File talk:Palestine-recognition-map.png

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Here I leave the links and texts that speak of the recognition of Palestine as a state.

"El pasado 29 de noviembre, Suecia respaldó la resolución que reconoce a Palestina como un Estado observador no miembro de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)". (In spanish)

"En noviembre de 2012, en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, Bélgica voto a favor de la resolución que reconoce a la Autoridad Palestina como estado observador no miembro."(In spanish)

"Margallo justified the Spanish decision to support the Palestinian Authority in its quest for statehood, saying UN backing would reinforce President Mahmoud Abbas’ position in peace negotiations. Israel had previously warned that Spanish approval would have a negative effect on Spain’s influence in future peace talks.

Thus far, France, Portugal, Denmark, Austria, Luxemburg, Ireland, Cyprus and Malta have pledged their votes for state of Palestine". (In english)Irutia (talk) 18:04, 5 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]