File talk:Engraving on a mammoth tusk, map, Gravettian, 076872x.jpg

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Use without proper attribution

This file has been published. This file has been used by a media organization in:

Terms of license not complied with.EMSE EDAPP, S.L.; D.L. B20708-2019 (2019) (in Spanish) Grandes mapas de la historia. La cartografía en la Edad Antigua, 1, Barcelona: Ediciones Salvat, p. 7
In the attributions page (2), the only thing it says:

Créditos fotográficos: Todas las imágenes son libres de derechos, excepto las de las páginas 7 ar. (CC BY-SA 4.0), 7 ab. Museo de Navarra, [...]

Other pictures are attributed but those with CC BY-SA aren't.

--Error (talk) 18:38, 15 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]