File talk:Pankow 08 by Thorsten Murr web 2011.jpg

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aliajesse 02.04.2012 2:32am this photography is an illegal download. it is my photo, cause i'm the one who's image is presented on the picture. further more no one asked me for permission nor authorization to publish this photo on this wikipedia site (ingo york). hereby i demand immediate removal of this picture. ingo york / aliajesse — Preceding unsigned comment added by Aliajesse (talk • contribs) 01:32, 4 February 2012‎ (UTC)[reply]

Just because you are one the image does not make it your image. --Denniss (talk) 22:29, 4 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
my lawyer specialized & recognized in the field of copyright & public fraud says different !!! best regards, user:aliajesse febr.4.2012 / 01:39am MEZ
Then advise him to contact Commons:OTRS together with proof of your claims and we'll see what happens. --Denniss (talk) 02:50, 5 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

to denniss:/ it's actually more the other way around. HE is advising ME!!! ps1: we could've straighten the whole thing out, to every bodys satisfaction, peacefully, sane and calm. everyone would've walked home happy. but- after i've seen & read in wich ruthless and irresponsible way you guys discuss this particulare matter about my name, my year of birth, my life - c'mmon fellows, you're talk'n about a real human being here! the comment: ((Benutzer:Amga Primäre Frage war doch offenbar, ob der frühere Name "Griese" genannt werden "darf": was hat überhaupt Ulla Meinecke damit zu tun, außer, dass sie offenbar "Lebensabschnittsmitmusikerin" (oder was?) ist? )) and further more countless remarks way under the belt regarding me & the people i work with. i saved and copied more insults like this (WP discussionslist), if you care to read some more, let me know! my userprofile (Aliajesse) still is blocked by some "big maaan with virtual power :-)" named "pittimann". reason for blocking: "no will to an encyclopedic assisting". are we at school now, or what movie i'm in ? the only, and i repeat ONLY man who really helped, tried to find positive results was userprofile blueser. he contacted me and had an open ear for my concerns. this is a guy i can take seriously. we've even found a common ground and a solution regarding this matter! but nooo, you fellows had to stear up the whole lukewarm soup again and created more ruckus. shortly wrapped up, this man is the only good flagship you guys have! ps2: you guys keep point out regarding a behavior-form,rules 'bout how to adress one an other, how to talk to people correctly and in a polite fashion. is thisss a way you deal with artists and people of the public in a polite fashion ? ps: i doubt thaaat seriously. result out of all that: from my side not one inch cooperation regarding you guys in WP. we're past this point now. i'm deeply dissapointed in your work and in your credibility. also at present time i'm discussing this matter with many people and colleges i know and believe me, they listening carefully. kind regards ((Aliajesse)) 5.febr.2012 11:34 am

I have actually no idea what you are talking/complaining about. --Denniss (talk) 17:27, 5 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

i know you don't,- i know  ;-) !!! ...finally a text in here i truely believe ! but see, exactly there lays the tragedy ! Aliajesse /// ((()))'#+*´´ 5.febr.12 6:33pm

How should anybody know what you are talking about? --Denniss (talk) 18:15, 5 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

well, i'm complaining and i'm in the middle of a (from my side unintentional) WP-war here. using photos of me against the will of the photographer(violation of copyrights), writing untrue biography like "i played with a band called molly hatchet! etc. when the PR agency of molly hatchet reads that, those guys who wrote that shyte in my biography, are in the eyes of legal rights TOAST. means they gonna be held responsible to the fullest extend of the law. not everything whats written and smuddled in here is based on true facts, too dammn fatal if recherchen are based on facts that r written on the wall of a restroom PS: you really don't know whats going on in here, or you just pulling my leg ? Aliajesse 5.febr 2012 7:30pm