File talk:Patrologia Latina Vol 60 Tortures of Christian martyrs.png

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1. The caption "Hanging at a torture stake" is misleading. Those represented are fastened to posts and tortured (an attempt has been made to avoid showing the torturers), they are not "hanging" from the posts. (The acts of the martyrs recount horrific tortures inflicted on them, but usually tell of their deaths as by beheading.) And the phrase "torture stake" suggests the Jehovah's Witnesses' claim that Jesus was executed, not merely tortured, on a single upright, without crossbeam.

2. Not even one of the pictures that have here been trimmed and assembled is found in the source indicated. 09:03, 5 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The source given was defective, putting two volumes of the Patrologia Latina together as one. The volume of Migne that does contain the images from which the snippets have been taken and misleadingly described as "hanging from a torture stake" is not volume 59, but volume 60, to which I have given a link. The forms of torture, not necessarily fatal, that are illustrated there are much more numerous. Theodoxa (talk) 17:22, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]