File talk:Eliq cannabis.png

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I must say an e-liquid cannabis vaping liquid sounds quite appealing and that having been a cannabis smoker for the best part of about 35(ish) years I have yet to try the e-liquid version. I have been a tobacco smoker since I was 12 years old and started smoking weed relatively late in life as I was 19 when I actually tried my first ever joint and must have tried about 12 to 15 'spliffs' before I actually got 'high'. Ironically I fell off a ladder on a building site where I was working and broke my foots heel-bone and when in hospital was told to stop smoking tobacco because it's the nicotine that slows down the healing process,so it was then aged about 56 that I was to stop smoking tobacco and joints and started 'vaping' instead. Of course I thought that as a 15 a day rolling tobacco smoker I would need the highest possible milligram content of nicotine but this was actually too strong and caused me dry throat problems as the higher the mg content the worse the flavour is. So instead I use 6mg mixtures of different vaping fluids: Strawberry milkshake,vanilla and a 'Death by Bunny' liquid and it's when you use the lower mg liquids that you get the best possible taste. I was actually very surprised how easy it was for me to stop smoking tobacco and joints and now I am relatively happy without either and I must also add here that I stopped drinking all alcoholic beverages about 8 years ago so that the desire for a cigarette is now quite minimal,so I very much doubt that I will actually bother trying the e-liquid cannabis as I really am now quite a satisfied 'happy bunny'. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Limespred (talk • contribs) 04:47, 22 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]