File talk:Sashes is Miss Korea Washington DC Grandprix 2012.jpg

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このタスキは、韓国で最大級のミスコンテストである「ミスコリア」の受賞者に実際に贈られたもののタスキであります。本文の説明にもありましたが、2012年ミスコリア・アメリカ・ワシントンDC地区大会眞(グランプリ)を受賞し、決勝大会に出場をした、グ・ミンジョンさんのタスキです。これを日本の埼玉県朝霞市にあるアンティークショップ兼カフェバー「ツィンズマッスル」が、主にアメリカ在住者を中心としたミスコンテスト入賞者のタスキを日本向けにヤフオクにて出品していたものを購入・入手したものです。Mr.ちゅらさん (talk) 16:00, 6 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

About this sash


The sash is located in the sash but was given a miss contest of the largest in the winners of the "Miss Korea" actually in Korea. There was also the description of the body, but won the Miss Korea, the United States, Washington DC district conference Grand Prix 2012, was to qualify to the final tournament, it is the sash of the Gu Min Jung's. This Saitama Prefecture Asaka antique shop and cafe bar in the Japanese "Twin's muscle" is, mainly centered on the Miss contest winners of the sash American residents what was exhibited at Yahoo! Auctions in Japan is what the purchase and was obtained.Mr.ちゅらさん (talk) 16:00, 6 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

이 어깨띠 대해


이 어깨띠는 한국 최대의 미인 대회 인 '미스 코리아'의 수상자에 실제로 수여했지만 어깨띠입니다. 본문의 설명도있었습니다 만, 2012 년 미스 코리아 · 미국 워싱턴 DC 지역 대회 眞(그랑프리)을 수상 결승 대회에 출전을 한 그룹 이민정 씨의 어깨띠입니다. 이를 일본의 사이타마 현 아사카시에있는 골동품 가게 겸 카페 바 "Twin's muscle"가 주로 미국 거주자를 중심으로 한 미인 대회 입상자의 어깨띠를 일본 전용으로 야후 옥션에 출품했던 것을 구매 입수 한 것입니다.Mr.ちゅらさん (talk) 16:00, 6 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]