File talk:Merkur train in Petřín Tower in Malá Strana, Prague.jpg

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Personal rights protection or revenge?


When there is problem with the good possibility of recognazition of childrens on the picture, I can do something with that. I await an answer from some responsible person. It seems that the marking for deletion is an act of personal revenge of User:W.Rebel, who is identical with User:Hapesoft - see also cs:Wikipedista:W.Rebel and cs:Wikipedista:Hapesoft. This person use both identities simultaneously.--PetrS. (talk) 10:33, 2 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Does not evaluate the user but the content of the image. This is contrary to the laws of the Czech Republic. --W.Rebel (talk) 11:08, 2 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Really? And why you so hurry with deletion of these two pictures, while others which I showed you already yesterday on your discussion page on the czech wikipedia you let be with no attention? --PetrS. (talk) 12:05, 2 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Citace Občanský zákoník § 12:
(1) Písemnosti osobní povahy, podobizny, obrazové snímky a obrazové a zvukové záznamy týkající se fyzické osoby nebo jejích projevů osobní povahy smějí být pořízeny nebo použity jen s jejím svolením.
(2) Svolení není třeba, použijí-li se písemnosti osobní povahy, podobizny, obrazové snímky nebo obrazové a zvukové záznamy k účelům úředním na základě zákona.
(3) Podobizny, obrazové snímky a obrazové a zvukové záznamy se mohou bez svolení fyzické osoby pořídit nebo použít přiměřeným způsobem též pro vědecké a umělecké účely a pro tiskové, filmové, rozhlasové a televizní zpravodajství. Ani takové použití však nesmí být v rozporu s oprávněnými zájmy fyzické osoby.

Quotes from "The Civil Code § 12" of Czech republic:
(1) Correspondence of a personal nature, portraits, pictures and video and audio recordings relating to individual or personal nature of its manifestations may be acquired or used only with its permission.
(2) Permission is not necessary when using the documents of a personal nature, portraits, figurative images or video and sound recordings of the official purposes of the Act.
(3) Portraits, figurative images and video and sound recordings without permission may be a natural person to acquire or use a reasonably well for scientific and artistic purposes and for print, film, radio and television news. No such use shall not be inconsistent with the legitimate interests of individuals.

Wikipedia and Wikimedia is not a scientific institution or news media. --W.Rebel (talk) 17:36, 2 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]