File talk:T-dependent B cell activation.png

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Minor label typo: antigene should be antigen


Hi, the section title describes the issue. I am posting this comment here after this discussion on my User page. --PandasExpanding (talk) 16:00, 5 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I uploaded a new illustration version with the typo fixed --PandasExpanding (talk) 00:56, 10 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Comment on de:B-Lymphozyt


Hi, the image was removed from this article by an ip with the following remark [1]: "Diese Abbildung ist falsch. In dieser Abbildung wird selbe Antigen von zwei B Zell Rezeptoren (Antikörper) gebunden. Dies funktioniert nur bei multimeren Proteinen oder Zuckern (z.B. bei der Aktivierung von B1 Zellen). So wie dies dargestellt ist, ist es aber ein Antigen und die beiden Antikörper binden an das selbe Antigen und damit zwei verschiedene Epitope! Dies ist nicht möglich, da eine B-Zelle nur eine Antikörperspezifität herstellt (Lederberg und Nossal 1958)." Translated: In this illustration, the same antigen is bound by two B cell receptors (antibodies). This only works with multimeric proteins or sugars (e.g. when activating B1 cells). The way this is shown, it is an antigen and the two antibodies bind to the same antigen and therefore two different epitopes! This is not possible because a B cell only produces one antibody specificity (Lederberg and Nossal 1958). I'm not competent to assess this and am therefore putting it here. --MBq (talk) 16:25, 18 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]