File talk:Resin from Pinus Radiata Stump 4-5 point fractal.jpg

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The following recipe is from Beard, Daniel Carter (1890). "How to Stock a Fresh-Water Aquarium", The American Boys Handy Book, 391.

"The following receipt from the Scientifc American is inserted.
"Aquarium Cement. -- Linseed oil, 3 oz.; tar, 4 oz; resin, 1 lb,; melt together over a gentle fire. If too much oil is used the cement will run down the angles of the aquarium; to obviate this it should be tested before using by allowing a small quantity to cool under water; if not found sufficiently firm, allow it to simmer longer or add more tar and resin. The cement should be poured in the corners of the aquarium while warm (not hot). This cement is pliable, and is not poisonous.""