File talk:Series RC resistor voltage.svg

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Generated with the following Python script under matplotlib and touched up slightly in Inkscape.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pylab import *
rc("font", family="serif", size=16)
rc("xtick", labelsize=16)
rc("ytick", labelsize=16)
rc("axes", titlesize=18, labelsize=16)

R = 100.0
C = 0.000001
tau = R*C

t = arange(0, 5*tau, tau/200)
hc = exp(-t / tau)

setp(gca(), 'axisbelow', True)
setp(getp(gca(), 'xgridlines'), 'color', '#d7d7d7', 'linestyle', '-')
setp(getp(gca(), 'ygridlines'), 'color', '#d7d7d7', 'linestyle', '-')
yt,junk = yticks((0.007, 0.018, 0.05, 0.135, 0.368), ("0.7%", "1.8%", "5%", "13.5%", "36.8%"))

xticks((0, tau, 2*tau, 3*tau, 4*tau, 5*tau), ("0", r"T", r"2T", r"3T", r"4T", r"5T"))

plot(t, hc)
savefig("Series RC resistor voltage.svg")

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