File talk:Espenrotkappe-1.jpg

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This note is based on the comment in the German description of the file by user:Kryp: "Im Text beschreibt Michael (1898) den Anschnitt violett, die Stielschuppen schwärzlich, Standort bei Birken. Es dürfte sich also um die Birken-Rotkappe Leccinum versipelle handeln." My translation: "In the text (1898) Michael describes the violet cross-section, the blackish stem scales, the location with birch. Therefore it must be the 'Birken-Rotkappe', Leccinum versipelle."

The illustration in the book by Michael identifies the fungus as "Bolétus rufus Schaeff. (Boletus versipéllis (Fr.)". B. rufus corresponds to the modern Leccinum aurantiacum (see Species Fungorum) and B. versipellis is clearly Leccinum versipelle. According to Funga Nordica (for instance), the main difference between L. aurantiacum and L. versipelle is that the former has reddish scales on the stem, whilst the latter has grey to blackish ones.[1] The illustration and the text both show clearly that the scales are not reddish.

Therefore the species shown is not L. aurantiacum, it is definitely L. versipelle. I intend to update the image page accordingly. Strobilomyces (talk) 16:20, 29 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]

  1. (2018) Funga Nordica Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gasteroid genera, Copenhagen: Nordsvamp, p. 225 ISBN: 978-87-983961-3-0.
I tried to align the English translation of my German comment, but I see that we agree in our main conclusion. The differentiating characters were also given in other sources I consulted. -- Kryp (talk) 21:02, 7 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]