship SMS (Erzherzog) Friedrich and published in the late 1870ies an account of that journey in two volumes. The ship was visiting Shanghai in 1875, presumably he bought a print there (as did other officers). That would indicate that the image probably was taken till 1875.



There is a good point made by a vandal on this page - the image does not seem to depict an actual yamen (which are generally more grandiose), instead moreso resembling an office, perhaps belonging to an official. Alternatively, it might be an ad hoc court sitting, but the Chinese inscription on the tablecloth does not actually make any sense. Augend (talk) 18:51, 23 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]