File talk:Parliamentary Groups of the Bundestag.svg

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17th Bundestag


SVG code for the most likely seat distribution of parliamentary groups when the 17th Bundestag constitutes on 2009-10-27:

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg version="1.1" xmlns=""
  viewBox="-850 -850 1700 950">
<title>Parliamentary Groups of the Bundestag (as of 2009-10-27)</title>
<!--<rect x="-850" y="-850" width="100%" height="100%" fill="#000"/>-->
<g transform="rotate(180)" stroke="#808080" stroke-width="5">
  <!-- calculation of path points:
  group seats  sum   angle     cos*800 sin*800  cos*200 sin*200
                 0   0/622*pi  800.000   0.000  200.000   0.000
  Left     76   76  76/622*pi  741.781 299.602  185.445  74.901
  SPD     146  222 222/622*pi  347.627 720.524   86.907 180.131
  Green    68  290 290/622*pi   84.694 795.504   21.174 198.876
  CDU/CSU 239  529 529/622*pi -713.355 362.112 -178.339  90.528
  FDP      93  622 622/622*pi -800.000   0.000 -200.000   0.000
  none      0  622 622/622*pi -800.000   0.000 -200.000   0.000
  <path fill="#ffc0f0"
    d="M  800.000   0.000 A 800,800 0,0,1  741.781 299.602
       L  185.445  74.901 A 200,200 0,0,0  200.000   0.000 z"/>
  <path fill="#ffc0c0"
    d="M  741.781 299.602 A 800,800 0,0,1  347.627 720.524
       L   86.907 180.131 A 200,200 0,0,0  185.445  74.901 z"/>
  <path fill="#c0ffc0"
    d="M  347.627 720.524 A 800,800 0,0,1   84.694 795.504
       L   21.174 198.876 A 200,200 0,0,0   86.907 180.131 z"/>
  <path fill="#e0e0e0"
    d="M   84.694 795.504 A 800,800 0,0,1 -713.355 362.112
       L -178.339  90.528 A 200,200 0,0,0   21.174 198.876 z"/>
  <path fill="#ffffc0"
    d="M -713.355 362.112 A 800,800 0,0,1 -800.000   0.000
       L -200.000   0.000 A 200,200 0,0,0 -178.339  90.528 z"/>
  <path fill="#c0c0ff"
    d="M -800.000   0.000 A 800,800 0,0,1 -800.000   0.000
       L -200.000   0.000 A 200,200 0,0,0 -200.000   0.000 z"/>
<g font-size="60" font-family="sans-serif" stroke="none">
  <text font-size="120" text-anchor="middle">622</text>
  <g text-anchor="start">
    <text x="-740" y="20" transform="rotate(10.997)">Left 76</text>
    <text x="-740" y="20" transform="rotate(43.119)">SPD 146</text>
    <text x="-740" y="20" transform="rotate(74.084)">Green 68</text>
  <g text-anchor="end">
    <text x="740" y="20" transform="rotate(-61.495)">CDU/CSU 239</text>
    <text x="740" y="20" transform="rotate(-13.457)">FDP 93</text>
    <text x="740" y="20" transform="rotate(-0.000)">unaffiliated 0</text>