File talk:Welcome wikipedia arabic.svg

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Surely "fi" is clear enough whether it has dots under it or not... AnonMoos (talk) 17:38, 4 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  • I do not care if it is clear or not, the issue here is that "Al-Yaa" in modern Arabic should be written with dots. in the old Arabic there was no something such the dots in the calligraphy (Ottoman script), so the Yaa was written like this, and for distinguishing the Alif (الألف المقصورة) from it the Arabs added a small Alif above the Yaa, this script is not used now and we do not use this small Alif, so we add in modern Arabic these dots to distinguish Yaa from Alif and for that they should be written here --عباد ديرانية (talk) 10:59, 5 March 2011 (UTC).[reply]
  • No I do not agree that it's clear enough. I think it's more confusing to the reader who might think for a fraction of time that he went mistakenly to Farsi Wikipedia instead of the Arabic version. What is the rationale to confuse reader with Farsi script instead of using fonts that follow modern Arabic scripts? --Banzoo (talk) 14:58, 5 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
There are millions of Egyptians who leave off the dots on ي at the ends of words, so I don't see how it's especially "Persian". This Egyptian practice might be confusing in certain cases, but in the case of fi, what word is written فى and pronunced fa?? -- AnonMoos (talk) 00:00, 6 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • Sorry, but the Egyptians have invented a new Arabic grammar for them, why, do not ask me. the issue is not about confusing between the words, but this is a grammar, it would not make a sense whether if i wrote "wolfs" or "wolves", there is no a word for "wolfs" in English, but its grammar says that it should be written as "wolves" --عباد ديرانية (talk) 09:42, 6 March 2011 (UTC).[reply]
Dots of final isolated Yaa is omitted in all printed and hand written Arabic material in Egypt, this even includes copies of Quran that is printed in Egypt and world wide. I don't know what grammar rules you are referring to, but Yaa is a Yaa, with dots or not. --خالد حسني (talk) 08:04, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • Would you provide any official recent Egyptian document or book where we might find the dots discarded? Besides, I do not believe that Arabic Wikipedia is intended to Egyptian audiences only. It is meant to address pan-Arabian audiences. Hence, I do not see any reason to exclude other Arabic Wikipedians by choosing selective notes that are only accepted by few and not recognized as a general rule among most Arabs. --Banzoo (talk) 11:26, 6 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Simple, open your copy of Quran and tell me if it have dots under final/isolated Yaa (and no, it have nothing to do with Quran using old Rasm because old Rasm had no dots at all, so the dots just follows the modern practice which happen to be the Egyptian simply because the master copy were printed in Egypt under supervision of Al-Azhar in 1951). --خالد حسني (talk) 08:04, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • The issue here is artistic, when I was taught calligraphy may teachers never used dots after Yaa (obviously that was in Egypt) and I never encountered such dots in any Farsi (Nastaliq) artwork including this one, see the original discussion here. --خالد حسني (talk) 08:09, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • الأمر ليس معاداة للمصريين ولا الفرس ولا ما يَحزنون، فأنا أيضاً ممن يُؤمنون بالوحدة العربية ويَدعمونها، كل ما في الأمر أن المصريين دائماً لهم مدرستهم الخاصة في اللغة التي تختلف عن سائر الدول العربية، أنا كل ما درسته وعرفته طوال عمري في مدارس الخليج وبلاد الشام يَختلف كلياً عما يُدرس في مصر، لم أسمع في حياتي بدولة يُعلم الطلاب في مدارسها كتابة الياء بدون نقط سوى مصر، هذا ناهيك عن قوانين الهمزات واستبدال الـ"g" بالـ"ج" إلخ...، دائماً مصر مختلفة، ولا أعلم السبب، لكن هذا يَدعونا بطبيعة الحال لمعاملة قواعد اللغة في مصر بشكل مختلف بما في ذلك مسألة الياء التي ننقاشها هنا، وأما القرآن فإنه يَتبع الرسم العثماني القديم غير المستخدم حالياً، من جهة أخرى في الرسم العثماني تستخدم الألف الصغيرة التي ذكرتها سابقاً للتفريق بين اللألف المقصورة والياء، فهل نستخدم نحن الآن هذه الألف؟ --عباد ديرانية (talk) 11:34, 7 March 2011 (UTC).[reply]
  • التحريك في القرآن يساعد في التمييز بين الألف المقصورة والياء، إضافة الى عدم استعمال هذا الخط في غير النصوص الدينية وخصوصا ندور استعمالها في أي كتاب أو وثيقة منشورين حديثا. لا وجود لأي نوع من العدائية ضد اي حضارة، انما الامر محاولة لتصويب الانتباه في محاولة لتبني قواعد الخط العربي المقبولة والمفهومة عند أكبر شريحة من العرب عند المستطاع. --Banzoo (talk) 21:55, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
آسف، لن أستطيع الرد تفصيلا لضيق الوق، لكن لا مانع عندي من أن تضاف النقاط بعد مناقشة الأمر عى ويكيبيديا العربية. --خالد حسني (talk) 12:08, 16 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]