File talk:Gazelle al-Andalus.png

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Copy of the previous Gazelle talk




Hi Duesentrieb

Your comment is lawful. Is there a way to ask a wikipedian talented cartooner to draw an icon like this ?

I will soon upload the Nasrid pottery from which this icon comes from...

Sincerely yours,

Holycharly 12:10, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Well, if the design is old, your picture is probably OK (redrawing may give a sharper image, though). If it is not, redrawing it would not help... What you say sonds like the icon comes from some antique pottery, right? Then it is PD - and your picture is too, because it's a reproduction, you did not add any "artwork". -- Duesentrieb 12:31, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Here's the little beauty (see frames).
art nasride
. Shall I assume I can now turn to PD license, and let you remove the warning in the main picture page ?

--this second picture shows more the pottery origin of the whole

Yours —Holycharly 12:44, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)

File is now this one after betterment
