File talk:French postcard 1920.jpg

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I contacted Cam Timlick of The Image Makers website (the source for this photo) regarding the date originally given for this photograph (circa 1860). Here is the relevant part of his response:

"Hello David,

"Thank you for your inquiry. I don't have a definitive date on these reproductions of vintage French nude postcards but I personally don't believe they would be of an nineteenth century vintage. The original postcards would have been mass produced on a paper base, something that would not even been possible in 1860 as photographic images were recorded on Daguerreotypes, glass negatives or an inexpensive method called a tintype. The tintype was widely used for service photographs during the American Civil War. The other reasons I don't believe the photographs would be of a early vintage is that camera technology of that time required that long exposures were needed to record the image and these photos often show a more animated pose, not a pose a model could hold for a long time, and some of the models have hair styles that would be common in the period following WW I up to the late 1920's, ie flapper styles."

On the basis of this info, I am changing "circa 1860" to "circa 1920" (which I hope is broad enough to cover the range of his estimate) on this page. Mcintyre63 (talk) 14:56, 17 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]